Chapter 196 Within their own world

The raven-haired woman panted.

Wearing a pair of latex thigh high and latex gloves that wrapped themselves around the woman's arms.

She roughtly breathed.

Her wrist were bound behind her head exposing her full body seductively. In such position, her breasts were the most distinct as she breathed. Her nipples were hard.

Five women watched her as her pussy was soaked.

They've just undressed her while they teased her with dirty words stimulating her fantasies, then they bound her wrists.

Such simple actions were already enough for the raven-haired woman to be that wet that her juices flowed down through her legs. Her eyes weren't blindfolded and were slightly open but they were unfocused and most importantly couldn't see anything but darkness despite the room wasn't dark.

Her sense of sight was temporarily robbed. She would release an adorable whimper the moment her body was slightly touched. It was not only her sense sight that was altered, but also the other senses were either suppressed or raised their sensitivity.

The raven-haired woman couldn't hear what the other women in the distance were talking about with each other but the moment one of them directly whispered in her ears her brain immediately melted with pleasure.


She recognized who whispered to her, her sense of smell was raised several times, she catched the faint scent of medicine or drugs amidst the smell of sweat and saliva that permeated the room.

Her sensitivity was raised even higher, just the latex digging in her skin and the rope wrapped around her wrists caused her to feel waves of pleasure.


Two finger slip in the surface of her wet snatch causing the raven-haired woman to moan, quickly those finger were shoved inside the slightly open mouth. She sucked those fingers soaked of her own juices, not only that but she slightly bit the fingers of the woman with her raised eye brows and misty eyes.

Velena widened her eyes as she suppressed her desire to immediately give in to her lust but quickly she understood what was happening.

Velena softly laughed as she pinched one of Deva's nipples with the other hand and twisting it.

"This is a little punishment for trying to tempt me." Velena softly whispered while she ignored the loud moan from Deva. "And, if you move from your position even by a single know that Ira will mercilessly punish you."

With her back curved like a bow, Deva moaned as both of her nipples were pinched. Her legs trembled from the pleasure and pain derived from her breasts being played with.

Despite being so intense, this was, for them, just foreplay.

Different from Deva who was wearing nothing other than the gloves and thighs highs, the five women were modestly clothed meaning that they weren't that desperate to directly have sexual intercourse with Deva.

"Deva, crouch." A new voice appeared and they commanded Deva as if she was a dog.

Without hesitation, Deva followed Edea's command assuming a crouching stance.

Such posture was painful yet Deva's wet snatch never stopped feeling pleasure. She waited for further development but after several minute she started to panic as she attempted to hear or feel a presence near her.

"D-don't tell me..."

A horrifying thought passed through her mind but nevertheless she remained in such uncomfortable posture.

There was the possibility that they were just being silent and waiting for her to take a wrong step. There was the possibility that they really left her in such state. Deva wondered for how much she can endure being in such posture, whatever the possibility, Deva knew that she'll spend a long agonizing time in that posture.

Seconds passed like minutes and minutes seemed hours.

By the time an hour passed, she was a mess of sweat and other sticky liquids.

"Ahn!" Deva yelped in surprise. She felt a cold tightening pressure in her nipples. Waves of pain and pleasure assaulted her as drool flowed down in her chin and landing in her skin. Again, she recognized a particular scent near her, that being of Ira.

Something changed.

Now, she couldn't hear anything other than her hearbeat even though she was moaning.

Her sense of hearing was then also temporarily robbed.

Without even giving Deva time, Ira thrusted her hips.

A familiar taste and smell pervaded Deva's tongue and nose.

A hand gripped her hair, slowly they guided Deva towards the end of the base of the penis. The warm wet cave being Deva's mouth soaked entirely the penis that Ira just grew with a potion.

As if it was a sweet lollipop, Deva wrapped her tongue around such delicious rod despite she was being held in such posture.

A pair of hands landed in her thighs, they held her still as Theresa positioned herself below Deva. The dripping juices soaked the rock hard rod, Theresa didn't hesitate and with motion of her hips she entered inside Deva. The walls involuntarily tightened but not too much to impede the penetration of the rod towards the deepest spots of Deva.

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around Deva's waist. Deva felt something poking and probing her other hole but such sensation was overwhelmed by the smell and taste in front of her and the pleasure from below.

Era slowly entered inside the other hole, Era felt her rod being rejected as the walls of flesh clenched and Era did not force herself. She firstly relaxed the tight hole by inserting only part of her penis adapting the hole the size of it. The process was a bit slow but pleasure makes time pass quickly and in no time one could see the sight of three women assaulting Deva's three holes with their rods.

It wasn't only that as semen mixed with saliva, sweat and with more semen creating a smell that amplyfied one's carnal desires if one were to smell it.

There was no care for the outside world as the women lost themselves in their own world.


