Chapter 198 A decade

Time quickly passed. A decade passed.

But the situation in Intris did not improve that much, in fact, there was a sort of stalemate in the battle against the four threats.

The wasn't any decisive victory against these four and in exchange for this stalemate millions of people perished.

Reigning the Eastern section was the Blight Dragon who claimed that section as its territory, here, not a single trace of life could be found, only death and bones.

As a being made of bones the Blight Dragon doesn't have the need to eat or sleep, instead, the thing that the Blight Dragon delights in doing is to slaughter and watch its victims writhe in agony before dying before turning them in its undead minions.

At night, humans tremble in terror as the Blight Dragon flies in the dark sky. The Blight Dragon roars all night leaving everyone tense all day.

For a decade, the Saintess Lucia fought non-stop the Blight Dragon with her clones. She was the only person capable to hold the Blight Dragon's undead minions and its dangerous beams. Fighting like a madman, Lucia's power and control in her aura grew exponentially becoming one of the most powerful beings of Intris surpassing even the thousandth level. Yet, in front of the might of the Blight Dragon and its also capability to grow Lucia couldn't beat the Blight Dragon.

As Lucia gained experience in killing the undead under the Blight Dragon, the Blight Dragon also gained more power with slaughtering the clones created by Lucia. The two were equally matched and grew as they fought each other.

The light in Lucia's eyes completely vanished and was replaced by a cosmic void. If one were to gaze at her eyes they might only see pitch black but if one were to be more observant they might see small colorful lights shining in that cold darkness.

The possessiveness and obsessiveness towards a certain someone did not decrease and instead it only grew in these long years. It wasn't only love but there was also a mixture of anger and resentment that Lucia herself failed to comprehend.

"Haaaah...Is it time again? Is Intris really destined to be ruined?" Lucia released a tired sigh as a familiar roar echoed in the night.

The other human forces weren't there to help Lucia not because they were too weak to help or weren't willing to give a hand but because their hands were already busy in dealing with the always increasing number of monsters.

Time, manpower and resources were needed to deal with these monsters and these things were always in the verge of being exhausted. More and more soldiers perished along with the people who have a system giving the two remaining rulers to allow anyone to participate in battles against these monsters. Even children started to appear in the deadly battlefields. Resources were limited to the point that a part of the manpower had to be sent to dungeons and collect there resources. Contact with other races were cut off leaving each race to their own.

Between the elven borders and that of the fallen angels a war was ongoing. The fallen angels took the side of the attacker while the elves that of the defender.

Using the forest as their advantage the elves were able to defend against these aggressive and lustful fallen angels but as more elves are captured and through them information is extracted with various means the more the elves were put in disadvantage. Even with Thaleasin and Aalrie appearing in the frontlines did not change the flow of the war and instead it roused the interest of the Matriarch to appear as well with the objective to capture the both of them.

Thaleasin cursed. He was in the battlefield fending off these nymphomaniacs while a certain someone was enjoying her time with his daughters, Lyra and Glyny.

Even with the world in chaos Deva did not intervene and instead occasionally visited the royale palace with Theresa and Edea to play with Lyra and Glyny as if nothing was happening. Thaleasin felt sour recalling the bright faces of his two daughters the moment they saw Deva.

Are the two of them being taken as well? Thaleasin thought before shaking his head thinking that Deva won't do such thing...or will she?

The appearance of the fallen angels eradicated the possibility to help the other races as well as preventing the elves to also strike these former allies of theirs. They still believed that they can find a cure and until then Thaleasin will continue to defend.

Thaleasin cursed once again thinking about Deva who refused to give a single help or even a hint to overcome the situation. He understood her reasons but couldn't completely agree with them as many lives are lost every day, no, second.

Lastly, Thaleasin shivered thinking about the smiling Deva. In front of him Deva was usually friendly and never hostile and, in fact, he also saw the overflowing love Deva has towards Intris but such love seemed to be too heavy even for Thaleasin.

The gaze was like that of a mother towards its growing child, with affection and high expectations. And Thaleasin understood such emotions but he'll never have the nerve to throw its child in front of a ferocious beast with nothing and watch the two fight to death. That is how Thaleasin viewed Deva in the current situation, someone who can help the child overcome the ferocious beast or atleast provide the child a weapon but instead chose to observe until the child is thoroughly maimed.

The situation Intris was in was that of no escape and filled with despair.

The human section, now, have only three rulers with one being occupied fighting the Blight Dragon while the two lead and handle the rest.

The dwarves are instead occupied with the titan of destruction whom they barely can fight even with the presence of the ruler of the dwarves.

The demons, fairies and elves were facing lesser threats but the situation was not that good in their side too.

Calamities, gates, dungeons, systems, levels...there was absolute chaos and the only 'faction' that lost nothing was that of Deva.


