Chapter 135 Another one

Performing in front of two spectators that barely reacted.

" hurts...stop..."

A spear piercing my abdomen, the tip soaked with my blood, some part of my flesh in the ground and my hoarse voice filled with pain.

Once, twice...oftentimes even five times a day I would recreate in front of the two bound women a scene where Yin, their beloved one who is also me, is brought to death.

The character would experience an excruciating process before she dies...yes that meant that just to break the mind of Tina and Gina or bring them insanity I would pierce,stab and impale myself everyday, a good exhange...I suppose.

While the two would experience a mental breakdown, I would feel an extreme physical pain.

Yes, there are potions that can make someone numb to pain but that won't be interesting...To fully immerse myself in a character I also have to feel the same pain and emotions they feel in certain scenarios bringing at last a character alive.

That's why I am 'Performing'.

In front of these two distressed spectators in the verge of emotionally dying, I always convey through facial expressions, voice and tone how painful is to be stabbed by a lance in the abdomen or how the pain is delayed before the brain receives it showing a scene where I scream in agony only after several seconds after something stabs me.


An agonizing and slow scene, where I try to slowly remove the long pole impaling my frail body.

Did you ever see a puppy struggling to breathe? A duckling slowly drown?

An intense and tormenting process isn't it? That brings anxiety, distress and emotional pain.

Weeks or maybe even months that I repeat this routine, enough that the two now barely react even though they can see their Yin, whether they believed her to be their imagination or a ghost haunting them in the first weeks they screamed and trashed in their bindings as I was repeatedly being stabbed.

In that dark cell there are two parts that separates us. The place where I perform and the place where the two can only watch.

Whether the Yin standing in front of the two is the result of their imagination or a ghost of Yin, the two started to completely lose their minds and even their personality to change.

During these months I didn't go out to level up, hunt monsters or defend this base but instead I performed in front of these special spectators and observed the result of my performances.

A small and dark cell. Bound and unable to talk. Unable to interact with anything and unable to clean themselves.

The two are already in an enviroment that can bring someone to lose their minds just by being inside of it.

But that won't do. I want to shape them in something horrifying that is also overly reliant to my being.

Yes, there are many methods to bring the same results: Hypnosis, Devi's power, giving myself to them or brainwashing.

However they do not give the same entertainment and emotions that I seek.

Era, ah such a lovely example, she did give me otherworldy experiences and twists that even now it warms my heart.

While Gina and Tina gave me more normal experiences they still warmed my heart to the point that they will have the priviledge to become something twisted and more...more insane.

The two are not seasoned warriors or cold hearted girls but just two girls struggling to find a meaning in a world where they lost everything other than themselves.

As I was still with my hands trying to take out the lance in my abdomen, the world suddenly paused.

Everything in the world paused other than two individuals and without giving them time to give a rational explanation the two disappeared in that world.

Deva conquered the domain.





A long and heavy sigh resounded in the room.

Mother nature released a sigh as she saw Deva smiling at her.

"The hunter usually plays with its prey for a bit but really want the two of them as part of your reward...?"

"Yes...O, sacred Mother Nature." Deva clasped her hands in prayer.

Mother nature frowned but couldn't say anything as the woman in front of her conquered a domain for her.

"Alright...Those two girls, all the items you took from other champions and lastly to null the effect of not being subjected to negative ailments...That is the most beneficial effect of the next stage of your world tree...are you really and I repeat really certain?"

"Yes, I am." Deva gave a short answer and without her adding anything else Mother Nature could do nothing but comply.

For several hours after that response Mother Nature observed Deva writhing and screaming in pain in the floor because of the process of raising the world tree.

Rewarding Deva for her achievements Mother Nature decided to give a push on Deva's world tree making it reach its intermediate stage.

Mother Nature couldn't help but wonder why Deva decided to not want the most beneficial effect of the intermediate stage of the tree, she observed Deva for years in that world but even she wasn't able to understand the personality of Deva.

When Deva stood up once again Mother Nature could swear that she saw a small smile on Deva.




"Are you sure about the domain...? You won't have anything other than yourself there and Violetta and none of your items won't be there with you." Mother Nature asked with worry.

Faced with a bright smile in response to her answer Mother Nature could only resign herself.

"This time I did gave you the option to choose a domain to go...but to have chosen the 'that' one..."

As Mother Nature waved her hand she made Deva teleport to another domain leaving everything in her possession to Violetta.

"First to temporarily freeze the domain she conquered, then to not want that benefit to her and lastly choosing the 'that' domain...*sigh* I cannot understand her...what is in her mind...?"


