Chapter Ten: In the Investigator's Report (Part I)

On the way home, Angie debated on whether to start with the office files or the investigator's report. Feeling the pull of both, she was unable to decide on which to prioritize even by the time she packed the hired minivan. Further contemplation and curiosity made Angie decide to start with the investigator's report as she tried to open the door's locks.

Angie decision was based on the reality that, starting with office work would have her mind divided. Also, she assumed and fully believed that based on what she finds, a better plan could be formulated while working on the office documents.

This is especially when it came to the strategy Angie was going to use when dealing with the known assailants Ashley and Marcus and the unknown ones. Besides, there were high chances Angie would have only rushed through the office files. As such, avoiding making avoidable mistakes on the equally important office files led Angie to start with the investigator's report.

Decision made. Wine glass in hand. And food on the way. Angie eagerly took out the private investigator's envelope.

Carefully opening the envelope, Angie found the report was neatly compiled in 5 pages. Accompanying the report were several photos of Marcus and Ashley in different intimate and compromising positions.

These had Angie opening and closing her mouth severally like a fish out of water. She even placed the wine glass on the table. Switched from seating on the sofa to the carpeted floor fearing she might fall following further revelations.

After a few minutes of absorbing the shock and preparing her mind for the worst, Angie resumed reading the report. Indeed, she agreed with the investigator. What was compiled was very juicy.

Right from the first page extending to the second one, Angie found out that taking down Ashley and Marcus would be easy. In fact, just leaking the information she had to duos' competitors or even the media would see both of them struggling. They might even end up closing down their respective companies and looking for employment elsewhere.

From the reports, it became clear to Angie why Ashley and Marcus were obsessed with accessing her money. However, what she failed to understand is why the two people in the world other than her mum Angie considered family did not come to her for a loan. She would have gladly extended them or even acted as a guarantor. Surely, they did know she was in a position to help them. Right? Right?

Was it because she was a board member in most banks that they shied away? Were they (Marcus and Ashley) ashamed of asking for help from her? Were they still trying to maneuver the difficulties encountered with the cash they had? Or did they develop a better plan of accessing the cash they needed? These are some of the questions that raced through Angie's mind.

Further thinking enabled Angie to realize why they might have hesitated to approach banks. To be exact, her large deposits in the local banks, stock ownership and board membership prompted banks to often contact Angie. This is especially in instances large loans were offered to clients. For this reason, she suspected she might have learnt of their troubles once contacted thus Ashley and Marcus' hesitancy to approach banks.

The third page revealed that both Marcus and Ashley were in huge debt. Marcus owed the Russian mob while Ashley owed a drug cartel. When did they get to this financial state? What had happened to them? Did they know of each other's financial problems? As a matter of fact, each owed close to $100 million. Was the amount inclusive of interest accrued? Is this why they teamed up together? What did they do with the large amount of money borrowed from the mob and cartel? Was this the reason her mum was burnt to death?

"No wonder they wanted her dead." Angie sighed.

Angie stayed in a daze for a while mulling over Ashley and Marcus' problems and why they did not go to the bank for a loan or directly borrow from her. Were it not for the arrival of the food ordered, she might have spent a longer period of time trying to analyze the information she had read so far.

Though Angie rarely had time to cook, she did occasionally. Thinking of the few foods she enjoys when home-cooked, Angie decided to order some cooking and eating utensils. Assuming they were to be delivered the following day, she decided to do some online shopping.

More specifically, Angie wanted to buy a clutch similar to Purity's. Not necessarily in colour but in function and size. In the process, she ended up buying several pairs of ankle boots, sports shoes and sandals. She was also tempted to order some dresses, tops, skirts and trousers. When Angie was about to close the website, she saw a cute looking Jungle green coloured blazer she would hurt and regret to pass over buying that piece.

After that, she decisively closed all the apps and websites opened. Then went back to thinking of her current predicament.