Chapter 214 £[|£@'s [|@t@(2)/ Error

Her voice is...enchanting and bewitching.

My heart would flutter just by hearing her and even more so when she praises me like with 'Well done', 'Good job' or 'Good girl'.

Her voice is what first made me fall in love with her to the point that even in a crowded place I would be able to locate where Edea is.

In a relationship people say that the two should be equal but that's really not the case, in a relationship one is more dominant or assertive than the other, one is likely to start things when the other is likely to follow or always complain, one is likely to have more responsability than the other and where one is likely to love more than the other and in out case she's the one who loves me the more and who has more responsability.

I already noticed that the hypnosis sessions caused me to be like this and as I interacted more and more with Edea I would in a pit that I'll be unable to leave, but despite this I never thought of finding a way out and instead embraced this warm and fuzzy feeling when we would start a session.

Rather than blanketing my mind to then control it, Edea decided another kind of approach and that is with subtle conditioning and hypnotic suggestions. While it may be the same, it is not. The former is more to break and rearrange the pieces into a new 'you' while the latter is more like bringing you to walk into a mist and then guiding you under her directions.

Today is a day where we start a session, I lie to our bed and quietly listen to Edea's voice and words.

I deeply breathed in and out, relaxed my muscles and then fell in a state of stillness.

"Eh...?" I found myself in a space with nothing around me.

But there was no after. The state that I was supposed to reach did not come and instead I could feel something being washed up inside me, but what was supposed to be?

Something akin to a cloud gradually flew away from me, before it could vanish I saw the sight of a silver ring inside it.

Then, more and more of those clouds started to appear and, like the first one, fly away.

A small girl with pointy ears.

Her lips that opened and closed.

Nights and days spent in total debauchery.

Kisses and warmth shared with peace.

And a love that was contaminated by two strangely familiar women yet foreign to me, before that there was only curiosity before it was conditioned and transformed into something as dark and unhealthy as the two.

Slowly, memories of a certain elf together with fragments of another one vanished, they gradually vanished as if they weren't there in the first place.

Nothing new.

Another dream has ended, to be forgotten.

Another one will follow suit, to give pleasant sensations to then vanishing from thin air.

It became more vague and hazy.

Deva could feel strong arms wrapping themselves around her waist but the face and voice of the person who was holding were seemed to be vague and hazy. But Deva could see how the person who was embracing her seemed to be a person close to her with how natural their warmth was and how natural Deva felt with being in between her arms.

Everything seemed to be a mess, a mass of things that made no sense.

A person acting like a dog and barking like a dog atop of a tree.

Two little girls singing and giggling around a corpse that continued to shift its form from that of a young man to that of a little girl.

What seemed to be an elven king grinning while being choked by an elven woman.

A greatsword that jumped up and down while another followed such greatsword behind while floating in the air.

Countless monstrous creatures circled around Deva with acts that made absolutely no sense to her.

They danced, they giggled, they played, they ripped each other's throat and stomachs, they cried, they kneeled in the ground, they screamed as they watched the sky, they prayed, they chanted, they cursed, they harmed themselves, they hugged each other, they whispered, they mauled each other, they pushed each other, they snarled at each other...

Yet, while it made no sense to her and was a shocking sight Deva comfortably snuggled closer to the person embracing her and watched with amusement the sight around her.

Innocent acts mixed with acts of violence and vileness.

A familiar sight.

Yet, the bizzare and freaky scenes seemed, at a slow pace, to combine.

Flesh and bones to mingle and create horror creatures as laughter and screams continued to echo.

They danced, they giggled, they played...

*thud* *thud*

Tremors caused by them made the scene even more eerie.

They ripped each other's throat and stomachs, they cried, they kneeled in the ground...

Tears and blood gave life as trees rapidly grew engulfing those near them. Fruits, leaves and even the bark of such tree resembled faces in great pain and grief.

They screamed as they watched the sky, they prayed, they chanted, they cursed, they harmed themselves...

The dreams are far from over.

Those who think that dreams and the subconscious can be easily manipulated then they are far from being right. It is an untapped subject that even the greatest minds and beings inside 'Everything' have yet to fully understand.

The more one has experienced traumatic, heavy and memorable events won't easily have their minds permanently changed to the better, rather it would only deteriorate, if the body and soul is immortal then there's only a forevermore deterioration of the mind.

They hugged each other, they whispered, they mauled each other, they pushed each other, they snarled at each other...

The initial intent will be instead the catalyst of the beginnig of a significant deterioration, not that Deva's interest would have prevented such things.

Millions if not billions of memories adding the numerous scenes in each memory they left a mark in Deva's mind and even if such marks were as little as that of a minuscule ant they still left a mark, then multiply it for thousands of times again and again and you'll see a mind that it is scarred, more than it should be.

Negative emotions leave a greater mark compared to positive ones.

The creatures' number was not reducing but instead multiplying.

Nightmares are coming.


