Chapter 121 Lyra and Glyny

In the tallest tree of the elven kingdom, the world tree, a woman laughed as she held two babies in her arms. That doesn't mean that the babies were her own

"Deva! Return them before mom wakes up!"

Though the distance between Theresa and Deva was great, Deva could clearly hear Theresa's words, though we can't say about the opposite.

One might expect the babies to cry and scream as they found themselves in the arms of a stranger but instead they quietly remained in the arms of Deva.

Since newborns were sensitive to bright light, Deva brought them in the top of the world tree at night, obviously Deva made sure to coat them with her aura to prevent any kind of danger despite it was her who was the most dangerous for might ask the reason for such thing and Deva would likely to respond, "Mm? It is obviously to breathe the air of their home and what is better than breathing it in the tallest tree of their home?"

It is obvious that by doing this her wives, mother-in-laws and Thaleasin might be more alert when giving to her the babies and most likely be severely scolded...but.

"Are you really certain of what you said?" Deva asked to a drone flying near her as she caressed the babies ,who just fell asleep.

"Core is one-hundred percent certain that these two are reincarnators. Core checked their memories." A mechanical voice responded but without Deva's notice it run away to avoid the incoming danger.

"Mmh? Isn't this interesting?"

"What's so interesting, my daugher-in-law?" A cold hand suddenly landed on Deva's shoulder.

"I'm sorry! Hue-!" Deva attempted to escape from her grip but failed as Aalrie didn't let go of her.

"I knew from Thaleasin that you might be a bit unrestrained in odd things but never I could immagine that you would bring Courtney's babies here...Ah! Don't worry I won't tell her about this but expect me to teach you once again how a proper lady should act."

Deva could have easily escaped from her but didn't do so, doing it might bring her more troubles, not that she cared that much.

Deva was seen only a week later and no one asked the reason to.




Every moment she was alone she could hear her own voice...and that of Deva.

They didn't just talk to it was worse...

At morning, when she woke up she would hear Deva's groggy voice, the same kind of voice when someone just woke up.

-*yawn* Lucia? I don wanna to work. Please? Let's just remain here?

-We have work to do.

-But I wanna be with you...

Lucia, who just woke up, would hear similar phrases every morning. She would hear herself and Deva sweetly talking with each other every morning. Just from their words Lucia could feel the love they shared to each other, a kind of love where in reality she didn't still have.


That dream would always turn a nightmare in the afternoon.

Instead of sweet and soft, in the afternoon she would hear her own strict and cold voice berating and insulting Deva, and in the backround the rattling of chains and the loud noise of a whip hitting the flesh, however the thing that Lucia would give attention the most would be Deva's cries and beggings.

-I gave you food that you wouldn't be able to eat if not for me.*smack*


-Shut your little mouth!*smack*

-Agh! So-someone help...

-There's no one able to help you.I'll kill them in front of you if someone tries. I thought that after some time you would be able to understand. But no, you rejected me even when you should've just accepted my love just to live a comfortable that little brain of yours unable to think?*smack* That's even another reason to keep you here *smack* What can you even do alone out there? *smack* Everyone would just ravage you *smack* Use you * smack* and then leave you *smack* *smack* *smack*


-What? Raise your voice or I need to my whip to raise it?



-I'll do everything you want...whatever you want...please stop...

-Love me. Say that you love me.


-*smack* You hesitated. Say it, again this time you better say it truthfully.







-I love you. You are my only love and never ever leave you...

-Better. Hmph. She just lost consciousness. I should've done this at the very beginning.

Lucia trembled every afternoon as she heard Deva's excruciating screams. Every afternoon she would hear these kind of interactions. She would hear Deva begging and breaking down every afternoon.


She felt stangely hot by hearing those voices.

Disgusted and at the same time aroused Lucia would continue her day but unable to forget what the voices in her mind said.

Then in the night...

Her own voice would then talk to her in her mind.

-Don't leave me...

-See, for you to have her you have to first break her and then she will give entirely herself to you. Make her spontaneously love you? That's silly. You attempted to take her with drugs.*sigh* It would've worked if you continued but it seems that guilt stopped you, such a the end you stopped and desired her to willingly love you...ahah such a joke...the moment you used drugs you immeadiately blocked all paths of 'pure love'.

-I love you so much.

-Hear that? You can have it if do the same of what I did today in the afternoon.

Instead of seeking help or a way to stop the voices...Lucia listened and suffered as days passed by increasing her desire for Deva more and more.

Deva disappeared without leaving a single trace...the only connection to her are the voices...

Lucia couldn't do nothing. She could only continue her duty as a ruler of her section and continue to yearn for Deva slowly depleting her own sanity not that she was sane to begin with.


"Mother, are you really sure to give the babies to Deva? Last time she..."

"Oh, my dear daughter, Deva is perfectly a responsible lady...fufufu I don't know why you are so worried, she is your wife after all."

"I do trust her. I am just worried that she might act like that everytime you are around...knowing her she might've just played along with your antics." Theresa softly murmured.

"She seems rather fond of Lyra and Glyny...fufufu does she have a soft spot for children?"

"*sigh* Knowing her she might have discovered something interesting about my sisters or she is just in the mood to act like that."

"My, you have been murmuring to yourself since I gave Lyra and Glyny to you perhaps wanted to hold them?"

"N-no!I'm not!W-well I also want to but-"

"This've always been stubborn...Deva, dear!It seems your wifey here also want to hold the little ones!"


Theresa went bright red as her mother raised her voice in the streets.

"Oh? My dear Theresa also want to hold them? Here but please be careful." As Deva handed the two babies Theresa couldn't help but be annoyed as she felt that behind that smile there a was a smug smile.

"I swear that after we get home I'll-uh nothing..." Under the eyes of her mother and Deva, Theresa couldn't help but once more become embarassed.

As the pair of mother and daughter pampered the two babies, Deva watched the entire scene with excitement.

It was impossible for Deva to not do so.

After all the two babies were previously creatures from the abyss.