Chapter 133 Mewling in pleasure while the world roars in pain

"Exhausted?" Leonhart frowned. "But yesterday she seemed to be quite energetic..." He gazed at the two with suspicion.

"She..." Tina pretended to hesitate as she come out with an excuse. "*sigh* saw too much..."

"Too much? What do you mean...?"

"Her mission, Hero...the people inflicted by that disease suffered a lot and...many died before she could arrive..." Looking down Tina continued. " She just need some time alone..."

"Oh...I-I understand...t-then tell her that I'm leaving for the next mission and-" Leonhart paused feeling a bit embarassed. "...tell her that I'm here and count on me ah obviously you two can count on me when you feel down!" Quickly adding that last part Leonhart sighed and smiled to hide his nervousness. His line specifically referred to Yin and the two immediately noticed it but feigned ignorance and promised to tell to Yin.

As they watched Leonhart's back slowly departing in the distance they wickedly smiled as they returned to their tent. The lie was easily believed by the hero and now the two could do anything they want to Yin for atleast a week without interruption.

"He is getting greedy."


"There's already that bratty Rin and that armor freak Johana willing to get on their knees."

"Now, that a new one arrived and seems a fresh flower he already want her follow him like a puppy."

The two said with vemon in their words, in the past they wouldn't have been able to say such things since they too were quite interested in Leonhart, but with the appearance of Deva and her subtle conditioning they slowly drifted their attention entirely to her and her alone, everything compared to her is just uncomfortable and unpleasant, obviously there was the fact that they would do anything to secure their treasure and lock her up somewhere safe and hidden from prying eyes.

However,as they have experienced there is nothing that is safe or atleast to their knowledge there's nothing safe in a world filled of wars, gods and famine unless one had power,money and authority. And while they firstly wanted to a better world by slaying The Demon Lord, now while they still desire a slightly better world to live in they now require money and authority to start their plans for Yin.

Before then Tina and Gina have all the time to make Yin willingly love them and give her mind breaking pleasure until her body and heart cannot live without their touch.

"By the way, are the traps ready? I don't want any intruder interrupting our fun."

"Don't worry, everything is ready and if we are found by something we cannot fight I already prepared a place to hide and even to continue our fun!"

Opening their tent they are ready to finally train their Yin without too much disturbance and without Yin going against such thing.

"Mmm..." Yin weakly moaned still unaware that the two returned. Her legs still frog-tied were sore, a big and thicc phallic object inserted deep inside her pussy and her panties holding the object deep inside her showing that her hole is just there to be filled and used, the other hole was also filled by anal beads that were not visible by the outside.

With her wrists tied behind her head Yin showed sensually her entire body to the two like a trophy, her breasts were also wrapped by rope sensually showing them to Gina and Tina.

Yin sucked absentmindedly the dildo gag in her mouth but saliva would oftentime spill outside of her mouth landing either in her breasts and nipples and then slowly going below her body or just in the ground mixing with her juices.

Her entire body trembled from the fact that she was in a position where only her knees was holding her up and thanks to that she would occasionally move her body causing the rope digging her flesh and the various objects filling her holes to also move giving mind blowing pleasure.

The two called Yin but the two were ignored as Yin indulged in her lust.

"She's not properly behaved...that's why she needs to be 'properly', 'thoroughly' and rigidly trained." Gina huffed but her panties were already soaked by that prospect and her breathing becoming heavier.

"Mmh?!" Yin widened her eyes as Tina put two nipple clamps on her that were connected by a chain.

"Your punishement for not immediately responding is 'this'." Yin screamed in both pain and pleasure as Tina put a weight in the chain connecting the nipple clamps.

Tears spilled out from Yin's eyes by the sudden pain and quickly and eagerly the two went to lick her tears.

"So delicious..."

Yin eyes light up seeing Gina untying her hands but was quickly shot down. "Continue to suck, pet."

Instead of freeing her, the two went to tie her arms like what they did to her legs making Yin unable to move like a human being but instead like a proper pet.

"Don't worry about anything else because your training has just started." Tina and Gina softly whispered as they lastly put a collar around Yin's neck.

With a leash to it they beckoned to Yin to move.

"Mmm!mm!" However Yin did not even take five steps that she came but without care of that Tina and Gina tugged prompting Yin to 'walk' making her cum every now and then.

"We'll make sure you mark the entire camp with your juices!" They laughed as Yin came once again.

The toys digging even further inside her as she 'walked', the sensitive nipples giving pain and at the same time pleasure as the weight put in the chain swung every time she 'walked', still sucking at the dildo gag Yin's mind was overwhelmed by sheer pleasure.

Yin couldn't think of anything but about cumming and following the two.

"That's right, you don't need to think, just cum and moan for us."

Weeks, no, months passed. Deva repeated a cycle of 'helping' locals, hunting monsters, bandits or demons and passing days of pure pleasure with Tina and Gina while also occasionally talking and becoming closer with the other three members of the camp when available.

Deva was living a life similar to a mercenary or adventurer. Work, pleasure and then rest.

Their party were slowly but surely chipping away the Demon Lord's army and power while the other turmoils of that world worsened and continued to harm its residents.

In a part of that world there was Deva with her task to conquer the world, but there was no rush the world itself or other external factors were also chipping away its vitality. Then roaming in that world in the brink or self-destruction there was Violetta, who was tasked to find champions who decided to hide and wait like Deva, kill them and take everything they have. The fact that 'they' can throw a champion until they are unable to do so was extremly bothersome, with that in mind the competition to conquer this domain might last hundreds of years and Deva didn't like that but fortunately the domain itself created a scenario where the world ironically is crumbling due to the fact that these champions are fighting with each other. With the intensity of such clashes Deva predicted that most parts of that world will become inhabitable in a few years.


