Chapter 149 A sick Deva and five girls sick in their head

-You monster!

A vague voice resounded in my mind.

-A bitch who only knows to bring catastrophes!

My ears hurt so much that I could feel pain when I coughed, and my head...a sharp pain would assault me the moment I moved my head.

-You ruined my life!

-You killed my family!

A dozen of new voices appeared together to the previous one. Now there were multiple voices yelling in my mind, blaming me and cursing me.

*cough* *cough*

I could feel my throat in fire every time I coughed, but I cannot stop itchy sensation would assault my throat if I didn't.

It was shittiest of sensations.

Not only I was hallucinating because of a high fever but all this irritation and pain in my head made it so that I was unable to properly sleep.

-You liar! You deceived me! also Theta's voice appeared.

So weak...My body felt extremely heavy every time I moved from my bed.

I can feel it...The resentment towards that cold domain and especially towards me, who enjoys any kind of experience.

To love yourself is also to hate yourself, and in this current situation I am hating myself.


-You killed innocent children and frail elderly...!

Isn't this better than any kind of illusion magic? Not only it doesn't consume any mana or time to cast it but it can cause its victims to properly feel guilt!

One's true enemy is indeed oneself





"Aw! She's so cute!"


As Deva was laying down with a fever, her wives were caringly taking care of her.

"Should we give her the medicine to alleviate the fever or the potion to cure the fever...?" Era asked.

"Ah!She said not to give her the potion." Ira responded as she stroked Deva's hair.

"Sometimes I ask myself why Deva in other things is the most rational person in the world whereas in others she's the weirdest one." Velena squinted her eyes as if contemplating the life itself.

There was nothing better for the five girls to take care of their troublesome wife. For them, as long as she returned to them after a long travel, or after exterminating entire races, or had her fun on ruining other's lives...they would gladly re-mark or punish her with a course of hellish pleasure for a very long time and take her for themselves.

"uhhh..." Deva groaned as her fever worsened.

"Oh!We better feed her some soup!" Theresa suddenly stood up before rushing to the kitchen.

"But last time she just vomited..." Expressing her worry, Edea said.

"She can't take the medicine with an empty stomach we better pray she doesn't throw up, especially on us..."

"Well...we were covered by other liquids from her in the past so I don't see where the problem is..." Velena tilted her head.

"The.Problem.Is. that she'll throw up without warning!" Ira shouted.

"So if you are prepared you'll gladly take it?"

"The answer is obvious! I will obviously and gladly be showered by her!"

"Girls...what the hell..." Theresa just returned with a bowl of soup filled with meat and rice and what she hears? Being vomited on? That's obviously a reason for her to question the two.

While she was extremly in love over Deva like the other girls she won't happily take her vomit.

Theresa shook her head. Velena and Ira are sure the most extreme compared to the other three.

"Okay girls, time to stop. I'll be feeding Deva so stop it and help me."

"Wait a moment! Why are you the one feeding her? You already did that last time!" Edea pointed at Theresa with a pout.

"Because." Theresa paused for a moment showing her bare teeth to the fellow elf. "I made this soup so isn't it logical that I should be feeding her?"

"Guuuu...Still that's unfair!"

The two elves were bickering...and with also the other two were arguing with each other...since it was like that Era took advantage of the situation and used her powers as a goddess to take in an instant the soup on Theresa's hands and immediately replace it with an illusion.

Era could have used her powers to bless entire populations, grow forests in an instant or oblitarate a planet but instead used her powers to replace a bowl of soup with an illusion.

The texture, weight and smell...the illusion seemed to replicate the bowl of soup and to Theresa who was bickering with Edea she didn't notice anything strange.

" Deva..." Era watched Deva with fascination. She watched her flushed face, her heavy breathing, her small and inaudible mumbles and most importantly her dazed eyes gazing at the ceiling.

Not afraid that she'll get a fever Era brought her lips to Deva's before lovingly feeding her...with her mouth.

Even without the blessing of the world tree, Era could remain healthy even in contact with the most terrible of plagues. In fact if she wanted she could've cured Deva with a spell of hers but...both parties would gain something with Deva being sick. Deva wanted to experience the pain of being extremely sick with a high fever while the girls would witness their beloved in her most cutest and most vulnerable state while taking care of her.

There was no chance for Deva to die by a fever unless the girls killed her with their own hands.

"Ah!Era!" Finally, one of the girls noticed. And it was Theresa itself.

Bringing the spoon in her mouth filled with the soup and pieces of meat and rice, Era fed Deva mouth to mouth.

"Hold on!How could we not have thought about this!" Ira esclaimed.

"What is it?"

"We are blessed by the world tree! We won't get any negative ailment!"

"That!" Velena widened her eyes and so the rest of the girls.

They watched. Watched Era messily feeding Deva mouth to mouth. Some of the soup would spill outside as they continued.

"We are taking turns! Yes...with the most basic method to resolve any conflict. That is Rock Paper Scissors!"

With a fire on their eyes the four shouted 'bring it on' before commencing.


