Chapter 131 Oh, may you be your next lives

Deva was in a good mood.

The world she was thrown into is a place where wars, revolts, slavery, massive cults, banditry and famine are common, and yet people still continued to thrive and exist.

"Thank you!Thank you! For saving us!" The villagers cried out.

"May the gods bless us!" Some of them uttered and some even kneeled and kissed her feet.

They didn't know from which god the cleric believed into but they nonetheless expressed their genuine gratitude and happiness to Deva for living another day in this hellish world.

The children ran and cheerfully played outside as they weren't sick anymore, the grown-ups could do their work without too many complications.

"Beasts! Several beasts are attacking!" Someone suddenly shouted.

"To the armory!Grab your weapons and barricade all the entrances!"

Men and women grabbed everything that could help them survive while children hid inside their houses.

Starved beasts, poverty, rare diseases and natural disasters are common and yet the common people of this world are stronger and more resilient than those in Intris.

A little boy tugged at one of Deva's long sleeves grabbing her attention. Everybody other than the two were either hiding from the beasts or fighting the beasts.

Showing him a kind and benevolent smile Deva lifted the boy and put him in her shoulders. Fascinated, the boy watched men going against beasts stronger and faster than them.

Deva's task was already accomplished, in fact she could've immediately returned to the Hero and play with the two girls but instead she remained.

"I want to get stronger..." The boy in her shoulders muttered.

Deva only smiled as several emotions swirled around her.

Bloodlust, hunger and ire in front of her.

Awe, ambition and resolve from the boy she was holding.

Fear and anxiety behind her.

Gods, heroes, Demon Lords and Champions exist in this world. Each one of them have their own goals, some to save, some to harm while some to conquer...yet common people even if helped they would still continue to struggle and suffer, common people are regularly robbed of all of their belongings including their lives, and lastly if this world were to be conquered their fates would be decided entirely by the entity that won.

The boy suddenly stirred, raised his voice and tried to get down. The villagers were being overwhelmed by the beasts.

One by one the villagers are being cornered by the beasts and then mauled and devoured ruthlessly by them. Each time a villager was surrounded and all the beasts that surrounded him fought with each other to claim their food and the victim could only desperately wait for its gruesome demise.

"Let go...! They are dying...!" Screaming, biting, kicking, punching...the kid tried to get away from Deva's hold.

Yet...he wasn't able to. The woman who cured the disease and who kindly smiled while doing so was standing doing nothing while the lives of her patients were being mercilessly taken away.

Did the boy saw one of his family's head being taken away by a single bite?

"Ah...!Monster!Let go...!"

Saw his father's muscular arms fought after by two beast-like dogs?


Or maybe saw his aunt's limbless torso?

" *Hic* *Sob* no...!"

Deva decided it was enough, she let go of the boy without care and walked away...Deva couldn't wait to return and report that she suceesfully cured the villagers.

The Hero is so kind that he accepted the task to help these people without any kind of compensation.

Deva was in a good mood as she hummed a cheerful melody as she watched the village in the distance.


The boy uttered his last words in between tears and snot covering his face.




Save me!

Man-eating beasts already breached the walls.

"Mommy!Where are you? Hel-Gyaaa!"

"No!Please no- aaahhh!"

Several of them already breaking inside the places where we usually hide.

"It hurts so much..."

Shrieks of terror and pain resounded in our ears.

Covering them wasn't helpful instead it made it worse. I could still hear their cries of help and pleadings, I could also imagine what kind of expression they were...

Please...Someone save us...Please!

"You monsters-guh!" "Run!" "We are finished!"

Some tried to fight and then eaten knowing that their fragile and weak bodies couldn't overpower them.

Some tried to run for their lives and then eaten knowing that their already weak and starving bodies wouldn't be able to outrun these beasts.

Some remained frozen in their spot and eaten while gazing at the abyss of the mouth of the beasts.

And lastly there were those who remained silent, held their breath, shut their eyes off, silently cry, and covering their mouth to prevent it to release unnecessary sounds while their hands tightly gripped a knife to either take a beast with them or take their own lives instead of being devoured.



Shaking, we hugged each other.

Five of us managed to hide ourselves in an underground basement.

With eyes open wide we gazed at the sole entrance and exist.

The place we decided to hide ensures a high probability of not being discovered but if we were to be found...then our fates would be sealed...



Our bodies tensed at the echoing of the incoming steps.



The steps were slow, the loud screams from outside made so that we couldn't recognize whether the one approaching us was a human or a beast.


It stood motionless just outside the entrance. A guttural scream was released, it didn't give us any time to prepare ourselves that two us were already limp in the ground.

We had no chance to fight it.

Before I could close my eyes and depart...I remember how that cleric looked at us...she looked at us with kindness which was extremely rare...


So strange...

No outsider have ever looked at us with those eyes...




"*sigh* Finished? Already? Even without the disease they would've perished by beasts and if not by them by bandits."

Deva released a soft sigh as she watched several armed men attack the beasts.

Without even waiting for the outcome Deva walked away and this time towards the base.


