Chapter 228 Introductions


"Yes, Lucia?"

"Is that really you?"

"I am, I don't recall having another name other than Deva, oh wait maybe I use another one but that is only when I want to be called by that name nothing really special or that has a deep purpose behind it."

"No, this is..." Lucia's words trailed off before meeting eyes with two pairs of eyes. "These are?"

"Hi! I am Lyra..." "...and I am Glyny!" Despite having the confidence and boldness in introducing themselves, they unconsciously hid behind Deva as their instincts told them that she was currently the safest place to be around.

"They seems to be...familiar." Lucia carefully eyed them.

Seeing that Deva did not glance at them or hint something at them, the two little elves opened their mouths without fear of any consequences.

"We obviously are!" "We are, after all, royal princesses!" "So you probably met father or heard about him."

"Oh? And why would two royal princesses be with...Deva?" Suspicion grew within Lucia and a sense of dread came as Deva's smile remained calm.

"Because she is our Auntie! The strongest and coolest auntie!" "And most mysterious one amongst our other aunts!"

"Can you...elaborate? What do you mean auntie? You call her like that because?"

"What do you mean elaborate? She our auntie, wife of our sister..." "...and wife of other women-ack!"

Deva's smile widened the moment those words left Glyny's mouth.

Rather than exploding, something broke, no, more like something seemed to return but it nonetheless broke of what remained of Lucia's sanity.




How can it be not painful?

How can it be not infuriating?

Heartbreaking? Soul breaking?

The heart ached so much, it stung and throbbed that much that it was in the verge of exploding.

It was pierced not by an arrow of love but by a poisonous one, the rotting heart was grabbed and was played with. The poison was but just sweet love by the hands of a devious woman who is as poisonous or even more than the vilest of poisons.

A mysterious force seemed to have forced upon her a deleted memory and whether this was all by the hands of Deva or from a soul that wanted to help Lucia it didn't matter since what mattered to Lucia was that she could understand that those memories were true and weren't fake.

But the most unforgivable thing is that Deva did not hesitate and even actively sought to harm that nameless daughter ultimately mercilessly killing her.


Lucia's grand aura flared up surrounding the three figures, they were but a small infantry surrounded by a sea of cavalry ready to charge and impale them without mercy.

"Lucia, you finally woke up from your dreams."

At that moment, when the furious and unstoppable force almost made contact with the serene and unmovable object, everything stopped not for an outcome but for one of them to withdraw otherwise a neverending fight would descend hence Deva and Lucia simultaneously stopped.



Lucia's whole body was boiling in rage and was in the verge of unleashing her aura towards Deva.



"I don't know precisely what's happening around the world but it is your doing?"

"..." Deva was baffled for a moment before responding "How can I remotely do such thing to Intris? I obviously did not do this."

"You mean that you could do it if it is not Intris?"

"No, I don't have that much power to even cause such things. Really, aren't you thinking too negatively of me? I did antagonize you but to think that I'm the incarnate evil?" Deva made a soft giggle with her eyes slightly closed like that of a fox.

It triggered, for a moment, something inside Lucia, there was something different with the Deva she was interacting with, something that could cause anyone to be captivated with the slightest of movements of the body, of the expressions in her face or with her voice, but she buried such sensation along with that of anger and resentment.

"What are you going to do then?"

"Oh, I am going to train these two little things."

"And why is that?"

"Well, I can let the two say the reason."

At that Lucia's focus shifted towards the two little heads peeking from Deva's behind and her expression slightly softened.

"I want to become stronger so that I can protect my family and our people." Lyra declared with an innocent and resolute face.

"I instead want to become stronger so that no one would even think of attacking us." Glyny shyly said as Lyra was glancing at her.

They were truthful towards those statements but those weren't exactly their main reason to want to become stronger.

Despite the warm atmosphere that was released thanks to the two, Lucia's emotions were still in disarray and instead of saying another word she just decided to bolt away but not before glancing for a moment towards Deva who was also glancing at her.

Lucia decided that she would first calm conflicting emotions before fully confronting Deva.

"You can always find me somewhere around these desolate lands." Deva mouthed at Lucia.


