Chapter 191 Extinguishing her flames

The power to see emotions, seeing clearly what emotion people are feeling...

That, for a child that does not know anything and does not have any real experience in life is bound to suffer without doubt.

The child watching at me with betrayal, hurt by my words, a child that calls me mother...makes me want to apologize and hug this child and console her.


There's also something else.

I'm also feeling something else.

That is a sense of delight in trampling and scorn towards this existence.

Currently, the latter is stronger compared to the former and is also the feeling that made that I had not carelessly approached the child.

As if I just have given birth to an existence that causes to its mother utter revolt and disgust yet it causes its mother to activate her maternal instincts.

Now, seeing Lucia struggling to control herself, I can deduce with a glance that the child does not cause her targets to be completely brainwashed by her but rewrites how they feel towards her. Since it is like that then one can probably overcome this brainwashing by riling them up or make them feel a strong emotion to prevail over this brainwashing.

"How pathetic! Do you perhaps want to play the family with me? Me?! Remember what I just did. I manipulated you and played with your feelings for months while I was somewhere else with my wives."


"Hah! That's right! I have five lovely wives that love me and you? You are nothing more than entertainment, something to throw the moment I get bored of."

Scoffing, sneering, ridicule...words that most probably would cause someone to faint with anger if they were in Lucia's shoes.


But it is because of this that she can overcome that child's powers.

"Y-you! How dare you!"

It is because I caused this pain and lovesickness that she can easily escape from that child's palms.

"T-this is too much! H-how can you have the guts to even feel so proud of what you've done!"

A refreshing smile appeared on my face despite being the guilty one here or maybe it is because several droplets of tears fell from her eyes purely from anger and resentment.

She pounced on me, ready to hit me with a slap but unfortunately we didn't have the time for this.


Overwhelmed by her anger, Lucia charged at me and arrived in front at me without using her aura making her defenseless.

Without holding myself, I punched her in the abdomen causing her to instantly faint.

"One troublemaker gone." I huffed as I conjured a tentacle to hold her waist.


"Hmph. Kid, even if she wakes up she'll treat you the same as I did before. Not only she hates the fact that we have the same appearence but having a child with the person that caused her so much suffering? Hahaha. She'll never love you like you hope."

"T-this is a lie! I-I am your child, aren't I?! Wouldn't a mother love their child above everything else?!" Tears fell from the child's eyes who still has not received a name.

However, the issue is not this. This child cannot be easily subdued nor it is safe to bring her with existence is something that Intris shouldn't have. While I, myself, am a bomb that can cause destruction and chaos, I am a bomb that can decide itself how and where to explode while this child can explode anytime and anywhere. It is my responsibility to eliminate this thing that I involuntarily made. This kid has to be killed without giving it a chance of escape. Despite this, I do not even know if normal means can be used to kill this being and chances are that if I fail this golden oppurtunity to kill her she might be a dangerous threat to Intris created by me and that is unforgivable.



"No. I cannot permit that."

"Oi, what-"

"I won't let you go!"





Basking in sunlight makes you refreshed. Eating something delicious makes you joyous. Feeling suddenly pain might surprise you or irritates you. Smelling something disgusting makes you nauseated. Being in the arms of your loved one/s makes you feel secure. Hearing sweet words of love makes you blush and happy inside.

However, in this moment, I cannot push myself to even feel anything.

The child that before I felt so scorn and disdain...I cannot even force myself to do that.

The glee and intoxication in toying with Lucia are gone.

Even if one were to plunge a knife in my body, I would probably not even react.

I blanked for a moment before a strong sensation pervaded my senses.


"First mother?"


An immense sensation of affection and love towards this child and Lucia who is next to her was poured inside me.

"I-I'm sorry."

Eh? My eyes are a bit blurry.

"I said those hurtful things."

I unconsciously hugged her and cried while asking forgiveness.

The little pair of arms hugged in return while also Lucia came to us and embraced us both.

"Don't worry about it." "It's all in the past now."


Emptiness was replaced with love and affection for these two.

"A name."


"Please, give me a name."

Does really an eraser be able to erase everything in a paper?

Does throwing a bucket of water at the fire estinguish the flames?


She cannot rewrite memories but emotions.

The everlasting flame of love towards my wives have been replaced to accommodate these two.


This is unforgivable.

"Aaaah!Deva?! What are you doing?!" "Ack!, you..."

Their neverending obsession and possessiveness towards me...

My poisonous and sweet love...

...can it be really estinguished by a mere child?!

"Stop it! Get away from her!" "Haack...haaa..."

My teeth sank deep in her fragile and defenseless neck.

It was too sudden and too quick for the two to react and by the time Lucia could think of something a large chunk of flesh has been torn from the child's neck.

Admist the fury and shock, tears and blood, the child couldn't do anything but watch her mother's bloody mouth coated by her blood.

Black spots filled her vision and besides the screams of Lucia the child could see Deva spitting out the flesh inside her mouth.

"Disgusting vermin."

Those were the last words she heard before darkness filled her vision. The existence of the nameless child disappeared by her own mother's hands after living less than a day.




Author's note: Yay! Merry Christmas!