Chapter 12° "Samething wrong?"

One note after another, Reve caressed, even if for a few moments, everyone's soul, especially that of Alen and Hy, who for the second time abandoned themselves to the music of the person he no longer wanted to see because it had upset his life.... but that music ... of that music he could no longer do without ... DAMN!!!

When he detached the bow from the violin and the last note was lost like the others in the air, Reve looked at Alen whispering again

"Happy birthday"

After a few moments in which everyone was speechless, a thunderous applause accompanied Reve for the meters that separated him from Alen; when he was in front of him, he looked at him, smiled

"I see you liked my ... our gift!"

"Thank you... Thank you so much my friend... no one has ever given me such an exciting gift! I still have the chills! " Alen whispered in a faint voice "I hadn't forgotten that you knew how to play ... but so ... but this was beyond my imagination ... you play just like God! Thank you, thank you very much! "

"You exaggerate as you usually do ... I don't sound so good ... if you keep giving me so many compliments it's the right time that I get mad ... Anyway, happy birthday again my friend!"

Without even thinking about it for a single moment, Reve hugged Alen visibly moved.

What seems to everyone to be a simple act, didn't go unnoticed by two people hiding in the crowd: Hy and Run.

Hy had really reluctantly gone to that party, he would have much preferred to stay home and rest, but Tip had insisted so much and even threatened him, that in the end he had convinced him in spite of himself. After all it hadn't been that bad up until that moment ... lots of nice people ... nice music ... and above all the alcohol he needed to think about nothing

... or NOBODY ...

Everything was good until Reve had materialized out of nowhere, he had taken that infernal instrument in his hands and then, as if all this wasn't enough, at the end of the performance he was not thrown into Alen's arms.

Once again, after a short time, after everything finally seemed to be back to normal, it took a few moments to make him fall back into total confusion.

The blood began to throb more and more strongly in his veins, his whole body was soon dominated by that nervous tremor that he now knew all too well. He tried to dominate him, to hold back the anger that burned in his veins; his hands at first began to tremble, then closed into ever tighter fists.

Run a few meters away saw the same scene ... that is, not quite ... not exactly the same ... from his point of view Reve was the evil ogre who wanted to EAT innocent Alen in one gulp!

Run saw Alen being moved to the sound of Reve's violin like rats with the Pied Piper ... he saw that subspecies of violinist approaching ... he saw Reve throw himself into Alen's arms as in a romantic comedy of the lowest category ... and in the meantime his heart was shattered from a storm of thoughts, fears, worries that did nothing but throw his soul into an endless anguish.

Until a few days before, love seemed to him like a truly distant echo, but all those thoughts, fears and worries, right at that moment, made him understand that perhaps what was upsetting him so deeply his young heart was in fact just that love that everyone was talking about, that everyone yearned for, that everyone was busy looking for.

In order not to give in to these distressing emotions, he began to drink as he had never done before, after all alcohol had always been the most faithful companion during the darkest nights of the human soul. A glass behind the other, while he felt that incandescent liquid rise to his brain, his eyes didn't stop even for a moment to follow Alen wherever he went.

Reve loved to have fun, but he didn't like noisy and chaotic places, then being with so many people who claimed to know everything, and above all arrogated to themselves the right to call themselves "FRIENDS" even though they hardly knew him. Well he couldn't stand all this at all !!!

After chatting with Alen for a while, he put his violin back in the case and decided that the evening would end there for him, so after saying goodbye to Ipno he headed for the back door, so as to exit unnoticed; but first he made a stop in the bathroom.

When he came out he was stunned for a moment, because he found himself standing in front of Hy blocking his passage; thinking he wanted to enter he stepped aside to let him pass, but Hy didn't move an inch, he just kept staring at him which made him quite creepy.

"Everything good? Can I do something for you?" Reve asked to break that veil of impasse

"Everything good!? Do I need something!? And do you also ask me? " he replied harshly

Reve's eyes widened; he just couldn't understand what he wanted from him

"I want my life back! I want it back exactly as it was before I met you! Before we spent that damn night together, before the desire to see you wasn't so all-encompassing as to be the first thought every morning when I open my eyes, before the desire to kiss you every time I see you takes over ..."

