Chapter 184 A Saintess, an Actress and a drone in a room

There were many methods to break a person's mind but in general the most efficient to 'break' a person is to firstly weaken both their body and mind.

The body influences the mind and likewise the mind influences the body. With a weakened will one won't be able to do much. With a weakened body the mind will soon tire out as well.

Seeing the chained form of Deva in her dark and cold basement ached the heart of Lucia but seeing how Deva continued to ignore her and futely attempt to break free from the chains made her feel more infuriated than before.

The words 'I love you' won't reach her. Her touch won't even earn her a reaction and only a glare that pierced her heart. Nothing succeeded in earning the thing she wanted the most...that is if she doesn't use magic or anything releated to it to obtain those three words from Deva.

But what was Lucia to Deva? It was a toy to play with and even her mind before this was already altered and slightly conditioned to create a comfortable scenario.

For months, her brain has been receiving suggestions from the drones floating around her to become a yandere with the only desire to win Deva's heart without altering her mind with magic, but with anything else? Drugs? Isolation? Torture? Those were allowed.

The truly dangerous yanderes were well hidden besides Deva, they suppressed their desire to the limit so that not even Deva knows that these people particularly feel something for her. But it is still not the time for these yanderes to enter in the spotlight and for the time being Lucia will have the highest of privilege to even gaze and touch Deva.

To those who have the unhealthy obsession and possessiveness towards Deva, just the thought of someone else that are akin to a stranger near them can bring to these women a killing intent palpable in the air.

But there's nothing they can do about it. Deva was Deva. As chaotic as she is she won't be truly brought down in submissiveness or truly controlled. It has been always her choice to be, for the most of the times, a victim or someone who is always targetted or bullied. Deva will probably even throw herself to be completely brainwashed as long as she has the certainty to revert to who she was originally.

The powers, the subordinates, the possibilities she has been laid out to her could be used to be something loftier, those who have been given the same things as her have chosen to embark in something great or atleast aspire in something better than they are.

But what about Deva? The possibility to expand to other planets or even universes is indeed possible but she would rather only explore other planets and universes, only play around with other people's fates and feelings, dote and spend time with her wives...the clues in finding her teacher were already there the moment Lilith appeared but finding Demogorgon is an impossible feat and that's why she instead is now currently chained in a basement with a yandere ready to give her a surprise.




"Deva...oh Deva...I'm here yet you are not even glancing at me."

"I...have to go...They...are still there..." Deva weakly said.

A thought hit Lucia and after that she unchained Deva from the wall. The chains holding Deva's wrists forcefully making her stand in tiptoes were taken off and consequently her legs gave out and collapsed in the floor but before she could fall a pair of arms catched her and embraced her giving her a warmth that caused Deva to subconsciously to lean on. As weak as she was having not eaten for days and forced to assume an uncomfortable position her body couldn't possibly have the energy to struggle. Her stomach grumbled wanting food and as her body was cold despite being embraced by Lucia.

Suddenly, Lucia brought her lips against Deva and meeting not too much resistance her tongue started to explore Deva's mouth. Deva was hit by a sweet flavour and she couldn't help but reciprocate and suck the invading pink muscle. As she gulped the content that coated the tongue of Lucia Deva's body trembled and not before long her thought shifted to want more of that sweet flavour as well as the warmth Lucia provided but no matter how she sucked or pressed her body against Lucia she couldn't get what her body needed so she weakly murmure a 'more' with her eyes becoming more and more foggy. Her mind now was only thinking of the sweet flavour and the warmth.

Lucia won't naturally give these things so easily. So, despite she did not want to seperate she chained Deva once again bringing her back to her previous predicament but this time Lucia managed to bring Deva's focus to something else...something that can earn her attention.

It was a desperate choice, something that she would've done only as a last resort. But a voice seemingly from nowhere prompted her to do that. There were only two people in the room and she knew that Deva was basically harmless, atleast in her eyes, so she only concluded that the voice was from her own mind.

Was she going crazy? Maybe she was already. Lucia concluded. Only Deva noticed a minuscule drone in the corner of the room but she only glanced at it for a moment before she completely let the drug she was administered with affect her mind and body.

"More...more..." No matter how she tried Deva couldn't break free from the chain and this time because she wanted Lucia to give her that sweet flavour and warmth.

"Hahahah..." A hollow laugh left Lucia as there was no methods for her to earn Deva's love other than using these expedients but she continued with her plan as she put a open bottle in the room, quickly a sweet fragrance filled the room making Deva salivate but she was unable to reach that bottle.

Leaving the room, Lucia closed the door waiting for the next phase.


