Chapter 123 Nature's domain

Pleasant and quiet months passed for me and the others, though not that Intris passed these months the same.

Firstly the Saintess and the Demon Queen despite being tormented by their own craving and desires they still need more months or maybe even years to succumb to them if I don't personally intervene but that was the purpose, that still can influence them without me being there.

Then there is the relationship between the races. The current alliances remained the same and grudges between certain races still remained but the hostility and caution between them lessened to a degree that internal infighting between the races will occur when the external threats are gone, obviously just because of this the monsters from the portals are still a threat that the current Intris cannot face head on or settle it with the cooperation of every race.

With the dwarves and with the Tower of Trials' power the drones now surround the skies of Intris, its seas and its lands. Every drone can draw mana to convert it to energy and sustain themselves and can operate unless damaged. The advantages of having both magic and modern technology from another planet is that one can attempt to combine them and obtain something miraculous, unfortunately for the exception of the drones and other devices only within the boundaries of the underground base and inside the Tower of Trials one can see magic and modern technology blend together.

Intris remained the same even with these little changes.




Dozens of different dungeons are scattered in Intris, some exist for the sole purpose of giving experience and materials, some with their unique trials exist to give powers beyond comprehension and some remain in their spot with no one daring to enter inside it.

Even I cannot enter inside them or any other person without the requirements to enter, there are requirements impossible to fulfill to enter or strict ones that only few can fulfill.

"Are you sure Deva?"

"Pretty sure."

"Don't blame me if your wives will strangle you."

"Well..." I averted my eyes.

"...I shouldn't have said that..."

I grinned as I saw Thaleasin covering his face with his hands. I didn't add more but it seemed that Thaleasin jumped to conclusions. Isn't this old man a pervert?Hmph.

"To think that you were hiding a dungeon below your palace."

"Tsk, that's because it is connected to the legacy of us elves...we obviously want to hide it for ourselves and wait for someone to have all the requisites to think that you obtained it in another dungeon is..."

"Ok ok hurry up already, we better go now that everyone are sleeping. Fufufu no one suspected that the tea was drugged."

"Did really Nature itself chose this brat? Please be merciful to us..." Muttering something under his breath Thaleasin led me to a secret passage.

*tip* *tap*

The only sound that could be heard were our steps.

The only thing that I focused in that darkness was the flicker of the flames of the torch Thaleasin held in his hand.

Minutes passed by as we remained silent and I absentmindedly gazed at the flames.

"Here we are." Thaleasin softly declared with a tone filled respect. "I cannot further go with you..." Thaleasin pointed in his front, "The vines obstructing the dungeon will automatically loosen themselves and make you enter if you really have 'her' blessing..."

I turned my attention to the dungeon's entrance and instead of the usual door the entrance was instead filled with thick and green vines.

"No fire or blade can hope to burn or cut those vines." Thaleasin said as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"It seems you can read minds you stinky elf, I just wanted to try, that's all..." I jokingly said.

"*sigh* This is really important for us elves. You might be here relaxing and joking but for us this is the most important thing in the entire Intris."

"Fine..." I walked towards the vines. " If I take too much time you better take care of my girls..." The vines slowly loosened each step I took towards them. "They might lose their minds since with this I'll be breaking my promise so do not hold yourself and restrain them if needed." By the time I arrived in front of the entrance of the dungeon the vines completely loosened creating a passage inside.

An incorporeal message was left just above the entrance:

[To the one blessed by me, Nature itself.]

[This dungeon will bring you directly to my domain.]

Turning my head to Thaleasin, "Well then, see you later." I said those words and without hesitation stepped inside.




[Survival of the fittest.]


[An unknown being, you, tresspassed the territory of powerful creatures. Even if you are blessed by me no creature likes their territory being stepped on, especially if these creatures are apex predators.]

[Roar like a beast! Strip the pride of these creatures and stand as the strongest of my domain!]

[Little hint: The word 'creatures' does not mean that you'll face only beasts or carnivorous plants but also many of the intelligent humanoid creatures living in my domain.]

[Bonus hint: I might have spread the word that who will manage to kill you or capture you will be blessed by me...Good luck!]

[Give your all as each and single living being in my domain will track you down and seek to confront you.Make them quiver in fear or ruthlessly kill every single of them to reach me.]


I stood there stunned at my predicament.

Not only it seemed that 'Mother Nature' was teasing me but also dead.






Several creatures already arrived and surrounded me ready to pounce at me.


I cursed.

At that word each and every creature present around me charged at me as if their lives depended on it.

I began to congure my aura and coat it around my entire body.

I was ready...

To flee.


