Chapter 148 So goooood!




"...Let us rest in peace..."

Amidst the sound of flesh tearing from teeth and nails and grotesque hum one could hear faint whispers.

The voices would beg for release or desperately ask for help but as they passed by Deva the voices would gradually vanish the moment the grey liquid would enter inside Theta's mouth.

Pillars of dried corpses piled with each other just around the body of Theta, already a day passed since Theta killed herself yet there wasn't sign of these ghouls from diminishing.

With her eyes closed, Deva surveyed with her aura her surroundings including underneath the snow.

Deva watched where these ghouls came from and investigating to the deepest level of the domain she found that these ghouls came from the ice, to be more precise from the frozen being dumped in that layer of ice.

Crawling their way towards the surface these ghouls had only an objective in their rotten brains and that is to reach Theta and offer the grey liquid inside them.

Deva couldn't tell what was happening yet the very Theta that was dead a day ago is now regularly breathing with her open mouth as she received the grey liquid.

One could expect for her body to swell like a balloon but instead like a blackhole the liquid seemed to disappear inside Theta without affecting her too much.

Just when Deva was observing the nearest ghoul and trying a method to rouse its attention, every single ghoul stopped before crawling back to the holes they dug through to arrive to the surface and the corpses slowly melted mixing with the snow.

Seeing the ghouls disappearing under the snow, Deva became more and more puzzled by the phenomenon.

"...Deva." A low that was both familiar and not called her waking her from her stupor.

Standing just a few metres from her stood Theta. Her white hair covering her eyes. Taking a step forward Theta threateningly approached Deva.

"W-wha-!" Countless spikes of ice appeared before Deva and without giving her time to appriciate the view of thousands upon thousands of spikes being created in a span of a second, these very spikes flew towards Deva with the intent of impaling her.

A bit surprised, Deva conjured however in time a transparent barrier around her and Violetta. As the spikes clashed with the barrier they melted the moment they made contact.


Rows upon rows of spikes were created and launched aggressively towards Deva.


Without any sign of stopping the spikes were launched and created endlessly.


Repeating her name, Theta's head hung low as she continued to murmur. Everytime she repeated her name Theta's voice became higher and higher and her teeth grinded at each other as she repeated.

Yet, despite this, no amount of spikes managed to bypass Deva's barrier. It was useless.

"Were all the memories we shared just a play for you?!"

"Obviously no."

Responding to the enraged woman, Deva calmly stated as thousands of spikes attempted to cease her life.

As if her response made her angrier the spikes became thicker and faster.


There was no place for Deva to escape nor any advantage she could use around her.

"I treasured every moment I spent with you."


"I grew to become fond of you."


Deva hosestly responded.

"But I cannot remain here forever."

"Is it about your wives?! Those in from another world."


Deva nodded. She knew that she was from somewhere outside her world.

As if something changed inside Theta, she changed her way of speaking.

"Are you..." Theta's voice softened. "...a champion?...Like me...?"

Deva observed the woman in front of her, she could see the same Theta she spent time with yet at the same time she felt that the woman was more mature.

"...Ice and snow...I am both of them as well as Theta..." She said weakly.

" I split my soul in three. Two of them became weapons with the sole purpose of killing and the last one she lived as a normal person devoid of any of my memories."

The woman rambled and rambled...not noticing the disappearance of Violetta.

"Then...after we made sure that we killed every other champion and no Entity attempted to dispatch one we found out that 'I' coulnd't return before merging my three souls in one."

Deva listened attentively.

"Instead, two of us decided to merge with the world to spare any unnecessary deaths and giving the other me a life we dreamed of-"

"Aak!? *cough*"

Deva watched without averting her eyes.


A blade was sticking out from her chest.

Deva didn't have to hear the entire story to understand the rest.

"This is the second time!"

Crimson blood stained the white and pure snow. The white eyes glared at the crimson orbs.

Ignoring the profanities given to her Deva approached the already dying woman.



Both blood coming from her fatal wound and mouth descended and painted the white world with red.

"Ah...Why are you crying? Are you sick...crazy even?"

Theta's legs wobbled. Her vision started to darken.


Deva whispered something to her but she couldn't hear anything yet for some reason a part of her seemed to understand what Deva said and cried in pain.




"It was a fantastic show, Theta."

If not for the food supplies I would've liked to continue a bit more.

"It feels so gooood!" I hugged myself. Hot tears descended. Yet a big smile was plastering in my face. Violetta is surely watching me but who cares? Disgusting as it is I did worse things in front of her.

Guilt and Sadness.

They teared my insides.

Glee and Satisfaction.

"I'll make sure to remember your name."

A sick sensation of superiority also filled my insides.

"This is the best. Ah, I did think that I wanted to remain with her...that makes her death many conflicting emotions."

As I sighed in satisfaction I could a familiar sensation surrounding my body.

This domain did not offer anything like breathtaking environments or knowledge.

But instead a chance for me to be alone with someone and make them attached to me to the point of dependence.

The world's history, the destiny of those frozen things or ghouls or the laws of the domain...I don't care about them...I would've have been interested if Mother Nature expained these things before she could have sent me here but...what is the point now...? This world is already broken beyond salvation...there are no perpatrators to bring down, no innocents to ruin nor victims to is better to find another place for that...

Opening my eyes, I found myself in a familiar place.