He barely mentioned the last words, because his voice broke, he felt the strength of desire that ignited his whole body, and he could not help but take Reve's face in his hands, look for his lips, those soft red lips. fire, those plump lips that he so desired, and without hesitation kiss them greedily.

He felt that through that kiss his body was reborn.

This time, however, Reve didn't reciprocate, he was tired of that hysterical and capricious child's behaviour, he was no longer available to indulge yet another whim ... he was tired ... he took him by the shoulders and pushed him away.

"I already told you, but I'll tell you again so maybe you understand it once and for all. The two of us are not together. I AM NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND, so YOU have no right to do all this jealous wifey drama! Did you understand me this time or not? Look you definitely have to make peace with yourself ... You have no idea what you really want in life. You have to ask yourself some questions ... many questions, but above all give yourself many answers and finally make yourself clear within yourself. You should listen to your heart more to seek that minimum balance to be able to live peacefully "

He let out a deep sigh, and after a brief moment he turned and walked away without giving Hy a chance to reply.

As at any self-respecting party, alcohol flowed freely, because every reason is good to make a toast, or forget something, so the glasses emptied easily and even faster. The supplies Alen had stocked the counter ran out quickly and who better than the birthday boy had the duty not to leave the guests dry-mouthed?

Alen therefore hurried to the warehouse to get the umpteenth case of beer, but when he went out he found Run in front of him. He was very perplexed because he saw a distorted face, altered by an almost blinding anger, instinctively lowered his eyes, for the first time in a while he was unable to hold someone's gaze, he swallowed, strengthened himself, raised his head.

"Something wrong?"

He got no response

"Everything good?" he tried again, smiling slightly

"I had deluded myself that you was a decent person" Run began in a metallic voice "I don't know why but in a certain way I felt that indulging my rambling interest in you was right" he continued, but his gaze was fixed in front of itself, as if lost in the void

"I don't understand what you are saying," Alen whispered in disbelief

"For the first time in my life I indulged instinct, emotions, all those strange sensations that I began to feel since I met you that damned morning, when I accidentally walked into this place" his glassy eyes, until a few moments before, they seemed to regain life and stared at Alen with such hardness that they made him tremble

"I still don't understand! What have I done to you?"

"Ever since my gaze met your eyes, my brain has gone haywire, as if I had cast some sort of love spell at me. I can no longer study, do anything but think of you! Not even my famous sixth sense is the same anymore! In the last few days I have been thinking a lot, and although it is not like me, I had promised myself to give these strange sensations a chance, because usually I am never wrong about people ... since the first time I see a person I know if it is or not a good person ... and you ... and you seemed to me the most deserving and honest person I ever met ... until a few minutes ago ... until like a hysterical sissy you were moved by the strumming of that player from strain and you threw yourself into his arms! I..."

"Hey hey hey! You're exaggerating now! How dare you insult me ​​like this! Who are you to judge me! To decide whether or not I am a good person! You don't even know me so you can't make it clear! Reve then he is a dear friend of mine, he plays like God, so I won't allow you to insult him, neither here in my club nor elsewhere! Don't allow yourself ... "

He didn't have time to throw up the last word, that Run drew him to him and kissed him, and even if he feels Alen's loss, his lips were so sweet, so sweet that he didn't want to break away.

After a moment of bewilderment Alen parted her lips and returned that kiss, so unexpected and candid, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Run sank into this sea of ​​infinite sweetness, bewildered, throbbing.

It took him a moment to understand what was happening, he blushed and broke away from Alen ... there was a long and embarrassing silence ... his heart began to beat faster and faster ... The panic, the anguish, the confusion took the place of the excitement ... he blinked, more and more dazed by that flurry of sensations, then there was nothing left to do but run away.

That evening Ipno felt like he was reliving a nightmare. Ever since he had had that damned dream, and since Reve had put the flea in his ear, he did nothing but think about it. When he arrived at the club the first thing he did was to peek if Gear was there too, after all he was Iris's brother, who had obviously been invited, and therefore the chances of meeting him were very high. He did not see him so after a while he cleared up, the fear that up to that moment had led him to think that this was a premonitory dream vanished, and as his usual he became the soul of the party.

