Chapter 169 Waiting for them

Thinking of the past there were many times Velena would be left with the others while Deva was somewhere else either because they were separated, because Deva had to really be in another place or just for Deva's petty entertainment to fuel their emotions.

For Velena and the others this kind of back and forth from Deva was something they hated to love and loved to hate, and most of the time Velena and the others shared these times of Deva's absence with each other's company.

Just without Deva by their side was an unbearable feeling. Anxiety, dread, agitation, apprehension...these emotions threatened to shallow them from the inside each second Deva was far away from them but they had each other to quell these particular emotions.

No matter how one sees this relationship one would rather break off from this relationship and find a more healthy one. Yet, under the influence of Deva, they started to enjoy this kind of thing.

Their emotions and feelings would be fueled to the the point of insanity, an exhilarating feeling of craving to ravage Deva and be with pin down Deva and make her understand how much they missed much they loved her.




The city was very much ravaged and reduced to ruins at that point, undead creatures marched across the streets and walked towards another one. The only living being that remained in the city was Velena.

"I do not mean harm. My master...sent us to deliver you her location." Facing her was a robed lich.


"Exactly...her real intention is not to destroy cities but... to spread her name across the world and reach your ears."

Pointing to his left, the lich said. "Go straight in that direction...after crossing eleven destroyed cities you'll find her in the next one." Without vocal cords the lich communicated with Velena with magic, albeit a bit more difficult and required more focus to do so the lich was able to convey what he was principally tasked to do. That to give Deva's wives her location.

"Huh. That's quite a long way to reach Deva..." Velena shifted her attention to the army of undead marching without stop with awe.

*thud* *thud*

*thud* *thud*

A rhythmic sound of footstep echoed across the silent city. Under the lich's control all the undead marched systematically without showing a single flaw. The sight of dozens of thousands walking corpses was overwhelming.

"Even though there will be several consequences but by doing so she came up with a plan to quickly spread her name to our ears while also building an army for rapidly completing the first round."


Elated that her wife was waiting for her Velena departed without even giving the lich a second glance.

The lich's orbs flickered by such disrespect but the lich remained silent and just gazed for a long time the figure of Velena slowly vanishing in the distance.

The two liches met also with Ira and Edea and just like Velena they were going towards the location they were given, while Theresa and Era did not meet the liches but the news of undead and demonic creatures spreading the name of their master and her location reached them, not only them but the entire world received such thing.

Months passed since the first round started and it was enough time for Deva to create with her new powers more hellish creatures to inspire chaos and spread her name.

And within that span of time the participants' number was reduced to eighty, with most of their deaths caused by the creatures Deva created.

Goblins pillaged cities in great number and using women and children as shields if necessary to make the guards hesitate, lastly taking females as their breeding sows and toys to play with.

The same with orcs who instead of using underhanded methods they conquer cities with brute force and taking all the females as breeding sows.

Succubi and incubi charmed every person they met to become their mindless slaves and making them attack their own kin.

Skeletons and zombies controlled by liches marched towards cities and conquered them with their sheer number.

The monsters just acted as they wanted and conquered cities with their own methods and based on their own nature. The survivors or the ones that were allowed to run away spread the news in larger cities with the news spreading even quicker.

In few months the world that didn't have a single monster is now filled with them and is threatening the safety of humanity.

With the Devil's power Deva shared the eyes and ears of these minions of hers and witnessed every kind of hellish scene: to the scene of every male being cruelly slaughtered in front of their daughers, mothers, sister and wives; to witnessing humans being used as shields and killed with terror by the people who should've saved them; to watching dozens of zombies tearing off every flesh from a man and revived as a skeleton instead of a zombie.

While her wives were arriving Deva was enduring and at the same time following the mental suggestions the little witch was giving to her.

Many times Deva experienced being mind controlled and especially mind broken by her wives purelly for both fun and how exhilating it felt to be give total control to someone or how intoxicating it felt to have total control of someone. Compared to what the little witch was attempting towards was quite cute. Not that it was ineffective but rather how little the intensity of such thing.

Maybe because the witch was rather soft-hearted that even after several months Deva only felt the same as the first time the witch casted the spell on her.

By using her minions' mouth Deva could easily talk with her wives but she didn't do that and rather want them to find her under control albeit slightly. The anxiety Deva felt months ago is now gone and rather replaced to how to mess with her wives and prepare a rather interesting stage for them.