The Savior of Dystoark and the Azure Storm Dragon

"Is it true?" I said.

Arex showed a blue light, indicating that Za'taranga is telling the truth. Besides, Heavenkins cannot lie.

"I will let you go if you promise not to fight her, okay?" Arex said.

I sighed. I just resolved myself that I will fight until my death and ended up looking an idiot in the end. But...if it weren't for Arex and the others, I would've been dead for sure.

"Fine. I won't fight her." I said.


The rings of light faded away, giving me control again. Soon, a message appeared.

[Notice. Storm Aura is no longer in effect. All parameters have returned to normal.]

"First, let me apologize for attacking you and Xydrid. Also, for me using Dragon Terror." Za'taranga said, bowing her head.

I was shocked. Dragons in general are prideful creatures, more prideful than Lion type Monsters. Sometimes, Elder Dragons in general have the ability to talk, but not once they'd swallow their pride.

Ah, yes. I remember now, Za'taranga may be on the weaker side of the Elder Dragons, but the least prideful.

If she's willing to apologize, then I have no reason to be petty. It's not like I'm gonna survive if I fight her now.

"It's water under the bridge now." I said. I disabled my buffs for I no longer need them right now.

[Tyrant Spirit deactivated.]

[Bloodlust deactivated.]

[Berserker deactivated.]

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Elder Azure Storm Dragon, Za'taranga." Za'taranga introduced herself.

I checked her stats to confirm it.

Damn...just as I expected. Her Lightning Magic being at 50 is no joke. She could very much kill me and all my monsters if she wished with just one type of magic.

Let's not forget her Ultimate Skill, Chaos Thunder. Long story short, it's Chaos Magic in a form of Lightning Magic. Once it hits, everything in a 2-mile radius get vaporized.

"First, I thank you for defeating the Hellkins in the forest. At first, I merely destroyed their bodies, but it turned out to be their minor setback." Za'taranga said.

"You met them before?" I said.

"They were invading my abode in the Wazeri Valley, trying to covet my land as their own." Za'taranga said.

Wazeri Valley is a place where storms are frequent. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and thunderstorms are frequent and having Za'taranga there would be impossible to beat without preparation.

"Now that their souls have been destroyed, they won't threaten us nor the masses anymore." Za'taranga said with relief.

"Yeah, many lives would be lost. Also, that Frost Giant, met one of them?" I asked.

"I have, but a Frost Giant being recruited by a Hellkin? This could bring discord among the Frost Giants. I'll have to inform Ivory Glacier Dragon, Cryozar."

Cryozar is a Elder Dragon that uses Ice, Wind, and Blizzard Magic. He's capable of emitting temperatures far colder than any arctic regions out there.

"So, it's bad, then." I said. Za'taranga nodded. Za'taranga notices Xydrid fly back to the center and came back in good condition.

Za'taranga grabs corpse of the Frost Giant which is mostly intact and spread her blue wings.

"Before I leave, may I know your name, Oni Warlord?" Za'taranga said.

"Kain Void." I said.

"I see...we will meet again, Kain Void." Za'taranga said as she slightly widened her eyes. Za'taranga flapped her blue wings and flew above the forest of Dystoark.


She carries the dead Frost Giant above the forest and soon across the mountains until she is no longer in view.

Then the messages start flowing in.

[1350 targets slain. 233,570,000 EP acquired.]

[8 Rank V targets slain. 9,000,000 EP acquired. Soul Destruction bonus, additional 9,000,000 EP awarded.]

[Rank U target slain. 2,000,000 EP acquired. Soul Destruction bonus, additional 2,000,000 EP awarded.]

[Rank XZ+ target slain. 15,000,000 EP acquired. Soul Destruction bonus, additional 15,000,000 EP awarded.]

[Total EP acquired: 285,570,000]

[Unique Skill acquired for Arex. Demon Slayer.]

[Unique Skill acquired for Xydrid. Beast Slayer.]

[Hellkin threat increased to 33%.]

[Your current EP is 376,004,930.]

Wow...I managed to gain more than what I had! This covered the costs of everything trying to defeat the Archdemons and the Demon Lord!

Xydrid comes close and sits down to meet his face towards mine.

"You not only gave a Frost Giant a run for his money, you even stood up against an Elder Dragon. You truly are amazing, Xydrid." I said, patting his head.


Xydrid shot steam from his nose, showing his happiness towards me. I then turned to Arex and the 10 Angel Primes.

"And thank you all for killing the Hellkins, you saved a whole lot of people in the long run." I said.

"We protect the innocent and slay the wicked. It is our duty as Heavenkins." a male Angel Prime said, bowing.

"We also heard about you preventing Arex from slaying the innocents. We thank you for doing so." a female Angel Prime expressed her gratitude and bowed.

"In other words, we are impressed by your righteous actions." another Angel Prime said. "For that, please bestow us a name."

All 10 Angel Primes bowed down, showing their gratitude that I managed to prevent another tragedy from happening, a MUCH LARGER tragedy than the time in Valtuz. Then, a message came up.


[10 Angel Primes wishes to become your companions. Give them a name.]

"As much as I would like to name y'all, but you don't mind if it can wait?" I said. "I have to deal with the aftermath."

I turned to Arex.

"Arex, you can send them back for now, but have them ready when I need them." I said. Arex and the Angels nodded.


[Arex has returned to the Celestial Realm.]

The Angel Primes and Arex returned to the Celestial Realm and leaves me with Xydrid and Zala.

"Xydrid, remember the place I made when we first arrived in Dystoark?" I asked. Xydrid nodded.


I opened a large rift to send Xydrid back to the place where my undeads built the wooden house. Xydrid walked through the rift and made it to safety.

I then closed the rift behind him, hiding him away for now since Aria and her tribe could see him far away if he took flight right here.

It'll be long winded if I go to every chieftain as I already assume they're on the move. For that, I shall need a certain someone. Someone who's best with Wind Magic.