Chapter 195 Four threats

For most of the times calamities would appear as geographical disasters but more greater than the usual ones are like giant tornadoes that would persist for months or earthquakes with high magnitudes that would continue for several months in a certain area.

But those two mentioned before are calamities that are more in the normal side, the inhabitants of Intris have already invented several devices to predict the arrival of these type calamities and have atleast enough time to evacuate the area.

But what about a moving calamity? Like a mist that can devour anything that enters within it or a creature in a form of a calamity? Obviously Intris was not ready to confront such things and can only avoid such calamity or find a way to overcome it.

As ten or more years since dungeons and calamities appeared Intris has been able to fend off the few ones that appeared but nevertheless many victims perished or strong and valuable soldiers sacrified their lives to fight these calamities.

As time passed Intris was hit with more frequency and intensity by these calamities and with the threat of the gates, one cannot but think that the road for a happy ending will be ardous and difficult. But Intris was also given enough time to raise powerful individuals not only through levels and systems but also through conquering dungeons, in fact those who owned a dungeon are considered powerhouses.


"Go spread my words. My words of love shouldn't be only heard by you but everyone in Intris."


Today, one of the intelligent species that ruled Intris along with humans, dwarves, fairies and demons, bowed their heads towards a being shrouded in light.

Rows of angels were kneeling in the ground as they watched with misty eyes and with ragged breaths the being in front of the being.

Facing directly the being was the matriarch of these angels, one could recognize her just by seeing the number of wings that exceeded that of a normal angel and how her halo was brighter than a normal angel.

She conquered a dungeon and through that protected all the angels by gathering them in a city and in the centre of that city her dungeon. She was not only one of the few known beings in Intris that owned a dungeon but also one of the most powerful warriors of Intris.

The city of Paradise was oddly empty so not a single drone knew what was happening since they couldn't enter inside the dungeon but it was because of these drones that the being shrouded in light ordered the matriarch to gather all the angels inside.

Even if it was odd Core presumed that the angels decided to shelter themselves inside the dungeon from any danger from monsters and calamities.

But returning to the angels.

The atmosphere was strange, the angels' faces were flushed as they listened to the being.

"If they refuse to listen to you then use your body to make them understand. Capture them, restrain them and bring them here where you can whisper my words of love to them without worries."

A dark light enveloped the bodies of the angels but they were unaware or it.

"The shackles in your wrists and ankles are a symbol of being an apostle of this great god. They won't hinder your movements as they are only a symbol of submission."

Ecstasy filled the soul of the angels as they could feel a cold yet pleasant sensation in their wrists and ankles.

"You have any right to make anyone you deem worthy to submit at you."

Gasps of surprise echoed as several collars appeared in the hands of each angel.

"Now, my apostles, go spread my words!"

The figure in light darkened becoming more similar to a shadow but none of the angels seemed to mind as slowly their pure white feathers and halo darkened. Strange symbols appeared in the skin of the now fallen angels but it only made them more alluring and seductive.

Before anyone in Intris noticed, the angels met one of the most subtle calamities in the history of Intris and it may be the first and last one but also something that will exist within the next angels that will be born.

An entire race was corrupted to their very core changing them into a version more assertive and intense. If before the angels were viewed as benevolent despite being the embodiment of lust, now they'll seek actively to satisfy their lust even of that meant to betray their allies. They won't necessarily slaughter people but their appearance will absolutely hinder the progress of overcoming the crisis Intris is currently facing.

As if everything was an illusion, the fallen angels returned to being angels. The black feathers and halo returned to their normal colors.

"Listen, everyone!"

The matriarch turned her body towards the crowd of angels, a wide mischievous smile was in her face.

"We absolutely and I repeat absolutely need the help of our elven allies! We are surrounded by monsters and are in need of aid! Prepare yourselves to welcome them!"

After that, a cheer echoed.

The figure, now, shrouded in darkness, was a calamity in a form of a spell that being the corruption spell. There was no way to dispel the effect given by this calamity to the, now, fallen angels. The process was irreversible and even the strongest spell of purification will be useless in front of this corruption.

Meanwhile, in the dwarven lands.

A gate totally different from the others appeared.

Unlike the other gates where monsters immediately poured out the moment they appeared, this particulat gate did not pour a single monster despite releasing an intimidating air.

At that moment, an enormous hand emerged and gripped the left side of the gate from the other end, then another enormous hand gripped the other side and slowly the owner of such hands seemed to emerge from the portal.

Lava oozed out from the hands and as they fell in the ground they melted and burnt anything that made contact with it.

The head, the torso and then the rest of the body with the lower part being the last ones...the tall being emerged from the gate that broke the moment the tall being stepped out from said gate.

Just by standing, the titan's body released lava, a lake of lava was already there by the time the titan left the gate.


The titan took a massive step forward and soon enough it started to run towards the direction of the nearest city. With its tall stature it located easily one of the nearest settlements.

Instead of being a calamity, the being that made its way through the gate was a creature from the gate but its existance was similar to that of a calamity.

Four threats now appeared in Intris.

The countless monsters poured out from the numerous gates.

The Blight Dragon in the Eastern section in the human lands.

The corrupted angels or fallen angels.

And lastly, a titan of destruction in the dwarven lands.