Chapter 160 Your fault

Faint sobs resounded in the room.

"I'm was my fault..."

"Shh..." Perpetua softly and gently comforted Yin and stroked her back. "Did you learn your lesson now?"

"L-lesson...?" Yin hesitantly asked in Perpetua's arms. Despite how Perpetua gently held her Yin didn't have any strength left to either struggle or move nor have any will to do so.

Perpetua raised Yin's chin to meet eye to eye with her, "To solely be by my side and to devotedly be by my side."

Pereptua licked her lips as she watched Yin's eyes filled with dread. The feeling of having Yin in control was so intoxicating that Pereptua enjoyed how Yin trembled at the slightest of her movement or word.

"To lower your gaze and not meet eyes with anyone except with me, to not talk with anyone other than me, to only hear my voice and no one else." As Perpetua's possessive tone took over her grip on Yin body also became as possessive almost crushing Yin.

"H-how can I do t-that...?" To not see or talk to others might be plausible but not hearing anyone while being by her side? For Yin that was impossible.

"I know what you are are so cute that I want to continue your training," Perpetua licked Yin's ear, the warm and wet sensation pervading one of Yin's ears.

"Uhh..." Yin who was still under the effect of the aphrodisiac and suppressed her urge to moan for the entire time finally crumbled as Pereptua teased her.

"Do you think your training just amounted with that session? I want you to only react to me and only me, to remain motionless, blind, mute and deaf if others dare to approach you." Holding Yin's jaw Perpetua forcefully tilted it moving Yin's head to the left fully exposing part of Yin's neck.

Biting her own lip, Yin knew where this was going but still couldn't help but feel aroused by such thing.

"At first you might fail, will certainly fact I wait the moment you fail so that I can further train you..." "Ah!" There was no need for Perpetua to find Yin's weak spot on her neck due to the aphrodisiac but still she wanted to do it.

Weak and helpless, Yin could only moan in Perpetua's arms letting her do whatever she wanted to her.

"Reacting to others than me is equal to further training."


"Your lessons won't matter anymore nor any other duty that involve you in being far from me those will be given to other maids."


Finding her weak spot Perpetua focused her mouth and tongue in that spot. Not caring that she might leave traces on such delicate neck Pereptua assaulted it.

"Ah, Ah!"

Breathing heavily Yin stopped entirely suppressing her moans and finally gave herself to Perpetua.

"You will attend to my needs, I don't even need to attend lessons so you'll be by my side most of the times. You'll be with me all the time to escape this curse." Yin, who was exhausted didn't resist Perpetua's kiss and only moaned as Perpetua violated her mouth.

Tears filled her eyes as hope seemed to not exist.

"Why...? Why are doing this to me...?" Yin finally broke as she snapped. "You love me? That's a lie! Why would someone who loves me do something like this!" Yin started to point her finger to Perpetua whose face darkened.

"It's your fault..."

"My fault...? This is entirely on you! Are you blaming me of your own weakness...? How can you be that narrow-minded?"

Despite saying the truth Perpetua couldn't help but feel that Yin was still in the wrong since even to this moment where she thought that Yin finally understood her place is still attempting to fight her.

"Did I do something wrong to someone? Why did I meet you that day? You are-"

Ruthlessly yanking Yin's hair Perpetua's face was on full display by Yin. "Don't you dare say that you regret meeting me."

Lips tightly shut and eyes cold as ice pierced Yin.

"Heh.Hehehehe!" An empty laugh resounded the room. "Ah, I was wrong. You still haven't learned your lesson." Becoming colder and colder, the atmosphere seemed to freeze as Pereptua's voice became more and more frightening. "I was too naive to believe that I could convince you with only words I'll properly train you to behave or atleast erase any thought of attempting to talk back to me or even show a faint trace of hostility." Dragging Yin to the centre of the room Perpetua chained her wrists.

"I made sure to properly feed you, bathe you and clean you. I even thought of giving you the chance of avoiding any kind of training if you tried your best at only reacting to me..." With the chain connected to the ceiling Yin's arms were stretched to the point that she could only be in tiptoes to remain on her feet.

Every inch of Yin's body was in display just for Perpetua to see and use as she wanted.


Yin knew that being in such position would be no good for her as her body was already in the verge of collapse but before she could ask for forgiveness she was gagged without hesitation, her lips were forced to open and remain as such but a round gag. The she watched Perpetua approaching her with a hood in her hands.

"Stay still!" Perpetua grabbed Yin's head without care and wrapped the hood around Yin's head. Other than small hole for the nose Yin's head was wrapped by a leathery hood greatly limiting her hearing and sight. The last thing Yin saw before her vision was engulfed by darkness was Perpetua's flushed face with a weird and sadistic smirk on it.

Even if Perpetua talked Yin wouldn't be able to hear her voice. With such hood on her head Yin was moving her head frightened to be left in such state. Through her gag she begged but only muffled sound came out.

For some reason, Perpetua watched all this with a pleased smile on her face as Yin struggle seemed to instead make her happy.

That struggle would be soon crushed by her.