Gear had been thrilled ever since his big sister told him he could go to the party too; he was no longer in his skin, so he got all ready and unleashed the best look he could, because he wanted to use all the weapons at his disposal to impress all the girls present. In fact, his expectations were not disappointed, when he arrived the place was full of beautiful girls, and he was left with nothing but the embarrassment of choice.

"This place is just heaven! Thanks big sister !!! " in fact, he thought when he entered "Get a load! If I'm not mistaken, the one on the console is Ipno !? It's him ... yes, it's him! How cool he is a DJ! Wait wait... I'm ever thinking! I'm surrounded by beautiful girls and am I thinking of a boy ?! I have to drink something! " he didn't even have time to finish thinking that in his hand, as if by magic, a can of beer appeared, but just as quickly it finished.

According to the law of great possibilities given the two extreme events, the more likely events happen, the higher the chances of success are. There were many girls at the party, some of them already drunk; the chances for Gear of making conquests, therefore, were very high ... even though the help of alcohol was not successful at all ... he was distracted ... not by the many beers he had downed ... not by the lightning glare of his sister who didn't lose it not even for a moment ... but from Ipno! There was something in him that irremediably attracted him, in fact, after yet another refusal, he sat down discouraged at a table ... right in front of Ipno, and began to look at him as if in a sort of trans.

Ipno felt as if he was being watched by someone, and this made him very uncomfortable. He looked around, but he didn't catch anyone staring at him.

"It must have been an impression of me"

Just at that moment he raised his eyes and looked right in front of him. He saw two gorgeous, big brown eyes... but not just brown, they were chocolate brown, they were sweet, irresistible and above all damn sexy.

Ipno was so mesmerized that he couldn't stop looking at them ... his lips curled into a smile of wonder ... luckily his performance ended shortly after, because those eyes had so captivated him that he couldn't more to focus enough.

"Hey... so I have to thank you too for a wonderful evening! You and Reve always manage to amaze me "

Alen's words brought him back to reality

"Don't even mention it! For such a short! It's your birthday is the minimum for a friend! " he replied absently, because he couldn't take his eyes off Gear "Sorry but now I have to do something ... still happy birthday my friend!"

"Did you come to apologize properly by chance !?" Ipno asked pretending a sarcastic tone "I don't think it's the right place or time to do it" he continued even more sarcastically seeing that Gear didn't even look up but just denied with his head "So if that's not, why did you came? " he repeated scornfully.

Seeing him in trouble for a strange reason amused him.

Suddenly, however, Gear snapped his head up

"These are not things that concern you!"

Ipno was stunned, no one ever, except Reve, had challenged him so shamelessly, no one had ever dared to stand up to him

"what ... what ... So if it's none of my business why did you keep staring at me earlier?" he retorted violently

"I ... I was not staring at you ... I was absolved in my thoughts ... I was looking into the void I was not looking at you ... and then by pure coincidence the table I was sitting at is right in front of you ... simply this"

A blinding rage sent the brain, already on the verge of a nervous breakdown, of Ipno on tilt, in fact, without thinking twice about it, he took poor Gear by the arm and dragged him heavily into the back

"Leave me," Gear tried in vain to free himself. "Leave me I told you!"

Ipno darkened by anger didn't feel any reason, when he arrived in the back, he pushed him hardly against the wall, took his arms and raised them above his head, imprisoning him in a steel grip.

"Now you apologize properly otherwise you won't go from here, you understand!"

"But I ... I ... leave me" Gear had just the strength to whisper looking at Ipno with his eyes wide open with fear, just before his legs gave out.

For a very long moment they remained silent ...

They looked into each other's eyes until Ipno's hand, with an almost soft wave, raised Gear's chin and without even realizing it brought his face closer to him ...

Gear almost to indulge Ipno's hand thrust his chin forward almost offering him his lips ...

... The desire was irresistible

A dull noise awakened Ipno from his daydream ...

He immediately backed away, looking in amazement at Gear and without saying a word more walked away