Chapter 197 A distant memory

See it.

Imagine it.

The life of a living being.

It can be a short life or long one.

It can be intense or unassuming one.

It can be filled with despair, regrets and farewells or with hope, satisfactions and new encounters.

From their birth to their death every living being struggles in their life.

Matters of love. Matters of family. Matters of responsibility. Matters of ideology. Matters of their own survival.

Every life is different from each other, and that is why I do not get bored watching the lives of others.

Can you see it? That poor child there is suffering because he lives in the slums.

He can catch a disease just by being in that filthy, maybe he already has a disease. He eats anything that is edible no matter how rancid or rotten it is.

Every single day is a battle for the day after.

His stomach growls because he did not eat enough. But even if he eats enough, his life is also in danger by other dangers.

Beaten up by people like him who also live their lives between a stomach that has eaten and a stomach that is empty.

Can you hear it? The hollow weeps of a pitiful woman.

No one is there to comfort her nor she has someone to lean to.

She has a family and lots of friends yet ultimately the only person the woman relied on was herself. Everything else was just to gain benefits for herself. Her husband, her children and even her friends...any relationship she had was mere business.

Can someone live like that? Obviously not, we are talking about a normal person that chose a road filled with the coldness of loneliness.

Was it then worth the fame and money in exchange of a life that lacked warmth?

Indeed, how pitiful.

Do you see that?

That naive girl lived her life in ignorance yet in happiness.

How sweet. Because of her naivety, her family loved her, her fiancé also loved her and she never met a difficulty in her life other than not understanding the love she was always given.

'She' never met a difficulty but that cannot be said about those around her. Her lack of judgement and wisdom always caused troubles if not even the deaths of several people because of her actions causing the resentment of many people.

The ones around her met a brutal end while her naivety saved her by charming a man that took her far away from her home.

Marvelous, that life of hers was indeed marvelous and at the same time gloomily hilarious.

A happy ending for our princess!

Do you understand it? That endless anger and desire for vengeance? You obviously can't since those who were controlled by such thing died in tragedy and miserably.

No matter how anger and hatred you pour towards the world, the world won't react at all and will remain indifferent at that hatred and anger.

But, do I find it meaningless?

Obviously not, such flame that fiercely burns everything around it is dazzling.

It burns oneself, its allies and enemies, such life being consumed by an intense emotion is indeed marvelous.

Can you hear them? The giggles and sweet words of a couple? That slow yet at the same time fast period of time whispering words of nothing, promising an uncertain future and laughing like fools.

Blinded by love, the two think they can beat the world with their love.

Oh, entertaining! Many times, if not most of the times, the love between the two will wither away because of the mundane affairs.

Money, work, family, diseases, responsibilities...

That fantastical period of time where the two could just lay in the ground and think nothing other than love is now just a memory.

How sad. Do you want to know it?

No matter how it seems that every action you do may lead to misery you cannot deny the fact that you,

whether you were born poor or rich,

naive or wise,

healthy or ill,

slow-witted or smart,

tried to lead your life to the best.

The poor boy was happy just by having something to eat. Him eating something was the equivalent of a child eating a chocolate. Grinning and joyous.

Is happiness something equivalent to pursuing a dream, having a loving family or have money? Obviously not, just surviving for the day brought the boy hope and joy.

Is love and warmth something that can be earned that easily? In some cases, yes, sometimes a person is surrounded by people that are kind but when you aren't? Do you have to wait for that warmth to be delivered? The pitiful woman will certainly understand that and atleast try to change her views.

I often wonder if the people that continue to be naive can survive but I witnessed many cases like the little princess where instead of the person itself that is harmed the people around her are. It is tragic but that is something we cannot do anything about it. That is true also for the rage and hatred that swirls endlessly in the air. It is irrational and absurd like throwing oneself towards the flames of death and bringing with you your companions and enemies.

I witnessed many lives that seemed to be the same but at the same time so different at a fundamental level.

There was a saying that if you read books then it is like you lived multiple lives and that saying cannot be more true.

I watched millions of lives, they were overflowing with emotions.

Some of them were heroes or famous people but most of them were composed of ordinary people.

Imagine it. Draw an image or more.

The mundane, daily life of a ordinary person.

It's struggles, it's regrets and sufferings or why they became so miserable.

Guide those emotions and control them to shape something, even a shape that connects to that emotion can help.

That child suffered the pain of hunger day and night. Just chewing something might help him suppress such hunger. A mouth that can devour anything.

That woman wanted warmth and love, she lamented and cried because of the loneliness. Picture that loneliness and express it with your own voice, surely you can do that easily since you grew alone.

A presence that causes misfortune...

A flame that melts everything...

A withering love...

That's good. Little Deva, you are indeed listening this time.

When you obtain your own aura just imagine the mundane life of these ordinary people and with some practise you'll be able to atleast control your aura.

A pat? You want me to pat you? Oh, how silly of you, come here.


