Chapter 207 Soon...soon everything will be ready

Certainly, there are worlds that I visited that surpassed Intris in many aspects, there were worlds that can be considered as utopian worlds but despite being perfect worlds they are intrinsically imperfect.

The more one is perfect the more it is imperfect. Only seeking the path of perfection but never archieving it can be considered as the most ideal path.

It is a path of both progress and regression.

An infinite road where the term perfection should be only pursued and never be achieved.

A perpeual change of things.

Going forwards or returning to the beginnings.

A path that never stops flowing.

Like there are no form of government that will last forever nor a single one of them that can be truly considered to be perfect, monarchy will change to democracy and in turn change in another time into a dictatorship and then become a republic to then returning to dictatorship.

Stagnation cannot be allowed, no, in the first place stagnation won't be given by the future events that Intris will have to confront. But...even without those stagnation is not good.

Yes, that's right. A person cannot remain angry or sad forever.

Chaos and Order will flow within Intris and never disappear.

Most likely the existence of my faction will be revealed to Intris whether it will be in the far future or in the next moment but we will try to continue what we have been doing the entire time.

I've seen it. My people fell into decadence and are starting signs of stagnation but that will inevitably change in the future where our faction will be revealed to the world and will need to contribute in protecting Intris.

Changes will continue to occur. But to that time is needed, a great amount at that is needed to see those changes.

Since time will flow together with those changes, will time also change me and anyone around me? I obviously cannot be certain about that.

But that is good. The unknown makes anyone feel fear and at the same time anticipation.




"Really? Can we finally go somewhere to see new places?"

"That's right."

"There won't be like, you know, doing some troublesome tasks or something like that, right?"

"I promise."

"And what about Intris? What will you do if something happens? You know, something unexpected."

"Core carefully selected a dungeon where time seems to flow differently, well, that information is from the ones that entered once in that dungeon and there's other than exploration there will be really not a single thing that will bother us."

"That seems to be a flag though."

Velena, Ira, Theresa, Edea and Era nagged Deva with all kind of questions from whether she brought enough food potions and clothes to the what ifs scenarios that might get in their way.

And as if Deva already prepared herself from this kind of things she responded with a smile.

"Well...there's always a small chance that something might go wrong so just in case we better not lose our guards, okay?"

After dozens of minutes of asking questions that the five were satisfied and were excited to get fresh air and see new things, well, the most important thing for them is that Deva can finally spend time with them without her being so worried about Intris.

"So, everything will be left to Core?" Era asked but her tone indicated that it was far from being a casual question.

"Yeah, I mean, she has been always been the one managing everything and I think Core is not going to step over the line, there's no reason for her to do so. Why do you ask?"

"Just...a feeling."

Deva paused for a moment.

Era was still a celestial being, a being that lived many years compared to anyone within Intris and her perception was quite high. Even if it was just a gut feeling without a proof that can validate such feeling, Deva knew that it cannot be just that especially if that is coming from Era.

"Can you describe more about that feeling?"

"Just a vague feeling that something is going to happen that is connected to Core. Ah, this is not going to ruin our plans, right?"

Deva thought for a moment before saying that nothing will change and that she'll arrange some things before departing.

But can Deva even think about some countermeasures about Core? If she were to deal with her secretly she might be found by Core even in less than a minute.

"Mmm, better do it directly. I don't think Core might really start something...I think something might happen to her but just in case I'll just give Devi and Beatrice the job to look out for Core."

Deva mulled over her thoughts as she walked across the corridor.





Core's eyes dangerously gleamed as her head turned towards the direction of the back of Deva who just talked to her. But Core knew that Deva talked with Devi and Beatrice before coming to her, and likewise Deva knew that Core already knew and instead of saying any useless stuff Deva just said 'Take care' before turning around.

Core's body felt hot. This was the first time that her body felt such indescribably emotions towards someone that was not Deva.

Core was furious.

Era caused Deva to be slightly suspicious of her, it was just a thought but Core shivered at the thought of Deva seriously glaring at her, and despite such thing will happen in the future Core was still not ready to be the one receiving such emotions from Deva.


Happiness bloomed inside her.

Deva trusted her so much to the point that she was having a hard time believing that she could start something against Deva.


Everything will be ready.


Just a little more.




The soul left the flesh to enter in another new body.


Death does not wash away regrets and painful memories for reincarnator.

The price for being a reincarnator is a slow process of the degradation of the mind and the numbness of the heart.

But she was still not there.

The regrets and past memories rushed and loud cries of a newborn echoed across the room.