Chapter 190 A cursed child! So we should also curse at her!

However, the reaction of Lucia was the opposite of mine but instead of observing her facial expressions or her yells, I, instead focused on where I was and in understanding what kind of existence this 'daughter' of mine was.

We can float and control where we can go inside this strange place but any means to attempt to leave this space are prohibited by something but this did not mean that I couldn't conjure my aura inside this space.

I conjured an arrow and threw it towards a 'wall' that imprisoned us from the outside but before it could collide with this invisible wall the arrow vanished as if it did not exist from the very beginning not leaving not even a trace of it.

The arrow disappeared like when I used the one-time use of Perpetua's heart against the ogre. Scrolls of teleportation or any other item were useless inside this space but fortunately my connection with my wives were not cut off meaning that I was still in Intris, that removed my concerns of not knowing where this space was.

"Mm?" Only a minute passed when I experimented with the space around me but during this time the voice of Lucia quietened. The voice filled with shock and hate subsided and instead became oddly calm.

And soon enough I saw what was happening.

"Heheh. Second mother is rather cuter when she is not wearing such a scary face."

"Um, my dear, I am really at fault at that because of your first mother's betrayal."

"Don't worry about it! I'll surely make her too understand!"

"But don't understimate her, okay? I, myself don't know much about her."

"After this the two of you will be as close as you should be!"

As if Lucia became another person she was speaking with the little girl with affection and love she did not have a minute before. No matter how much a person can change one cannot suddenly became like that unless they are faking it but the eyes of Lucia were showing that she was far from acting.

The most frightening was not the change of Lucia but the child's statements. Her thoughts and her beliefs are pure, so pure that were frightening especially if such thing was coupled with immense power. One can maintain their purity by either avoiding external influences or have enough strength and authority to maintain your purity. Having such purity and innocence can make one walk in a path without being obstructed by others but sometimes also unable to be reasoned with.

The child did not give me the time to mull my thoughts as she pushed herself and Lucia towards me.

"First mother?" "Deva?"

"Don't. Don't get near me." I said with a firm and heavy tone but the two did not stop.

Several hands were conjured and were in the brink of holding my entire body. I conjured a barrier around me but instead of blocking the incoming hands it disappeared with the hands.

Hmm. Let's try something else.

I conjured a condensed spear and I shot it towards the two. A flat square appeared between the spear and the two. Compared to the spear the flat square was not as condensed as the spear, the result should be like throwing a spear against a paper shield.


The impossible happened. And both the spear and shield disappeared. Is this even fair?

"First mother, why?" "Deva? Come here?"

Lucia followed the child as if she became her slave.

"Heh. Fuck. What the hell is with you?!"

Since attacking and most probably defending might be useless, I avoided the two. Conjuring two wings in my back I moved in this space more swiftly. I did not dare summon Violetta or Perpetua, they might change like Lucia.

It became a stalemate with me avoiding the two like a plague while the two did not stop in pursuing me in this space. It was to the point that even Lucia started to help the child with her own aura and creating more clones in this space. The space was packed with enemies and I was surrounded by them.

"First mother, please stop this. I just want you to show you how second mother loves you and after that we'll be a happy family without the two of you quarrelling. First mother, I can see how you are conflicted, I can see your emotions despite how you can contain so much and at the same time be fine."

"You can see my emotions...?"

"Obviously! I was born with this ability, to be precise is the ability to see the emotions of others! Also, like first mother and second mother, I have my own aura!"

"Since you see my emotions you should understand why I won't let you approach me."

"Eh...? Understand? There was a reason behind it?"

I widened my eyes in disbelief before sniggering.

Heh. The ability to see emotions, huh. Ah! Such a fantastic ability! A fantastic cursed ability! Being a child and on top of that having such a cursed thing on you.Hah.

"First mother?" "Why are you laughing?"

We might be conversing with each other but this did not mean that I stopped avoiding the two and making my way while slaughtering the clones and defending myself from Lucia and the child's attempts of binding me.

"Why? You even have to ask? Your very existence is a joke!" You might be born from me, calling me mother this and mother that but since when I have considered you as my daughter? Not only I refuse to consider you as such but a child that can't be reasoned with and even comes at you changing your very thoughts only has an outcome and that is suffering.

"...a...joke...?" She seemed to so much in shock that she stopped in her tracks. Maybe it is because it is from her 'First mother' that she is so schocked but it is nonetheless a weakness I can use. In fact, what child is not shocked the moment their parents consider them genuinely a joke?

Yes, a joke. Seeing emotions does not make you understand a person. To begin with you don't have any real experience with others. I might have spent more time watching other's lives but before meeting Core I interacted with many people experiencing many things.

Since I cannot hurt you physically...

"Shut up. Coming to me saying that we can become a happy family. Hah!" I sneered.

"Deva! How can you?!"

"You too!" I pointed at Lucia. "How can you be that weak! The moment I take a glance somewhere else you already have been brainwashed! How laughable! Get a grip on yourself! Remember what I did to you! Can even the words 'I'm sorry' make you forgive me? If so, then you are already a lost case."

Hah. Words are indeed sharper than swords.

I observed as Lucia gripped her head while the child seemed to have lost her world.

It is still, however, too soon to strike. I need to see where this is going to go and we'll see how this ends. Ah, I pray that they are working hard to find me.


