"Leave this place." I said in a deeper voice. I told them the three words, giving them a sign that I am only showing mercy.
I walk towards them while holding the greataxe and the corpse by the leg.
After taking a five steps, a serpentine object came flying at me.
It struck the ground as a means to stop me.
"How dare you kill Feldman...and take his axe!? You lowly monster!" a woman said wielding a whip. She wears the same white military uniform, but she is wearing a skirt instead. "Seeing that you killed him..."
She dashed towards me with rage in her eyes. "You must be the Tyrant!" she yelled and swung her whip again at me and it became alight with flames.
The whip made contact and engulfed me in flames. But since I have layers of armor, immune to Heat and Fire, it is not even worth blocking that attack.
"Pay the sin for staining the hands of Feldman!" the woman said.
She continues her assault by swinging her whip faster than a machine gun. As a result, she caused a tower of flames.
She then stops her attack, certain at the fact that I was reduced to a unrecognizable pile of ash.
"Sophia, about Feldman's corpse..." one man said.
"Even in death, his clothes should protect him. We'll give him a funeral after we're done. But before that...my anger hasn't subsided." Sophia growled in anger.
"Sophia's your name, right?" I said.
Sophia's blood ran cold the moment I spoke those words. I pick up the corpse and threw it at her from the spiral of flames.
The corpse flew at Sophia out of the flames and tumbled at her feet. She looked down at first. When she looked back at me, I swung my greataxe.
With that swing, I have removed her head from her shoulders. Her head was sent
[X rank target slain. 5,000,000 EP acquired.]
[Level 1 Hero slain. 1,000,000 EP acquired.]
I look up and see Sophia's head falling down and I catch it with one hand. I show the severed head to the attackers.
"Final warning." I warned them.
I then crushed Sophia's severed head with one hand, scattering blood, gray matter, and pieces of her skull. Some of which splashed on my face.
"Leave. This. Place." I hissed at them. "Or die."
[Bloodlust activated.]
My eyes glowed red as to intimidate them, to give them second thoughts on causing chaos on this village. Their blood ran cold from this skill alone.
[Incoming attack from above.]
I looked up to see a blade of wind coming at me from above.
I blocked it with my arm, causing the wind to disperse on impact.
My arm sprayed blood from the attack. I looked at my arm to see that it had left a decent gash. Soon, it closed up quickly.
"Goodness, it seems that we have a strong monster." one man said.
I look up to see a man floating downwards like a Deity descending from the sky. The man is wearing a white military uniform like everyone else, but it is more decorated than out of all of them. His hair is steel blue and has green eyes.
I check his stats.
A Level 2 Hero, huh? No wonder my arm got cut open.
"To only suffer a scratch and recover quickly, you must be a very strong monster. Better yet, you're a Tyrant giving the fact that you killed two of my comrades." Kevin said, flicking the bangs of his hair as to put an emphasis on his looks.
"Even so, you're just a lowly mob monster with a little strength with some number of skills." Kevin scoffed at me.
This guy didn't use Appraisal because he thinks that he's better than me. He thinks that he's certain to win because of his Wind Magic is at Tier C(100).
Cocky motherfucker, I'll drag you off your high horse and make you eat shit.
"I, the Main Character, Kevin Landcaster shall show you the difference--"
"You talk too damn much." I interrupted.
[Berserker activated.]
[Oni Berserk activated.]
[Tyrant Spirit activated.]
[Elemental Armor - Lightning activated.]
After I activated my three skills, I dashed forward with the greataxe in my hand. I imbued it with Tyrant Aura and Fire Magic as well.
As I closed the distance to Kevin, he looked down at me with his eyes open, surprised at this point, but I was already within striking distance.
I swung my greataxe at Kevin upwards.
The axe exploded on impact, breaking one side of the axe head and sent Kevin flying through the trees and to the sky. The message did not say that he was killed.
I then jumped to the sky to chase him down, leaving the others behind.
Kevin on the other hand was flying through the sky, flabbergasted on what just happened.
"What is this strength and speed!? How can a mob monster have that power!?" Kevin thought. "Even my Wind Armor was broken!"
I catch up to Kevin using Wind Magic on my feet and prepare to swing my greataxe again, imbuing it again.
I look at him with rage in my eyes and yet, my expression is calm.
"Shit!" Kevin cursed under his breath and deploys a barrier of wind. I paid no mind and swing my greataxe downwards at him.
"Gyaaaah!" Kevin screamed as the axe exploded on impact again, sending him crashing down into the forest.
Kevin hit the ground hard, scattering dirt, rocks, and other debris. I also come crashing down on the ground.
I landed on the ground, leaving large footprints on the ground. Whereas for Kevin, he crashed and skidded across the ground.
I look at my axe to see that it is no more. For it looks like an eaten lolipop with bits of its candy remaining at the center.
I threw it aside and began walking towards Kevin that is laying on the ground.
"I don't know who you are or where you came from, nor should I care..." I said, "but what I do know is that should have never come here."
A blade of wind came and yet again, I blocked it with my arm. Which obviously cut my arm as a result.
"You lowly mob...!" Kevin growled, emerging from the crater, "How dare you lay your hands on me!?"
Kevin activates his Hero Aura in a fit of rage. His golden aura illuminates the night sky. This aura also became a beacon for his mooks and other heroes.
"I will kill you, you lowly mob! I will scatter your worthless hide to this backwater village and kill them slowly as they only see your head remain!!" Kevin roared.
I can't help but sigh at him. Calling himself the "main character" and the others below him "mobs". Get a load of this guy.
I dashed towards Kevin to close the distance again
"THEY WILL CRY IN DESPAIR, YOU HEAR ME!? THEY WILL--!!" Kevin kept yelling. "Urrk!"
I grabbed Kevin by the throat with my right hand, silencing his tantrum. I bring him close to my face to make him see my dark Tyrant Aura.
"Like I said, you talk too damn much." I said. Kevin gasped from my words.
With that, I raised my left hand a made a fist. The muscles in my arm bulged along with my veins. Finally, I threw a downward punch at Kevin.
My fist landed squarely in Kevin's face. The blow was explosive, making it sound like a bomb went off. At the same time, I heard and felt his skull cracking.
Kevin was slammed down onto the ground by my fist. His blood drips from my hand as I have broken his nose.
"GYAAAAAH!!! MAI...MAI NOOOOSSEE!! YHOU BHROKE MY NHOOOOSSEE!!" Kevin shrieked in agony as blood pours from his nose and mouth. He rolls around frantically in pain.
"Stop crying like a little bitch." I said, picking him up by the collar and putting him close to my face again.
I glared at him with my veins bulging from my neck to face, showing him my teeth.
"You started this war, so don't even THINK of surrendering. I will show you what happens when a 'main character' loses." I declared.