Chapter 134 Years later

It was a pyrrhic victory.

A battle that seemed between good and evil.

A party of six people managed to slowly dwindle the number of the enemy.

While the world continued to slowly rot towards its demise, these six brave heroes marched towards the Demon Lord's base.

The bond between the six seemed that between the closest of friends and between the most trustworthy of companions.

Through years they shared the same food, laughed together, overcame many obstacles and grieved together.

Was it because they were unworthy to be even killed? Or that they were too weak? Maybe both.

Tina and Gina's faces were pale and their bodies frozen in fear and anger.

The two didn't even give a glance at Leonhart's dismembered body or care at the screams and moans of Rin and Johana.

They watched the most precious thing in their possession being slowly dragged by a woman entirely made out of purple.

They impaled the Demon Lord's heart. They watched its body becoming limp and its corpse now positioned just a few metres from the two. Their goal to slay the Demon Lord was accomplished and their rewards ready to be handed over.

Time seemed to slow down.

Each second seemed an eternity. And in that eternity they watched their beloved. Unable to put a fight or scream their beloved's throat was being tightly gripped by the purple woman.

From their beloved's mouth only small ragged gasps could be heard, she was desperately seeking for air.

Their bodies were so heavy they couldn't move even if they wanted to.

Their beloved's eyes becoming bloodshot. It wasn't good but they could only watch as their hearts slowly started to lose hope.

Yin's hands were gripping that of the purple woman in an attempt of freeing herself, kicking the purple woman also didn't do anything, as time passed even more Yin frantically started to find a way out.

Many many eternities for the two but in reality just a minute and half passed.

Did the woman in purple took pleasure in watching people in the brink of despair? If the woman wanted she would've been able to end the life of Yin in mere seconds, but she didn't...she took her time her focus on Tina and Gina while wrapping her hand on Yin's throat.

The woman gazed as the two watched their beloved slowly losing strength on her grip at the woman, her legs going limp and eyes slowly losing their light.


The body of Yin fell in the ground but the two still were unable to move, the woman in purple didn't utter a single word since the beginning.

No sound entered their ears.

Nothing other than Yin's lifeless body entered in their field of view.



Like a broked record the two repeated the same word over and over again.

Even when the same purple woman chained them in a dark cell with their limbs restrained and mouth gagged, the two continued to repeat over and over again that weak 'Ah'.

Their most treasured possession was destroyed in front of them.

Her laugh, smile, eyes, touch, moans...gone...

What was life without her? Living without meaning until death? Death would be better than living in agony and regret for years to come.

In that dark cell the two slowly lost their mind, hopes, and dreams.




The companions and friends that she accompanied for years had their light stolen.

The same cause of their mental collapse was drinking an orange juice.

"Oho! This *slurp* place is quite colossal, isn't it? Can even one be able to clean these pillars from bottom to top?"

Standing besides her was the same woman who was strangling her moments ago.

"Were you surprised? Really this title of mine can really do wonders. Unfortunately not to the point that I can change mass of my body or grow other limbs."

Deva walked with Violetta as she continued to drink her orange juice.

"This world is already almost ready to explode...*sigh* can those little entities up there understand that they are just killing their own champions by sending them here."

Deva carefreely talked with her creation.

Over the years Deva collected artifacts and items from any champion Violetta killed.

"Ah..." Finally Deva shed tears of sadness.

Knowing everything what happened Violetta grew more confused by her creator's actions she was in fact the one who pulled out the idea of doing the stunt they did moments before.

Violetta couldn't understand how her creator shed tears for someone she used like tools, and the fact that Violetta could feel something violent and menacing from Deva meant that her creator genuinely felt sadness for them.

"You still can't understand, that's okay it is my fault and the current situation that you were unable to learn what I wanted to teach you...not that we had time though *slurp*" Deva said as she could already understand what Violetta was thinking by watching her behaviour.

"It is impossible to not feel nothing when you spend time and effort with others. *slurp* I recall we already had this kind of discussion or it is only me?"

Arriving in front of a small door that wasnot that far from where Tina and Gina are held, Deva gave back the empty glass to Violetta.

"*yawn* The 'Final Battle' really drained me up...well then, good luck on your 'Hunt'." Deva entered inside the room as she gave a small chuckle.

Violetta stood outside the room for a very long time with a glass in her hand.

As more time she passed with her creator the more she grew confused about these emotions...from what Deva said to her the five people she brought in the base are people she treasures yet she didn't hesitate on giving the order to mercilessly kill Leonhart or use Rin and Johana as livestock.

Violetta couldn't find a rational explaination as to why her creator did that and how her creator behaved so unnaturally compared to others.

It seemed as if her creator wanted to feel both happiness and sadness together. No sane person would want that, one would just want a happy life.

Violetta couldn't understand. One would rather hit than being hit yet her creator would do both. Strange so strange...

Not only that but Violetta started to see her creator as something dangerous, not to her but to any person that would catch her eye.

The ones the catched her eyes had their fates controlled by her after all.

Questions. More questions for Violetta.


