Chapter 215 First moments of the nightmares

You have seen us, we were screaming our last words in despair and resignation.

You watched us, we were giving a meaningless struggle just for a second more to live.

You laughed at us, we couldn't bear the pain, we wanted for that to end sooner.

You cried for us, we were in pain because of you.

You stood there, we were being trampled like ants while you were playing the role of an Evil God.

You heard our pleas, we pleaded for someone to help us or even accompany us for a moment before the end but you merely watched in the distance.

You were there, you trampled and murdered and made fun of us.

You observed and smelled our corpses, dismembered and in pieces, you left our remains there.

You interacted with us, we thought you were just a normal traveler passing by but in reality...

You helped us, we thought you were a nice girl but you showed your true color the moment we exposed our backs.

You traveled and spent years with us, we were backstabbed and desecrated by you.

You killed us, painfully, you slaughtered us.

You robbed us, you took everything precious to us, threw them in the filthy ground and spit in them.

You deceived us, you made us do your biddings and betrayed innocent people causing the ruin of our world.

You said you loved me, yet, you killed me without hesitation.

We left the world with nothing other than our screams engraved in your memories. With our nails, we left just a mark that no one would associate with our deaths, our screams that you heard is the proof that we actually existed and we know you'll live a long, carry our deaths with guilt like you've always did.

"Ah! It hurts! It huuuurts!" "Someone!Someone! Help me!" "*sob* *sob*" "Stop...Stop!" "Ack! Get off me! My arm...!" "Dear? Dear, wake up! Wake up! The kids already went to hide, so wake up...!" "Ack...haaaahck! *Cough*" "Don't! If you want to vent your anger then vent it on me and not to my family! Especially the kids! Not the kids! Noo! How can you! You bitch! Aaaaa!" "..." "Is someone there? Please help me! My legs! My legs cannot move!" "Miss, you...I...thought you..." "*sob* *sob*" "Grrrrrr! Grrraaaa! You! Come here! The moment I have my hands in you!" "Haaaaa....Haaaaa." "Aaaaa! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Kill me! Kill me! Kill me! End this pain!Ahhhh-" "D-Deva? W-why? Why?! What's the meaning of...t..this? *thud*" "You whore! You'll suffer immaginable pain in hell! Ten time more than I suffered because of you!" " meeee...Sthoop...youuur haavknd...ack..." "A-aaaah! Mommy? Daddy? Where are you? Why is everything so red and difficult to breathe? *cough* *cough* *cough* Big brother...I have to find Big brother..." "Stop! Stop! Stop! Just kill me already! Stop peeling off the skin! How sick can you be by having fun in doing this? Aaaaaah!" "*sob* sob* ahhh end this already." "T-that chair is my husband? That pile of bones? Don't joke around! Ah...That face! Y-you ripped off his face...Y-you, what a-are you? A-are you the devil?" "Ack!" "Mom? Dad? Please! Anyone?"

Voices filled with sorrow and grief vividly echoed.

Their loved ones being butchered in front of them or given the idea that they were butchered painfully and slowly. The realization that there was nothing they could do to prevent their demise, lose any hope they have as emotions start to overwhelm them. Their lives changed so abruptly because of a single encounter of brutal person.

Voices filled with anger and resentment stirred the surroundings.

That explosive emotion that wanted to reach her but unable to do anything other than releasing them, it was just futely cursing the world and its unfairness. That rage that burned them till they became ash. To replace fear and distress with anger and resentment, to mark to her that karma will one day come.

Voice filled with confusion and shock blended.

Mostly the most innocent and harmful ones, they were thrown in a hopeless situation where all they could do was to wait for someone to help or for a miracle to happen, but those never came and instead disaster and misforture flooded in sweeping them to oblivion. There was someone that could extend her hand and help them but instead amusingly watched the show or wanted to see how they their despair and pain. Miracles rarely happen, heroes that went to vanquish evil only strike the source of the evil and not the poison that it spread, before a hero will be able to defeat this evil, the evil might have already caused immeasurablendestruction and pain.

And the victims that fell under Deva's actions or lack of any will to give help shows how much scars she left and in return she received in seeing them. Even the memories of someone unrelated to her left a little mark in her, seeing herself and those countless memories Deva knew how cold and ruthless the world is, and how everything in the end might be meanigless.

Someone might rob you of everything after all the effort you did. A disaster might come erasing every trace of your existence. How you might be forgotten as those who remembered you will also cease to exist and consequently with no one remembering you.

"..." Deva listened these voice with great attention.

It is...unpleasant and frightening. All the negative experiences she caused and received flooded in with the form of voices, reminding every cruel act she made, actions that she voluntarily made.

Yes, no matter how unpleasant and unsavory it is good.

As always, Deva accepted those feelings. If she can cause then she can also receive. She didn't know if she wanted to clutch her head or her chest but they hurt both the same way.

Outside, Core mistankenly thought that the fourth dream was finishing and the last one was finally going to start.

But the nightmares are far from being finished, they were just going to start. What kind of nightmare it is if Deva suffered just that little.


