Late Night Attack (Pt. 2)

"Why should I entertain you?" Damian said making the blue king stumble on the lamp post and almost fall.

"I like the reaction you are giving me. Now entertain me if you don't want me to go looking for your friends. I doubt they strong enough to stand against me." The blue king said as he released the arrow on his bow, causing it to spiral through the air towards Damian's chest.

Seeing the arrow coming towards him fast enough to rival a gun bullet, Damian quickly created a barrier in front of him while he held his sword out in front of his chest with his left palm against the middle of the sheath. Surprising Damian quite a bit, the arrow tore through his barrier after stalling for a second, this caused Damian to jump to the side as the arrow went past his pervious location and slammed into the side of his car.

Looking back at his car, he saw the driver side of it quickly become encased in ice. Quickly focusing back onto the blue king's location, he noticed two ice arrows were heading right for him.

"Why did I have to meet this maniac..." Damian mumbled as he drew his sword and cut down the in coming projectiles eliciting a slow clap from the blue king who was now sitting on the lamp post.

"Very impressive, What else can you do?" He asked as he tightened the grip on his bow and jumped down onto the ground. "I can do this." He said as he created another ice arrow before saying a few words which surprised Damian.

"This is one of the abilities I created with my power, I wonder if you have created a few yourself." He said before raising his bow to the sky as he knocked it again with another arrow, what later caused Damian to wonder if he should have acted sooner was the fact that the arrow was covered in a dark blue aura, curtesy of the blue king, before it was released into the sky.

"You should probably use one of your skills if you don't want to get hit." the Blue King said as he jumped backwards onto a building as Damian was looking into the sky for the arrow's decent. What he didn't expect was that the dozens of ice arrows would come back down at him, causing him to dash in different directions to avoiding the projectiles that slammed into the streets and building rooftops, causing some smaller buildings to outright collapse inwardly.

After seconds around 5 seconds of dodging, Damian finally stopped moving in the middle of the street, he looked back at the devastation behind him and he could only call it unreal. There were dozens of massive holes in the ground and the buildings on the sidewalk looked like they had been hit with bombs.

Turning back to his opponent, Damian didn't afford him the chance to speak a line as lightning crackled around his body before he turned in a streak of golden lightning, reaching the blue king in just a second. Drawing his sword from the sheath hanging in his hand, he attempted a vertical slash to injure his opponent.


Yet his opponent was another king, he has little experience fighting another king so he underestimated their reaction time. This gave the Blue King enough time to block his blade with the bow before using his right hand to guide the blade, using the bow, behind him while his left hand impacted Damian's face, sending flying across a few rooftops before he landed and regained his footing.

"You are too naive if you think an attack of that caliber can get to me, you should try your hardest or you'll end up suffering badly!" The arrogant Blue King said as he knocked his bow again and released another arrow that left a trail of ice trailing across the rooftop under it.

Jumping to the edge of the roof to dodge the attack, Damian was surprised when he saw that the on the ground had jumped up and caught his foot a little, causing him to awkwardly fall to the ground as another arrow was already on its way.

Using the side of his blade to shatter the arrow of ice, Damian used his other leg to kick the ice holding his food, breaking it free fast enough for him to get up and shatter another arrow with a swing of his katana.

"This isn't going anywhere... I'll just try that move and see what happens.." Damian said in his mind as he stepped forward with his right leg and leaned down a bit. Controlling the lightning inside of his body, he used it to enhance his body for a few seconds as he had done previously. The enhancement though wasn't much since he was still new to using his powers, as were the other kings, but he did it nonetheless.

Looking right into the Blue King's eyes, Damian smiled under the mask and turned into another streak of golden lightning as he dashed towards his target. Seeing Damian run towards him again, The Blue King jumped backwards into the sky while knocking his bow again.

Seeing Damian jump into the sky after him, the Blue King smiled widely as he trained his Arrow onto Damian as a dark blue aura covered it. "You fool! You really followed me up here? Now you can't dodge even if you wanted to!" He shouted as he released his arrow that split into dozens of duplicates arrows.

Seeing it was the same move as before, Damian came to the conclusion that this opponent only developed a few skills. He was happy what he didn't know more because he would probably have to retreat if that was the case. He currently only had 2 skills he had trained over the past few months as something to accomplish and master, it was his lightning enhancement and his lightning slash.

Focusing on the incoming arrows, Damian began to draw his sword as lightning covered the blade as it was pulled out and swung in a single motion. This released an horizontal arc of lightning that crashed right into the ice, causing an explosion of ice particles that filled the area.

Landing on the roof of the building, Damian was unable to see through the seemingly vapor like substance around him but heard the Blue King's voice from all around over.

"You surprised me Golden King, you are certainly fun to fight. Unfortunately this will be it for tonight, entertain me again next time! Hahahahaha!"

The Blue King's laughter echoes in the surroundings for a few seconds before a breeze swept away the ice particles, giving Damian back his sight of the night sky and the desolate surroundings. Looking in the air, the Blue King's throne had already disappeared leaving only blue motes of light in its previous location before even that disappeared into nothingness.

Looking around a bit to make sure he was truly alone, Damian sheathed his sword and looked back at the damage his battle had caused. His car had been destroyed, some buildings have collapsed inwardly, and ice and holes covered the ground and rooftops.

"This is just great..." he said as he sighed and sat on the edge of the rooftop he was standing on. It was at this time that he finally heard police sirens and helicopters moving towards his location.

In the distance, military vehicles and police drove down the street as helicopters with searchlights converge onto the sitting Kameron. He let his katana disappear into energy that entered his body before he looked down at the military vehicles that had stopped in the street in front of him.

Feeling a fiery aura as he locked eyes with a single man, he sighed and jumped from the rooftop, landing in front of a group of soldiers as they instantly trained their weapons on him.

"Relax, I'll deal with this." A man with a raspy voice said as he stepped through the group of soldiers while staring directly at Damian.

"The Red King, Cole Anderson. I finally meet you..." Damian said as he put his hands into his pocket and looked right into the red haired man's eyes.

"You have to explain this Golden King, Zero. Or I will have to capture you and take you in." Cole responsed as a red aura surfaced on his body, causing every soldier around him to take a step back except for a few wearing red and black uniforms.

"I'll be happy to explain, but it'll be brief since it's late..." Damian said, punctuating his sentence with a yawn.

(AN: Like this little fight between Damian and the Blue King? This is the third chapter of the mass release(somewhat).

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