Chapter 183 'Unwillingly' giving yourself to a yandere


"Just a month and we'll continue our adventure in another dungeon, okay?"

"Muuu...a month it is. But no more than a month! Otherwise we'll just take you away under the Saintess' eyes."


"Deva come here."


"Don't 'Mmm' me. You know what's going to happen."

At that it was Velena who pounced first.

"Mpmm!Haaa..." Wet and sloppy sounds quietly resounded as their tongues intertwined and hands roamed across each other's bodies.

It took great control for Velena to not pin down Deva and continue in the open, but after some time she parted with Deva and gave to the others the opportunity to express their farewell with Deva.

"Geez, took you long enough we don't have much time." Ira voiced her complaints before giving Deva a soft and quick kiss on her lips. Ira smiled when Deva leaned on for more but to discover that the kiss already ended.

"Don't take too long..." Theresa said softly before aggressively assaulting Deva with a deep kiss.

"Hehe..." Since Edea was a bit small Deva had to crouch but instead of a kiss on her lips Edea gave her a peck on her forehead. "It is just a month and compared to the others me and Ira have more self-control." Edea cutely laughed as she left the spot for Era.

"Be quick, okay? We'll end up troubling the others." Era happily said after giving Deva a kiss.

"O-oh, I'll finish this in a month." Panting and with hazy eyes, Deva said.

"Quick! They are near!" Edea said with her eyes closed. As a prophet she already knew when someone was near as long as she used her powers in advance.

The five women hurriedly tore a scroll and teleported straight away to the underground base.




I sighed as a wave of exhaustation hit me.

I quickly changed my clothes with tattered ones that were stored inside my storage ring and after that I swiftly made the rings in my fingers vanish. I knelt in the ground not caring of dirtying my clothes or knees and closed my eyes.

Immediately the sounds surrounding me disappeared in the void, the feeling of the soil or the warm sensation in my skin vanished, the smell also vanished and darkness filled my vision.

Thump! Thump!

Thump! Thump!

The only sound that I could hear was that of my beating heart but also that sound slowly vanished.

Thump Thump




It became so faint that one would certainly be unable to hear the sound even if they pressed their ears in my chest but my heart was still beating only slower and more quiet.

I was now in a place of my mind devoid of anything and in this space I remained still.

Slowly I poured the my emotions and any scene that I witnessed that could cause a person to cry...

...the betrayal of a loved one: images and deep emotions of men and women being cheated on by their beloved for another one, images heart-breaking emotions of a close friend cutting ties for no apparent reason or for their own benefits, images of ridicule and sneer from their loved one as they stab them in the back...

...the death of a close one: images of natural death of their fathers, mothers, wives, husbands, daughters, sons, pets or the images of murder and genocide of entire families.

...the rejection of someone or the drastic change in worst of someone dear.

no matter how faint compared to the real ones I mimicked the emotions felt by others and poured them in this space and slowly as if filled by a sort of liquid the space was being filled.

As if my body was really there it was harshly rocked back and forth by waves of these miserable and sorrowful emotions, I let myself being overwhelmed by these emotions without putting a single resistance.

This is to make a perfect performance.




By the time Lucia arrived Deva had already created a little pond of tears beneath her but because Lucia was behind her she did not see the two lines of tears flowing from Deva's eyes.

"Deva!" Lucia shouted as she felt a mix of emotions, her heart was beating so hard that the sobs of Deva did enter her ears and a strange smile appeared the moment she saw the defenseless form of Deva.

"Deva? What's this comes from several women!" Embracing her from behind Lucia at first was intoxicated and exhilarated just by having skin contact with Deva but the moment she sniffed Deva she immediately recognized a smell that was not from Deva.

Lucia's face darkened as her aura surged ready to almost strike but it was also that moment that she noticed Deva's tears and mutterings.

In fact why Deva did not react at her? It was because Deva was thinking about something else, something so important that her presence was not enough to bring Deva's attention.

It was...unforgivable.

Then several names came out from Deva and were coated with yearning, sorrow, helplessness and love.

"E-era, Velena, did not sacrifice yourself...did you? *sob* Y-you girls were...were..." Deva wept the names of other women while Lucia was there embracing her and was being completely ignored.

It was something that Lucia couldn't tolerate. The fact that someone took Deva's heart from her.

"A-ack!H-huh?! W-who are you?!" Finally Deva woke up from her own world the moment Lucia dug her fingernails on Deva's skin.

"L-let me go!" But Deva wasn't able to even move Lucia by a metre as Lucia further tightened her hold on Deva.


"H-huh? This voice..." Deva's complexion paled and her voice became faint as she remembered the past.

"Never! I'll never let you go! Not even that bitch of a Demon Queen will be able to take you away from me! I'll make sure of that! I'll make sure of that..." The voice of Lucia became fainter and fainter but that didn't mean that it was less intimidating since her grip on Deva remained strong and was filled with possessiveness and obsession.


"I dare you say a name that is not mine!" A hand gripped Deva's jaw interrupting her from speaking further.

"No...intimidations and threats are not enough...I'll make sure you don't remember their names...I've been waiting for this, Deva. Do you know how many nights I have nightmares of you?! It was a torture!"

An odd glint appeared on Lucia's eyes as the word torture left her mouth.


