Late Night Attack (Pt. 1)

Opening the door to his bathroom, Kameron walked out in a white robe as steam escaped into the room.

"Showers after a hard day's work are the best don't you agree Luna!" He said as he sat on the edge of his bed and picked up the tablet on the night beside it.

"Yes sir, it is said that showering after a hard work cleanses the mind and body." A young female's voice was heard throughout the room as Damian smiled at the response and asked a question while logging into his Gold King email.

"Luna, tell me some news about Golden Age." He said openly in the room before a young female voice responded from on top of the nightstand.

"Golden Age has gained over 30 million international followers over all social media apps combined. Also, popular news stations are asking for more meetings with Golden Age leaders while sneaker brands are now offering sponsorships to Golden Age." The young female's voice said as he turned to the tiny spherical object sitting on the nightstand.

This tiny sphere like object was Luna, a new ai device created from researchers uncovering the secrets of Pandora's box. Combining the Pandora's technology with existing ai technology, they were able to create Luna. Luna was a smarter, more human like ai that responds with tone and feeling. Luna is also able to learn over time based on your question asked and internet searches, more so than her late sister ai.

Going back to Damian, he went through his email and starred important ones to look through in the morning. He filtered out any offers that didn't pay him over 1 million dollars. Why? Simple really.

He did this because it takes a lot of money to run his organization Golden Age. Though he was exempt from taxes following a few laws created last month, which the richer Americans were highly against.

They simply couldn't argue after the president brought up the idea of the kings being mad enough at the current laws and overthrowing the current government to give the rich people's wealth to the poor by force, regardless of what others thought. This was enough to silence them and allow the laws to be passed, allowing Damian's current situation.

Damian's h.q. was a multi story building with multiple spaces and things that require money to operate. On the first floor, including the outdoors, Damian had a fully functional indoor bar room that can seat 50, on the east side of the building.

A gaming cafe that seats 50 as well, on the west side. A complete kitchen with 15 top level chefs working in periodical 5 man/8 hour shifts for round the clock food service.

Then finally outside, Damian had lights around the driving path/ driveway of the building, and lights along the outer fence of the building. He also also motion sensors and cameras installed around the facility. In the back side of the building was a training grounds where clansman did daily group exercises in swordplay and hand to hand combat.

The second floor had the security office on the eastern side that had 3 clansmen watching at different time intervals. The south had a giant weight room where clansman were able to work out whenever they wanted, and west side were office like areas for lower rank clansman and allowed about a hundred to work in peace at a time.

The final floor held all of the offices for high rank clansman, high rank clansman were people who were given a larger portion of Damian's power. On this floor were the offices of Damian, Ari, and Kai.

There was also a meeting room on the opposite end of the wall where Damian sometimes talks official business with either the president or companies wanting to sponsor them. There were many offices on the 3rd floor that were available since Damian hasn't decided if a promotion were necessary for his current clansman yet.

For now, he planned to do an examination sometime soon to see if there are any bright stars among the bunch to grant more power. He had done a thorough screening when originally accepting them so he was confident in their drive to succeed.


As Damian was about done going through his email, he received a new one from the president herself.

"What would she like this time? I already agreed to the new laws..." he mumbled as he opened the email the subject only being, "December 31st Meeting."

Opening the email, it read, "To the Gold King Zero, I extend this invitation to you as well as all other kings, either known or unknown. There will be a meeting of all kings scheduled for the final day of the year, December 31st. There, we will discuss what you kings would like to accomplish for the new year among other things. Your presence would be greatly appreciated at the event."

Sitting there, reading it a few times, Damian sighed and rubbed his neck while thinking about the invitation. "There are so many things that could go wrong with that meeting... and they want all of the kings to go? I wonder what brought about this offer..."

Starring the email and closing it for today, Damian checked the time before getting dressed. It was nearly 11 so he wanted to get some food before going home, luckily home was just a 30 minute drive so while not far, gives him enough time to do whatever he wanted.


Exiting the building's garage floor in his 4 door sedan, Damian made sure to put his kitsune mask on the passenger seat. It was easier to get multiple rather than only have a single one but the had grown a bit fond of carrying it everywhere he went.

There were also replica masks made by some small businesses and companies having sales based on the king's popularity. So even if someone were to see him with the mask, not many would be suspicious of it.

Driving onto the Main Street, Damian took a series of right and left turns before ending up on a completely dead street. There were no civilians or other vehicles on the road. It was empty. This could be attributed to it being nearly midnight but it is the August and technically still summer time for most teenagers and young adults. There would also be people trying to make it to clubs or parties so to see a street completely dead, except for Damian's car driving along it, was odd.

Damian instinctually felt something wasn't right but as he was almost home he put it to the back of his mind. This turned out to be a terrible idea as a streak of blue crashed into the front of his car, causing it to tilt toward and eventually flip over and slide a few meters down the street.

Not expecting an attack to hit his car, Damian was unsure of what to do as his car flipped over and slid across the ground. He was largely unhurt by the event due to seatbelt but with the glass around his car shattering and his airbag deploying, Damian gained some minor cuts on his face and hands.

Taking a few seconds to clear his mind and nerves, he put on his mask which has fallen beside his head on top of the tiny shards of broken glass. Using his aura, Damian was able to snap the seatbelt apart and crawl out of his car door after pushing it with enough force to send it into the middle of the street.

Slowly standing up with his mask on, Damian looked around trying to figure out where the attack had came from but with his mind becoming jumbled once again he just inspected his car. The front entrance was covered in a layer of ice while the engine had a giant hole in it, Seeing it wasn't in good shape at all, Damian was pretty annoyed, he had almost finished making all of the payments on the car but now it looked totaled.

Feeling another attack coming, he tilted his head to the side, dodging another projectile while looking at the shape of it as it flew by his eyes. Seeing that it was an arrow of ice, Damian looked around before settling his gaze on the giant blue throne above the area. The avatar on it had dark blue armor while at the top of the throne, picture of a bow and arrow were imprinted there.

Looking down from the throne to see a man standing on a street lamp holding a dark blue bow, Damian manifested his katana while taking a step towards him, releasing more and more power with every step he took. This caused his throne to appear in the sky in opposition of the blue throne.

"Why did you attack me?" Damian asked calmly as he held his hand right hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Because it's fun to get a reaction from people, also it was either you or one of your clansman, though I don't think they would survive against me for too long." The young man, around his early twenties said as he readied his bow again and created an arrow of ice in his left hand before drawing his string.

"Entertainment me more! Golden King!"

(AN: I wonder how these people were selected to be kings... and how did he even find Damian?

If you enjoy the story, feel free to leave a comment, review, and vote. This is chapter 2/3 for today's somewhat mass release.)