Chapter 194 Roar

Underneath Intris.

Deeper than where the dwarves could explore.

A place where even Core cannot see with the drones or did not even thought of seeing.

The bones of the ancestors of the populace of Intris and of extinct mythical creatures were buried into.

There was a time where before systems and dungeons appeared that Intris was filled with people and creatures capable of doing miracles without the help of the said systems and dungeons.

But the already forgotten ancient past was not important. The story of heroes, their civilization that was totally different from Intris, the reason of its fall...all of that era and the likes unfortunately cannot be heard anymore. Even ruins of that era vanished from thin air. But what remained were the bones of the beings that ruled that era.

The bones of dragons, the bones of basilisks or the bones of mythical creatures that caused chaos and disasters started to move towards an unknown place and merged together forming a hideous creature entirely made of bone. The creature made of bones couldn't be recognized anymore even by using any creature as a reference. The already gigantic sizes of the bones merged with each other strengthening and magnifying the size of the bones. The mana that filled the place under the surface seemed to seep into the bones further strengthening them to the limit.

In the eye sockets, big round orbs glowed with malevolent light. Mana gathered in the open jaw of the creature and after some time something similar to a dragon breath was released towards the surface.

The great beam of light seared through the rocks and soil arriving in no time in the surface but the beam did not just stop at that. Just above there was the main city of Eastern section where the King Orlando ruled and its people were admist in preparing themselves against the incoming monsters from one of the new gates that appeared a few kilometres from the city.

The elderly and the children were in safe places yet they prayed for their survival while trembling in fear and anxiety. Those who could help went back and forth supporting the soldiers while the soldiers themselves were holding their weapons or chanting a spell as swarms of monsters could be seen in the distance.

The ruler himself, King Orlando, was giving a speech with his battle armor. The King's presence was overwhelming and because of that the soldiers were not disorderly.

The climax seemed to approach. The soldiers gulped as the monsters were just a few hundreds metres away, the King was in the midst of ordering the archers and mages to start shooting their arrows and spells but in an instant everything vanished, melted and reduced to mere ashes. Only the sound of destruction could be heard and as for screams...the people did not even have the time to do so before the light engulfed them and melted them.

A great pillar of light rose towards the sky and the monsters nearby did dare to take a step forwards instead they retreated as they sensed in their very core a primordial fear towards a strong being.

A roar from the deepest part of Intris echoed not only all over the Eastern section but from all the four sections of the human lands.

As the terriying roar shook the humans and in the future tremble everyone who'll hear it, a white-haired woman woke up in her bed. Unlike everyone else who's attention was grabbed by the roar, the woman looked around her.

Her room was empty so she walked out of her room. She visited every room of her house as if searching for someone but there was not a single soul around her.

"E-eh?" Tears fell from her cheeks. She didn't know why she was crying but a sense of emptiness filled her as if something important was missing, as if a piece of her left her.

I miss her.

Where is she.

I want to see her.

I want to hear her voice.

To gaze at her smile forever.

The woman thought of the person she loved yet a sense of discordance and incongruency filled her heart.

Why does her heart hurt so much at the mere thought of that person, it wasn't lovesickness but an emotion of anger and hatred from the deepest past of her heart.

She couldn't understand it.

The love and hate towards her beloved mixed together forming a contradiction. The two extremes collided, mixed with each other and at the same time rejecting as they mixed.

A mess of emotions overwhelmed her so much that she unleashed her aura unconsciously. The aura would appear and disappear in intervals of time.

The house that was rebuilt a few hours ago was destroyed once again.

The roar of a monstrous being far away drowned the laughters of a woman in tears.

That day the ruler of the Eastern section was killed along with dozens of thousands of people. The terrifying sight of a gargantuan monster made of bones crawling from the deepest part of Intris was seen by the nearby monsters.

Now, along with the appearance of gates, there's the appearance of a calamity in the form of a titanic monster.

The bone monster roared once again, and this time it was so loud and so powerful that the roar echoed every corner of Intris and the monsters nearby exploded just from the vibrations of the roar.

As if it was celebrating its birth it opened its big jaws as mana was being concentrated in there.

A great pillar of light swept everything in front of the grand monster, everything in a straight line of thousands of metres.

That day, the calamity "Blight Dragon" was born. At the same time, the Saintess Lucia of the Western section moved all over the other sections with exception of the Eastern section with a large number of soldiers.

Like the name of the Blight Dragon was spread, the praise for the Saintess filled all the three sections.

People cried in sadness seeing the empty eyes of the Saintess, they assumed that the deaths caused by the monsters deeply wounded her but there was in reality another reason for her blank expression.


