Chapter 168 Unholy creatures

"Oh, Devil! This humble servant of yours desires to know the location of my beloved wives!"

With her arms stretched towards the sky, Deva shouted passionately.

But nothing occurred and the '656' mark on the back of her hand didn't change, as to how that mark reached such number...obviously Deva extermined part of the people on the city she just went into.

After that event Deva understood how powerful her character is. As long as she wished the right thing and in the right moment she could basically increase the number on her mark by doing the minimum effot but depending of the wish the cost of it varied. Just now Deva wished to know the whereabouts of her wives but no matter what she said the Devil didn't want to fulfill such thing even after increasing the number of marks.

"Is this not enough? Or maybe knowing the location of other participants is prohibited..." As Deva walked away while mumbling corpses around her started to rise and follow her.

The option of stealthily find information about her wives or roam around the cities in peace became an impossibility as no matter how good she disguised or what method she used to conceal her presence all the townsfolk seemed to feel her presence without use of any skill or item.

While the mark on Deva's hand remained as '656' the number of people being killed did not stop increasing as after a person is infected by a walking corpse it will inevitably become one after a certain period of time.

Deva chose a person to change into a zombie and in no time the city was engulfed in chaos with people running away from these monsters or attempting to subdue them with force. If Deva were to pray for the Devil every minute then the number on her mark would certainly increase everytime.

"Oh, Devil!This servant of yours then desires to summon two liches who will obediently follow my orders and will not oppose my word."

As the mark changed from '656' to '156' two horrifying figures appeared from the ground. With a wooded staff in their hands, a tattered robe around their bony bodies and two orbs of light flickering in the sockets of their eyes the two liches kneeled the moment they spotted Deva.

"The two of you, I command you to go in the cities and spread chaos as much as possible spreading my name! For the exception of..."

With each lich being followed by hundreds of zombies the two departed in two opposite directions.

"Well then, since this world seems to not want me to find my wives without causing trouble then the only thing I can do is to make the entire world know me and make my wives find me themselves."

Why roam aimlessly the world if you can spread to the world your name and position? While it may bring endless conflicts it is the only way for Deva to find her wives as fast possible.

The number of zombies should increase each day bringing Deva more possibility to summon beings that can spread her name.

"Well, leaving one or two from being transformed into a zombie will probably not change that much." Deva gazed at the small form of a girl by her side who was watching the march of the zombies in the distance with morbid curiosity. The little girl smiled back as she sensed that Deva was watching her.

She was the only person who instead of running away or attempting to kill the zombies approached right away Deva. The other party was not a participant or atleast that is what Deva deduced after talking and interacting with the girl.

"Let's go little one, you'll see many interesting things."

"Yes!" The girl enthusiastically shouted as she held Deva's hand.

Suddenly as the girl made contact with her hand Deva could feel something entering inside her mind yet instead of being suspicious of it she continued to walk with the girl without any worries.

The girl smiled seeing that it actually worked. She was by no means a normal girl nor a participant but an ancient witch who for so many years finally found someone she found to be worthy to be her partner.

She knows about the devotee of the Devil but instead of being repulsed by such thing she felt a rush of excitement knowing that she was playing with fire. She gazed at Deva with more awe as being a servant of the Devil is not that simple as it is. The spell the little witch casted on Deva was but a little sugestion and that is to be interested towards her and cancel any ill intention or suspicion towards her. Gradually the little witch will increase the intensity of the suggestion and make the servant of the Devil her own.

If any of Deva's wives were to see the current situation then they would just let out a laugh and torture the little witch for attempting something so foolish especially towards Deva, who will gladly play the little witch's games just to entertain herself. And in return to such gift Deva will surely either kill her at the end of everything or reduce the little witch to something similar to Gina and Tina.

While Deva's intention was just to find her wives by spreading her fame with infamy the world will not see it as the same thing.

Undead creatures increasing their numbers just by biting a nation nor kingdom will remain there without doing something. And there will be many oppurtunities to use such threat to their own advantages. However, the various nations and kingdoms will probaly notice such threat only after the small cities and villages are already destroyed and their inhabitants turned into walking rotting flesh.

The fate of the inhabitant of the world will soon encounter disaster after disaster not just from these unholy creatures but also from their fellow comrades.


