Chapter 122 Livestock

Deep under the ground.

Several individuals moaned and groaned as they rubbed their bodies.

Unable to even utter a coherent word, all they could do was to continue to thurst their penises.

Each individual was bound to a machine which with several tubes they latched themselves around their penises, breasts and inside their mouths.

One might enter inside the room and only identify these individuals as hermaphrodites but several weeks ago they were just men and women.

But now...

Men became more feminine developed female breasts and developed a vagina.

Women instead only grew a penis just above their other reproductive organ.

With their wrists bound above their heads, one could clearly how their bodies were being pumped.

A tube connected to their mouth would occasionally pump some liquid, one might expect that they would try to spit it out as they didn't know what that was but instead they eagerly shallowed the liquid as they continued to thrust.

Unknown to them the liquid caused them to produce milk, raise the amount of their 'liquids' being released and raise their libido and sensibility.

The produced 'milk' and 'sperm' ,with the help of the tubes, would then be poured inside a bottle.

"Core never thought that you would really make literal gods livestocks. Congratulations, Core now have a more negative image of you than before." Core emotionlessly stood by my side.

"Don't say that, you are the one who made them in the first place."


"Core objects and says that you are the one who firstly ordered me to build such thing for you and your wives..."

"But you are the one who came with the design and everything, I only asked to give me a machine to 'entertain' us."

"Core cannot refuse such statement."

"See? Since it's like that why don't you start to explain to her?" I pointed to the girl just behind me.

Without even hesitation Core turned to the girl and without care that she was trembling Core spoke, "Core reports that thanks to Ms.Aine's cooperation, we were able to capture without much difficulties all the divine entities Vilinielle brought to Intris. As Ms.Aine can see, all of them for the exception of you who made their capture easier, they are in a state of perpetual arousal and cannot escape from it."

"You-" Cuttting her off, Core continued.

"Other than Ms.Aine we slightly modified their bodies and mind before they could wake up, the divines' bodies are difficult to tamper after all but it was enough to just change their perception of reality before their awakening. Then several weeks after of continuously drinking a special potion their bodies finally were turned to what you can see now, high-grade potions are extremely expensive even by using our 'energy' to create those potions, divine beings are highly resistant to the effect of potions that are injected without their will however by using quantity and quality we were able to accomplish the impossible, in short money or 'energy' for us made it possible, Core says that she can certainly state that the benefits greatly surpassed the costs..."

Anger, humiliation and...fear could be seen just by watching Aine, there was no exact reason to say everything we did to the other gods to her, in fact they are all from different worlds and universes so no one of them have any relationship with each other than being slaves of Vilinielle.

But...for some reason divine beings can release more pure and raw emotions than one could say that we are saying all these things just for the sake of provoking Aine.

Obviously a portion of her current emotions are being coverted as 'energy' for the dungeon but most of that 'energy' is coming from the gods being milked in the other room.

"...not only their lust alone with the addition of happiness and relief can easily refill the 'energy' we used to create those high-grade potions but their 'milk' and 'sperm' are considered highest-grade ingredients for alchemy and nourishment, whether it is used to heal or harm others all the potions created with those can be categorized as 'legendary-grade potions', we now do not need to expend great amounts of 'energy' to create them..."

"...deceieved me..."

"Lastly that collar..." Core pointed at Aine's neck, "We used all the available 'energy' to just create such artifact but it was worth it as we can say that collar is a sign of gratitude for your hard work. Core has finished all she had to report.Core will then leave Ms.Aine to this pervert owner of Core." Ignoring Aine, Core swiftly left the room.

"Ahhhhh!" Aine suddenly roared and jumped on me.

"You!Liar! You said that you would help us! Why!"

Unfortunately none of her powers or strength was enough to even move me by a single centimeter, her collar made so that her strength is equal to that of a ten years old human but her body as a divine being remained meaning that she won't be able to die even if she attempted to drown herself, strangle herself or refusing to eat for years. To think that I attempted to kill a god, I hope Era didn't notice what were my intentions back then.

I remained silent, amused at her.

She knew that the paper I left her that day only stated that I would help her escape Vilinielle's control, the only thing she could do was to either ignore the message I left ot risk to escape Vilinielle's control, there was no mention of not doing whatever I wanted after that which now led to the present.

However I'm no heartless woman. I, full of compassion, (forcibly)gave Aine the chance to live as a human being instead of that of a livestock.

"To answer your last, firstly is was to save or maintain the status quo of Intris...As you know Intris currently have both external and internal threats. With you all being free by Vilinielle's control you could become the biggest external threat or a way for others to gain power and knowledge Intris still cannot provide. Either way Intris will be drastically changed and it is a change that is not required in it's current status, slowly but surely the inhabitants of this planet are all acquiring systems and adapting to its changes. I do love chaos and messing others but drastically changing my home? That's not for me, no no." I shaked my head and smirked.

I raised Aine's chin to make so that we would meet eyes, "I welcome you to your new home! There's no discrimination nor unnecesary hatred towards outsiders. My people like acquiring knowledge and even developing them if they can, they like all kind of literature and arts so you can say that they are cultured and civilized, they do not highly seek fights but also do not back down when required. My people also live long and are searching to extend their lives even further. Here other than leaving you can do whatever you want as long as you don't cause too much trouble." Ignoring her glare I walked towards the exit.

"You can remain here, helplessly watching them or see your new home."

I didn't need to turn my head as I heard her steps following me.

"My name is Deva, thank you for everything you did and it is a pleasure to meet you."

For all the involved, the beings seen as gods disappeared from their spots leaving mangled bodies of soldiers after the victory against Vilinielle. A subconscious fear that they might return was instilled in everyone's mind prompting them to progress as fast as possible.


