Chapter 206 Fourth life


For a moment I did not give an answer nor expressed a single emotion towards the man.

Two beings cannot quickly understand each other. They start to communicate with each other using gestures or words in order to convey their thoughts, or observe the other in order to comprehend their actions but that does not mean that they can understand each other.

Then they start sharing ideas, they start a conversation and slowly as the two continue to interact they further understand each other.

The man has the mindset of a monarch, he is the closest person that can be considered as a ruler of Karma.

Similar to him is Thaleasin, Lucia and the other rulers that reign part of Intris. In a way, I am also a ruler but I am also a bit different compared to these kings and queens.

From the perspective of this monarch, my actions, my words and my reasons are incomprehensible and puzzling.

You have power.

You have authority to rule strong individuals.

You have resources to fuel a faction without issues.

And just want to observe your world in the shadows without anything in return?

Don't you want to display to the world your might? The fact that you are above everyone else, don't you want to show it? To have the authority to rule everyone beneath you, don't you want that? If you really don't want those then I can only think that you just want to see the world burn.

It is normal to have those thoughts.

Different from the man who does not understand the other party, I entirely know everything about his past and secrets, and even understand him more than the person who devoted her heart to him.

"Mmm, indeed. This does not concern you whose life is at its end. The fate of Karma or Intris is not important for the dead, what matters now is the present and before death reaches you I'll make you feel miserable."

The next words and actions will further break the spirit of this already dying man.

"Mmm...You still have enough time to hear the most important things. Secunda."


I called her name and consequently she bowed her head, not to her father who was in front of her but to the enemy.

"Tell him what are you."



Under my gaze and that of her father, Secunda's lips trembled but that was for a moment before turning to her father and opening her mouth.

"I am mistress' trophy that exists solely and purely for her pleasure. My body has been tainted by her. My mind broken in many ways and many times. I devoted and will devote this body and mind to my mistress."

Secunda painfully squeezed those words as her heart broke at how her father's expression similarly crumbled like her heart.


"Eh...? Mistress...?"

A pat in the head. A hand softly caressed such head as if it was the most precious thing in the world. The pain and distress vanished as if it was an illusion and were replaced by joy and ecstasy.

"You did well." A comforting voice came out from my mouth.


"It has been painful, right? Now you can bury your head between my arms."



Between the call of despair from her father and the choice to dive into the warm embrace of her mistress...Secunda chose the latter.


This scene was similar to many that I have witnessed.

Goblins raping young girls in front of their fathers.

Bandits ravaging the wives of common villagers.

This seems the same of those scenes. The face of the man was similar of those poor and pitiful fathers and husbands.

I apologize. I am not a noble and majestic monarch like you. I am someone that can lower myself to the level of that of a vermin even without an important reason behind it.

Yes, my attachment to Intris is beyond common sense to the point that I want to see its growth but at the same time not intervene too much in that.

You can say that I'm like a cruel instructor whose purpose is to properly shape Intris.

But if I have the spare time to have a laugh then I really won't hold myself.

Slowly, the eyelids of the man closed as a sight that never he could've imagined was deeply engraved into his soul. His lips moved to say something but not a single word could even leave his mouth. His sense of touch disappeared along with his sense of sight and smell, he couldn't feel the corpse of his wife in his arms or smell the stench of death around him or see his daughter embracing the enemy.

Lastly, his sense of hearing vanished along with the last words he could hear.

"I love you, mistress!"

What did the enemy took away from him? Everything. His life, his family and his dignity were taken away from him and then dropped in the floor to then spitting it.

The woman who did all of this was no different to a criminal. The man hoped that the woman would end up with the fate of a criminal sentenced to death, that of a miserable and humiliating death.

"Well then, shall we go?"

"Mmm!Yes, mistress!"

The two vanished from Karma and returned to Intris.

Silence. Silence pervaded the place. Cold corpses filled the place only a tiny figure could be seen leaning against a door, the same big door that led to where this tiny figure's parents died.

She couldn't restrain the tears from falling and silence was then replaced by sobs of grief and words of anger and resentment.

Terzia couldn't understand. Her mind was in turmoil. She has been played with and the ones around her paid the consequences.


The name of the woman who caused all this.

Terzia lamented to the heavens why. Why was she that cursed? To be cursed with reincarnation and the nightmare that is Deva.

"Ah, that's right!"

There was no other way other than running away.

"I'll return when I'll get stronger." Terzia muttered.

"Until then...I'll run away from her."

That day, the former hero Ben who was at the same time being the third daughter of the Samsara family ended her own life going towards her fourth life.


