Chapter 220 A stroll in the wastelands

Walking across what was in the past a verdant forest, Deva together with Core gazed at the desolate scenery. Just a few miles from there they passed by an empty village in ruin, everything was broken with several traces of monsters that passed by but quickly left due to the lack of people.

Many abandoned their houses to flee to the more safest strongholds, there they are given chance to continue to live and the means to obtain food by helping, they are also trained to atleast hold off a monster or taught many subjects with the expectation that people start to fill the many empty spots.

Despite the desperate situation of the populace of Intris, Deva could see an improvement as a whole and as individuals. The pressure that comes from every corners prone people to adapt and quickly find the means to overcome them.

Yes, there will be people that will be overwhelmed and start to lose their will, it is understandable, people can even start losing their will to live by anything. Or there will be people that will start to harm and act purely for themselves even if such actions will lead into dragging others down with them.

That unending path is and it will be paved with meanigless sacrifice and corpses just so that others can step forward just by few steps.

It is subjectively a depressing yet incredible thing, most will likely to lean more with the former, how can you not? The good ending...the best ending will never be achieved and can only be satisfied with an ending slightly better than a bad one. A consolation prize and it is up to you if you love it and accept it or not.

"Core, Intris is a planet like many others and if I wanted so I can find another one, call it home and live comfortably there."

"Are you starting another monologue of yours?"

"Shh, let me be, it's fun anyways. You know that you shouldn't interrupt when someone does a monologue."


"But how can I do that? Despite my origins, I was born here and raised here as a daughter of these lands and not anywhere else. No matter the racial traits that the other races are unpleasant or not I cannot do nothing but want them to more forward. The Daeva me might not be from here but the Deva me comes from here..."

The raven-haired woman laughed and went on as another woman was silently listening and seemingly indifferent, to the outside one might think that Core was someone who was just playing along with a mental patient but it is the opposite as she was fervently and attentively listening.

Deva gained powers that in Intris no one cannot contend, powers that can contend that of gods and within Deva's forces there is also a goddess by her side and yet nothing changed much.

People continue to suffer, the threats still exist and continue to pressure Intris, there's also Karma, a planet that can be seen through a great rift in the skies and it is hostile to Intris.

Bitter wars will unfold, hopes scattered and negativity will swirl in the air than a cyclone.

And yet, the person who professed to love Intris who also at the same time is guilty of many sins will be watching with anticipation.

"...There's still time Core, we have the means that those ones want us to do but the preparation will still take atleast long enough for us to see the current events show us its endings while we gather energy."

"You won't wander around Intris to collect energy and finish the task given to you quicker because you want to watch the show, am I right?"

"Yup! That's right! How can I miss the show in live? Besides, I still need to Lyra and Glyny to grow stronger and get closer to them in order to properly finish the task and I think those old ones cannot say anything about that."

"Unfortunately, it seems that Hecate didn't want me to see the memory of the two of you but is the Abyss that dangerous?"

"Mmm...It is similar to a special club where only those that are part of that club can enter. Even Major Gods cannot enter since it is literally a cage made for the Devils and almost impossible to escape, but those two little elves will be our ticket to enter the Abyss but the Abyss has a special enviroment that no creature can survive or sustain themselves other than few exceptions and those are the ones directly created by the Devils. Lyra and Glyny can give us the access to the Abyss but the moment they enter their frail bodies will disintegrate and...mmm that's a surprise,okay? You better not use your powers in me to find that out or there will be no fun, well, whether the two will live or not Thaleasin might really cut ties with me though."


As Core called seriously, Deva turned her head towards her with raised eyebrows.


"As you know, my main body that it is currently in the underground base has the power of [Memory Scan] while this second one has that of [Dream]."

"Yeah, and?" Deva's smile deepened knowing what Core was going to ask.

"It enables me to create specific dreams that can give the victim several effects if their mental defences are low enough but that is not important, what's important is that as you have experienced is how vivid and seemingly real they are. How can you tell if you are currently in reality or just in a dream I fabricated? I observed you a lot of time, I might know you even more than your wives but I still cannot fathom several of your decisions that would have cost you your life or eternal imprisonment somewhere there. I..."

"By chance, Core."

"Huh? By chance?"

"Well, obviously not everything ended with 'by chance'. No, it is more like that my choices led to that chance, that possibility. Hmm, how about an example so that is more simple, how does that sound?"

There was a playful smile in Deva's face as she chose this over many choices to explain to Core.

"Now, consider yourself a farmer, that farmer wants to become a scholar but to become one the farmer needs to do many things like studying, money and passing exams and whatnot. But, what is this? They are but a generic farmer, they were born poor and need to tend the lands for hours before going to bed, the money from being a farmer is enough to just buy food to themselves or in necessity buy new things to replace the old and broken tools, the time and energy to also study might influence their work. They need money and time to give themselves the chance to become a scholar. What do they need? To be a bit more wise, to be a bit smart, to start to observe its surroundings and more importantly take a step forward otherwise it is all but useless if you were just thinking about such things. But there's more. What's this? Oh my, is the world seemingly too harsh towards some of you while to some too kind? You take a step forward and...BAM!"

Deva closed her hands and opening them afterwards with grandiose after saying 'BAM!

"You became a bit smarter, a bit wiser, started to observe your surrounding and moved forwards before something unexpected happened, something that you don't know how to deal with. You move forward again whether you gained something or suffered something from the previous event and what's this? Another unexpected event appeared but instead of panicking too much you try to pass through such event ending once again moving forward, this till you reach the day of your final exams and say that you pass. Did every single encounter you made let you pass the exams? Obviously not. But every decision you made led you to the present, some might really not gave you something beneficial but all of them is part of you and every experience you made led you to the present day without the useless 'ifs' or 'buts'."

Core listened to Deva despite not really understanding where she was going, Deva chose to play around before giving the answer and after having her fun.

" Oh, if I acted like this, I would have conquered that elf's heart. Oh, but you didn't help me so I couldn't tell you in time my feelings. What a damn shame, haha. " Insanity oozed out from Deva.

Core thought if Deva was ranting about certain people but chose to shut her mouth.

"Hmm, I went too ahead of myself, hehe. Sorry. But this clumsy and messy explanation of mine should have given you a rough idea of my answer. In summary, I don't know if this is reality or a dream, I don't know if I really planned to make a deal with those ones, I don't know if I really awakened as a true Daeva, how did I even open my eyes after those nightmare? To your question, I cannot tell if I am in a dream or in reality but do I need to ponder such things? Let it happen while I move forwards. That is what I've been doing since the beginning of my story, I make a choice and go with it, faced with a dilemma? I make a choice and go with it, isn't that how you truly move forward? 'Everything' goes on and, as you know, I refuse to remain still for too much and stagnate. Whether this is a dream or not I remain true to myself. Mmm, don't know if you really understood but that's my answer. Say, if this is a dream, can I do anything I want? Oh, but I already do that, kekeke."

A mischievous yet brilliant smile was reflected on Core's eyes and nothing came in mind other than the word 'Beautiful' despite to the outside it looked like that of a goblin.


