Chapter 161 Such a sudden ending

As if nothing happened Yin returned to the academy but this time not as a student but as a dutiful maid in service of the noble Aevum Perpetua. Finding such maid walking alone around the academy was a rare occurence as she always accompanied her lady but even seeing the two in public was as rare as the two rarely attented to their lessons.

The students of the academy watched this maid walking gracefully as a lady yet her face was devoid of any emotion and her eyes devoid of any light.

There were those who didn't bother with it and just continued on their life while a small part of the students connected the dots of the disappearence of the lively maid and her return as a broken one. The maid didn't have any relatives that cared for her nor anyone that cared for her enough to see how she was doing...

So the students either avoided Perpetua for such thing or watched her with awe without involving themselves too much.

So the already broken Yin broke even further as she was completely alone in such world and even if she were to find help Perpetua would then rewind the time to nullify such thing.

Sinking even further Yin gave in and gradually accepted her place.




In the busy streets of the town a maid remained motionless as people went to their own ways. As if she was just a rock in the road the townsfolk didn't even glance at her.

Among the myriads of sounds Yin was waiting to hear to a particular one. The maid shuddered at the thought of missing Perpetua amongst the crowd. She focused and focused but was unable to find Perpetua, then the maid's eyes started to water as she knew that it was impossible to find Perpetua just by using her ears especially when she was in a busy street.

"Don't cry, we are in public and I don't want to waste those tears of yours..." A gentle voice said. "I'll make you cry soon enough.Now let's return." The figure behind Yin walked ahead and Yin hurriedly followed Perpetua.

In these past months Yin has been humiliated and subjected to any kind of verbal abuse that her eyes would always remain fixed towards the ground.

"Now, on your knees." Perpetua said casually as she sat on a chair and Yin without compliance kneeled as watched Perpetua spreading her legs, her wet panties in view as she raised her skirt.

Knowing what to do Yin with her head neared towards the soaked panties and started to use her tongue on the wet fabric.

"Umh!" Above Yin Perpetua moaned contentedly.

"Yin," Perpetua called and Yin met her eyes with Perpetua without stopping her tongue. "I see that you are not still thoroughly broken, I can see it by your eyes..." Despite feeling a foreboding feeling she didn't dare to stop and with her teeth lowered Perpetua's panties.

"While dim there's still light in them...I really want to crush such thing but by then the fun would end-Uhha!." Flickering her tongue on Perpetua's clit she caused Perpetua to strengthen her grip on the chair but the girl didn't mind such thing as soon enough her hand started to caress the maid's hair and continued to talk. "I love you, Yin, I told you so many times that I wholeheartedly love you." With a mix of sadness and joy Perpetua said, "The only one that can love you is me." Raising the soaked chin of Yin, Perpetua smiled.

Yin widened her eyes as she clutched her heart. A odd feeling of joy overwhelmed her insides as the words 'I love you' was said by her captor and abuser.

"...wrong...this is so wrong..." Tears descended as Yin understood what she was feeling. Unable to move her head away Yin averted her eyes.

The delicious expression of the current Yin was enough for Perpetua to want to pounce on Yin and devour her but she held on of her desires.

"No matter how wrong it is the fact the you love me is true."

"Is this really love?Is it not a drug you administered?" Yin wanted to deny such thing.

Whether it was really love or because of the countless abuse both physically and psychological, Yin's body heavily reacted only with Perpetua's touch.

"You've been avoiding such sweetness, such warmness and comfortness...why not giving in willingly to me...?"

Yin couldn't deny that she wanted to feel those things...if she were to give up...she would be given those things.


A pair of arms wrapped themselves around Yin.

The other party offered themselves to the point of kidnapping her...then...couldn't she give atleast a chance?

The gentle embrace was reciprocated as pair of arms also wrapped themselves around Perpetua.

"Yin!" was so easy...why did she even attempt to avoid such sweetness...?

Ah...For the entire time the only person who cared for her was Perpetua...

For the first time, Yin leaned on Perpetua accepting her warmth.

However, such thing lasted for a short time as a familiar figure busted inside the room.

"Get away form her! She is the evil incarnate!" A shout filled with hostility pervaded the room.

Not giving enough time to Pereptua to process what was happening the man charged with his greatsword towards Yin ready to pierce her.

"I won't be fooled by such thing!" For a moment Ben doubted whether the girl in front of him was the same he encountered back then by observing Yin's scared expression.


Without hesitation Perpetua jumped in between the sword and Yin not noticing that she was emitting a glow in her chest.


A shout resounded but this time from Ben.

He watched with eyes wide open Pereptua being shredded to pieces in an instant.



As a heart in flesh fell in the floor Ben's legs gave out as he witnessed the horrifying sight of someone being ripped apart, not even bones or blood remained of Perpetua.

Still shocked by the event, Ben remained motionless in the ground and just watched Deva picking up the heart from the ground with a carefree expression, her face completely different from before.

As if it was still alive the heart pulsed on Deva's hand. Faint 'love you' and 'Yin' could be heard from the heart.

After a second in her hand the heart started to float towards Deva's chest and entered inside as if it was air.

[Perpetua's heart has been absorbed.It's description is the following.]

[Perpetua's heart]: Granting a second life to the owner and giving the choice to rewind time to a preferred time when killed for the first time, this item also grants a one-time use to entirely erase the past, present and future of a target with no repercussions around the user or inside 'Everything'. A phantom of a girl protecting her beloved can be witnessed as the girl can whisper the dangers that can occur in the future to the user.


