Chapter 219 New powers, new body but still old Deva

Their warmth makes my heart beat faster.

Their voices my ears melt.

And their faces...

"Deva? Are you alright?"


"You've been always in daze these days even though we didn't partake in anything extreme nor used any of the strong drugs we usually use."

"Ah, it seems that the reawakening still have some side effect both in my mind and body."

"Oh! That's why Core raccomended us to not do anything too much...still, I wonder how much days we can hold it. You know, we really cannot hold it that much when you are here, hehe."

...I still have difficulties in remembering them.

Not all of them. In case of Era, I clearly remember about her but if we are talking about the others...I can only piece the most important parts of my memories about them.

However, what I gained through that experience are the vivid nightmares that haunted me for what it seemed years if not hundred of years.

While some of those nightmares depicted the gruesome and tragic or plain and direct ways my victims died, most of my nightmare consisted in reliving their lives before meeting me.

Many of my victims were nothing but common people that lived their life with their sufferings and little blessings such as poverty and family, disease and love, loneliness and will to live or disadvantages and luck.

Nothing changed much when we compare using Core's powers to see the memories of others meaning that either I've been the literal incoming of a devil in reality or that the term 'nightmare' might have been distorted or maybe both.

My entire being changed or to be more precise I returned to what I originally was despite not knowing the full knowledge of what a Daeva is.

I can literally control the shape of my body and through that change my appearance, while I could do it before to a certain extent now I do it more freely and as much as I want without putting a strain to my body. If I wanted to, I also can become incorporeal but being in such state was so strange, I could still sense the world with my five senses but there was a sense of not truly being alive in such state. Now, main power remains in my aura that's still being centered around emotions, it remains flexible as it was in the past and has many possibilities in either battle or not, but there are now the concepts that I can now have the control of.

It is comparable of the domains that celestial beings or higher beings attain as they pursue divinity or anything similar to that.

The first one is the concept of negavite thoughts or pessimism, it leads any being to tend to see the worst things and believe that bad things will happen, in summary it pretty much make you lose will or to despair. It acts more as a passive skill and there's really nothing fun and entertaining since it quickly leads the victim straight to the result instead of the process.

The second being the concept of unrest or strife, it leads any being to start to first feel a state of perpetual unease and such unbearable feeling will unavoidably lead to hostility and discord towards anything. Like the first, it acts more as a passive skill but slighly more useful and entertaining, we might know where it leads but we won't ever know how it will go.

Then there is the concept of ruthlessness that instead directs its attention to myself, ruthlessness is something that a being with a sentience cannot fully have or hold, in fact, despite seemingly being a complete joke, I too feel pity and compassion for others otherwise I wouldn't be able to emotionally understand other people, but this concept enables me to completely erase such limit and become an unfeeling being of destruction. At the same time, there's a part of us that it is ruthless and such aspect make us being able to do things that we normally we wouldn't do.

Then, there's the concept of ruin, where anything I come in physical contact or through my aura it will lead organic things or not to decay. There are many things that can be destroyed if I use this concept but at same time there are various things that counters this concept of mine and those are abstract things, other conceptual beings, immortal beings or anything related to eternity or infinity.

These new powers might really not change much in how I use my aura but I understand that these powers mirror the nature of the Daeva that I am and there in not really the need to say that even before this reawakening of mine that I showed these hideous natures of mine in the outside world.

I ascended to being a higher being but at the same time I am still anchored to the mortal world, my pursue are the desires and emotions that mortals have, the mortals are the ones that struggle the most, rejoice the most, thrive the most and come out as diverse as imagination can get.

Then there's my soul where I can now literally give a physical form. It has the same appearance as my body, strong as my body and exert my powers but if given a significant blow then it is an injury worse than losing an arm, in summary I now have two 'me' with one being a glass cannon if I am not careful enough.


