Chapter 185 Records and Archive

Her eyes were glazed as her weak arms attempted to reach for the bottle causing the chains holding her wrists to rattle. The sweet flavour coming from the bottle has already invaded the nostrils of the chained woman and only the sweet fragrance and warmth of Lucia remained in her mind.

Since she couldn't taste the intoxicating flavour then she inhaled the fragrance like an addict, that was the purpose of the drug, to cause the one administered by the drug to quickly become addicted to it and make so to do anything to obtain more of it.

Lucia returned again after an hour of leaving Deva in such state. Unaffected by the effects of the drug Lucia made her way in front of the chained Deva but Deva continued to gaze at the bottle in the floor.

Conflicting emotions surged in Lucia's eyes as she gazed at the pitiful form of Deva. There was glee, resentment, yearning, love, bitterness, hesitation...but after some time Lucia put aside every other emotion that caused her to hesitate and proceeded to once again kiss Deva after she brought inside her mouth a little amount of the drug.

The moment Deva tasted the familiar flavour she immediately reciprocated the kiss. Tongues interwined as Deva attempted to find with her tongue inside Lucia's mouth the sweet fragrance. But Lucia drew back after a dozen of seconds.

"No...please...more...I desperately need it!"

"What do I want to hear?" A cold glint appered in Lucia's eyes as she was expecting something from Deva.

A bit of clarity returned. "'ll never-"

"Let's see if you can resist for long!" Lucia growled as Deva quickly understood her plans.

In contrast of her words Lucia's body was pressing against Deva spreading a warmth that Deva desperately needed for her shivering body.

"Look at you, not only your body betrays you but also those women you still continue to think of betrayed you!Heh! I don't know the story but they either died or betrayed you."

Deva's mind was unstable as she started to sob yet her body leaned softly towards the body of her crazy captor and the one causing her all this anguish.

"They have not...they have not betrayed have not..." Lucia could hear the denial from Deva's voice. She whispered then, "Are you hoping then for them to rescue you?"

"Y-yes! They have not betrayed me! T-they will come to rescue me from you!"

"By then your mind will be already broken."


"I just need to repeat this process for a day or two or a week if you are that persistent. I just left for an hour and look at you state! You basically have already forgotten them and threw your pride just for more!" Lucia's mouth was sweetly smiling as Deva looked at her horrified.

"S-sto...Mmmfm!Mm...mmm..." Once again Lucia pressed her lips on Deva, despite the first seconds of struggle not before long Deva dropped all her resistance.

"I'll see you an hour later. Let's see how many times you can resist." The soft laughs of Lucia echoed as she closed the door behind her.

Deva was soon overtaken by despair. Even now her body constantly shuddered both from cold and from wanting more of that sweet drug.

Lucia couldn't see it but Velena, Ira, Theresa, Edea, Era and Core watched through the drone the exhilarated smile in Deva's smile.

"Look how she's enjoying such things! Even though I know she loves these kind of things it still make me shudder." Edea trembled a bit, if she was the one in Deva's shoes she wouldn't be smiling as if she was enjoying such thing especially with Lucia being crazy as them.

"But we already played these kind of 'plays' many times..."

"Core has already recorded many 'plays' for entertainment and research purposes. Core states how many thanked Core as they learnt many tecniques just from watching,this means that also this play will be recorded and those who are interested can see this as long as they have enough points."

"What?! I know nothing of this!" Era was shocked by the news and more so with the other four being indifferent. "Why are you so unconcerned about this matter? We need to delete these records from the Archive!Who's the one who permitted this?! I'll blast them alive." Era was red from both anger and embarassment and with a glare towards Core she was ready to strike.

"Core has to unfortunately tell that the culprit of this is Deva herself." With Core's words Era calmed down a bit.

" am I supposed to process this...why just now..."

"Ah, we forgot about this matter. Sorry." Theresa consoled Era.

"Core also states that records involving Deva are extremely expensive with how she's good at acting and how her every move exists to make both the audience and the top or the rare bottom to see and feel what they want." Core continued to talk about the subject.

"Wait. Do you record anything that involves sex?" Ira was suddenly interested as she usually doesn't mingle with these affairs.

"Core shakes her head and says that we record everything and put them in the Archive. Anyone interested can browse in this Archive and can choose to instead of reading a book watch a record of a selected subject, this ranges to educational subjects, memories of people or sex scenes."

"Oi, isn't this..." The women exchanged glances as they knew this kind of thing comes from civilizations with a developed technology.

"Core nods her head but states that we are still experimenting and need a bit of time to replicate things like a Web or Internet. Though there are devices similar to phones and computers to see the records they want to watch.

"This..." The women were quite impressed.

Reading their expressions, Core softly said, "Core respecfully states that this is because the young ladies stick too much with Deva that they don't even know of these things, and Deva never uses these things since she prefers reading books or asking me to directly show her the memories of others so you never interacted with these devices."

"Oh? Then we can also see Deva's memories?"

"Unfortunately due to her title many memories are blocked to outsiders unless she is the one allowing for such memories to be recorded but the scenes that she allows to be recorded are exclusively sex scenes."

As they talked they continued to watch Deva through the drone.


