Chapter 120 Root of her aura

The child possessing the Aura of End died without accomplishing nothing of the mission he has been given, whether ke knew it or not.

I indeed ended such small life with my own hands and as I learned of his circumstances I felt saddened and pitied his life.

The succubus possessing the Lips of End tragically died as she fought for her dear life.

The resources, the time and capable subordinates that I have made it so that demerits only went to others even though I also saved Intris and every universe out there.

As I watched the succubus I subconsciously cheered for her and dreaded for her life while felt anger and disgust towards the soldiers.

The main cast of this show moved me as such I prayed for them to have a better life in the next one.

But Intris is huge as it is its 'cast', and everyday people go to venture inside these mysterious dungeons, interact with it and with other people creating their own stories and releasing a plethora of emotions as they progress in their own 'stories'.

Unfortunately, I don't have the means to fully enjoy these delicious and pure emotions and cannot fully immerse in them as I too have my own story to progress.

Others might become numb to the constant exposure of these emotions, heck one can become numb from their own, I too can become numb to them if exposed too much, however as for now I feel compelled to observe and feel as many emotions as I can.

First, for pure pleasure and sheer amusement, and second, to further strengthen myself.

I'll eventually have to grind levels like everyone else but as my aura is my main weapon I feel compelled to reach mastery in it, and what can I do other than interacting with emotions as much as possible? Yes, my aura is focused more in the negative spectrum of emotions but positive and negative emotions are deeply connected with each other.

As one feel more positive emotions towards something then one will feel stronger negative and purer emotions when something bad happens to that something.

The loss of a close relative, the betrayal of a loved one, supressed emotions for years...

These seemingly mundane and common occurance in one's life are the roots of my aura, my teacher might scold me that I'm being too extreme but I personally think that one should pursue their own paths, whether it leads to a dead end or not, and I chose a path where If I lose control of my negative emotions then something worse than a Vilinielle might happen and at the same time I need to interact with them as much as possible to find its unique and versatile usefulness, it is also this control over my emotions that makes me able to perfectly act like another person also putting in mind that some of my skills and titles enchance this kind of thing.

"'re really an old hag...the body of a young woman with the mind of a-"

"Like.I said. I'm not old! I'm just more mature than others!"

Thaleasin theatrically covered his mouth with his hand.

"There's no way that someone who is mature would start a war involving everyone just to obliterate a single party...that's just overkill..."

"You know and I know that was a strategy!"

"You are too loud old woman..."

"This stinky old shit..."

A man known as the elven king and a woman that put two important figures insanely obsessed with her were shouting and glaring at each other as if they were kids, yet seven women sitting in another corner of the room were totally focusing on other things and didn't bother to care about the two.

"So? What do you want? A boy or a girl?"

"I...I want both..."

"So you want twins?Kyaa!"

"This woman already prepared two rooms that are filled of everything that is needed for a baby and-"


"Hahah. My bad my bad."

"They say that is painful..."

"Oh my, my daughter is so eager to know, huh. Do not worry as a special elixir will be given to her to lessen the pain and lower the chances of...unwanted incidents."

Returning to the two that without the notice of the seven women left the room.

"This place didn't change a single bit since we left." Deva leaned on the balcony to get a better view of the city.

"Time might have passed a lot for you but relatively speaking only months have passed since you girls disappeared." Thaleasin spoke with his usual calm tone.

"There shoud be atleast some change with Core sharing with you those advanced technology."

"I indeed was excited to see what those things can do to improve our kingdom but it is too early for us to immeadiately put them to use...for instance it is better for us elves to only use that technology when absolutely needed."

"You mean war, right?"

"...Yes. But you should've already know this knowing those drones are flying around entire Intris."

"Well I wanted to hear it from you." Deva innocently smiled but Thaleasin didn't say anything.

"Unless necessary I won't do anything drastic like the 'Vilinielle matter', I and my people exclusively prefer to watch and enjoy our lives in anonymity though some people may disappear with some of my citizens being the same of my wives."

"You mean...yandere? Ah...well better pray for those unfortunate souls to accept their fates."

"They are sweet little things and adorable to watch."

The two then absentmindedly gazed towards the massive tree in the horizon without saying a single word to the other, laugher erupted in the room the two left as the moon shone in the sky.

A word was stuck in the head of the two.


As most would like to see their own fate, the two didn't and rather wanted for it to strike them without notice.


