Chapter 152 A mess

"Hmph!Look at her! Such ragged clothes!She might be a beggar!"


Deva remained motionless as she was thrown once again in another domain without any helpful information and this time Mother Nature didn't even gave her the reward she was supposed to get by conquering the third domain.

"Maybe this is the reward?Still...that plant deserves a punishment..." As she said that someone far far away shuddered in anticipation.

Deva didn't have a single clue to find this 'heart' artifact.

Mother Nature only gave her the hint that the artifact was on someone's hands.

The moment Deva arrived what she immediately did was to understand and learn about the world she was thrown into. She obviously didn't study about all the history and culture of that world but instead learnt the basics about the countries of the world, their current relationships and the most importantly the people.

To blend in another world one needed to understand what people viewed as common sense and not, and then act accordingly.

If Deva were to explain what kind of world she was thrown into then she might just say the words: Middle Ages.

Hygienic conditions weren't that bad to the point of throwing your wastes outside your window or leave them around the streets, and most people could use clean water without worry. A difference in status the moment one was born existed but opportunities to live a better life also existed and that was through the academies which are places with its purpose to teach to anyone as long as one had potential, however status still dictated your place. A commoner graduating from an academy cannot hope to become a noble but still can have jobs that a noble can do.

As someone from another world Deva could only enter as a commoner even if she had the support of a noble.

And without thinking too much Deva entered to the Columb academia and in four years she graduated as a first-class maid.

Despite all this she still didn't have any clue about the artifact and instead learned that the concept of a magical artifact didn't exist. In fact, magic was only available to the few gifted and those could barely compare to a mage who can cast a normal fireball. In those four years Violetta was sent to roam the world to find anything that was remotely related to artifacts and yet even searching every corner of the world Violetta couldn't find anything.

For a normal being four years might be impossible to see every corner of the world but to Violetta, who's commitment was to find anything related to artifact without rest and who possessed a power able to enchance hearing, sight, perception and many more, this was possible.

In the four years Deva spent in the academy she gained connections and more profound knowledge about the world.

"What the hell is this domain..."

Cheers and cries of happiness resounded around her. Normally she would've enjoyed such atmosphere, but in that graduation she only felt emptiness.

Unlike the other graduates Deva didn't really have a goal to pursue after finishing, in fact she didn't even thought that the place she was thrown to find an artifact didn't even have the notion of what an arfifact is.

"Was I deceived? I better give that plant one of my special hellish courses..." Deva shook her head. The years she spent in the academy were not totally wasted. She enjoyed her role as serving other people and reading books.

Yet before Deva could take another step from the cheering crowd everything from muscles to every single hair stopped.

A step back.

Those who were walking in front of Deva took a step back. Those who yelled and screamed to their lungs slowly closed their mouths.

Two seconds back.

Another step back. Mouths closed and opened. Sounds in reversal.

"...sesruoc hsilleh laiceps ym fo eno tnalp taht evig retteb I ?devieced I saW"

Deva watched as her own body moved on its own. Her mouth contorted as it opened and said the exact phrase she said seconds ago. The words that came out, however, were strange.

Four seconds back.

"...niamod siht si lleh eht tahW"

Time went faster as it reversed itself.

Eight seconds...


Two days...

Three months...

Two years...

Present became a forgotten future and past became present.

"Hmph!Look at her! Such a ragged clothes!She might be a beggar!" A voice filled of contempt rang out.

"..." Deva didn't remained once again motionless in the cold ground.

She witnessed and felt in mere minutes time flowing back like nothing. Years spending with other people, building relationships and connections gone...

Instead of feeling down or devastated like Perpetua would always feel for every rewind, Deva's heart throbbed in ecstasy.

"Calm down Deva, I'm here to find that artifact not using it to my own interests." Like a madwoman Deva's smile was stretched from ear to ear. Anyone seeing someone suddenly smile like that would her crazy.


And the noble that insulted her saw such face morphing from a neutral and deadpan expression to a straight up smile without reason.

"Mmh?You...didn't see it?How is that possible!" Deva said aloud. "I clearly saw it, felt it! You were even with me!" Talking to Violetta Deva seemed more crazy as she seemed to talk to herself.

Seeing such scene the noble hurriedly walked away not having any intention on involving himself with a crazy beggar.

Without any explaination, clue or warning Deva experienced her first rewind.

Theorizing something, Deva said. "Maybe champions are immune to it?"

"But I didn't met any champion. Ah! You should've have met one...ah right memory loss for you...tsk"

Without giving too much care about her surroundings Deva talked to herself and her expressions varied one from another in seconds.

"This is a mess!" Complaining aloud Deva walked away and instead of going towards the Columb academy she walked towards the gates of the city.

"Mmm...I should visit every city..." As Deva planned her own plans Perpetua woke up in her class and exprienced her nine hundred ninety-first rewind.

During her first rewind Deva hurriedly obtained the coordinates of every city of the world without pause afraid that time would be rewinded. Yet even though four years passed time didn't rewind and Deva was confused as to why.

Time and place was essential to Deva if she wanted to find a champion and she was both in the wrong time and wrong place as she couldn't find a champion to talk with, interrogate or torture.


