sweet nightmare- part2

"What do you think you are doing?" Eliot's voice came out blank but surprised as he watched Zoe breathing repeatedly to calm herself down.

Now realizing what she had done, she immediately withdrew her hand's from the pillow letting it fall to the floor as she took two steps away from the crime scene, "I'm sorry master, I just thought you were a-" "a what?", "…" "How come your all alarmed and vigilant.., I thought you were a calm little kitten", his last words came out clear and vibrant, it sounded like he was mocking her, rather than being shocked about what she had done, 'how did he get in without me hearing him…, HOW! And to see me in this state' Zoe thought to herself as she stared at him in fear knowing that he wasn't going to let her go unpunished for her actions.

Clearing her throat Zoe bowed her head lowly, "I'm sorry…. Master Eliot I got startled when you approached me… and I didn't know when you stepped in", changing the subject he walked towards the window, shifting the curtains as he opened it "so what were you doing peeking through the window… or did you see something?", 'I can't tell him what I saw, he wouldn't believe me. What if I saw something I shouldn't have?' "umm… no I didn't see anything master Eliot" he hummed in the approval of her reply, before throwing in a death stare at her '(gulp)', "your lying" he said, still keeping his blank tone. Zoe wasn't the type of girl to go back answering everything a person said but she wasn't the kind to keep quiet when she felt the need to say something. But then, she didn't want to cause any trouble by talking, 'what if I'm the next target!?' Not when he was looking at her without blinking. Unexpectedly, the vampire walked towards her placing his cold hard hands on her burning forehead, "You're burning…, I think your temperature is high" he murmured, Zoe just stared at him baffled by his statement as it wasn't in a vampire's nature to care about humans or slaves


"You can come in William's, the door is open!" Eliot's said, observing every single movement of the girl in front of him, until the door was pulled open. 'How did he know it was Williams, he didn't even look back'

The butler gave a slight bow his head bending more low to show respect, before asking "Master Eliot, the food has been brought as asked. Would you want me to bring it in here?", 'food at last', Zoe thought to herself

"I'm hungry. I don't see why not, what are the dishes on the menu tonight?", "dishes?" the butler prompted the question to receive a glared look from his master.

"Are you not aware of the dish prepared by the servants? It would be a pity if the mansions butler isn't doing his duties, he would have to be thought a lesson, for lack of commitment. I will make sure that you are the first to get punished, depending on your behavior for better or worse," Eliot smiled, his eyes crinkling that made the butler gulp.

"M-my lord, that wouldn't be necessary", the butler said as his hands shacked in fear, "oh- it won't..? Just a second", Eliot said, turning to face Zoe.

"My pet has a high temperature. What do you think must be done? Her body temperature has not reduced since the last time she fainted," Eliot considered the thought loudly while looking at his butler who had a good amount of knowledge when it came to humans and other creatures.

"My lord I think she needs a doctor",


"Look at her she's totally fine, it's only a high temperature", Eliot never bothered or cared about slaves not to talk about humans, as it never concerned him, except for drinking their blood.

Why would his Master say that if he was worried about his pet? But then, thought the butler to himself, humans didn't need unnecessary attention neither did they get sick easily, it made the butler wonder why she would look okay even with a high temperature.

"My lord, if you must suggest that, I think food is another option, there are human dishes that should be easily consumable. And it might be able to improve her health according to its properties" assured Williams.

Zoe, who had been listening to the conversation of Eliot and the butler, shifted her mind to the food she was going to devour, when her eyes met Eliot's.

"Would you want to eat.., or stay hungry and let the doctor treat you", Eliot said, his eye's staring at her hoping that she would take the option of seeing the doctor, so he could eat the food all alone, "I'm hungry" Zoe said ingeniously, knowing fully well of his intentions 'I'm sure that would clear my statement, I'm not taking any chances, I'm starving!'

"Ok… ok, Williams! Send the food in", Eliot replied as he watched the butler gesture the maid's to bring the platter of food in.

Zoe knelt down, watching the maids as they brought the dishes in, dropping it on a fine glass table that sat beside the bed. The Table was big enough to fit the whole dishes, as they arranged the platters on the table, so that Eliot could choose his first dish, before going away, seeing that he had turned his face away, Zoe crawled to sit in front of the food, forgetting to bow her head or show any respect, she inhaled the aroma and the scent that emitted from the exquisite dishes in front of her, there was seasoned beef, grilled spicy chicken, garnished in fine sauce, onion rings and sliced tomatoes for the toppings, French bread, triangle shaped sandwiches, Hors d'oeuvre, entrée and salad, Not once did she have the privilege to look at so many dishes put together with so much delight to the eyes.

But before she could start eating, Eliot spoke behind her, "have you forgotten your place or should I remind you. Don't you know it's rude to start eating when your master haven't permitted you to", turning her head to face him she puckered her lips, in disappointment, not that she wasn't going to be the first one to eat but because he stopped her from eating, standing up she straightened her cloths bowing her head "I'm sorry master Eliot," 'why now. And at the most important time you had to interrupt me…, sicko'.

Eliot walked towards the table, sitting on the edge of the bed. He took a fancy fork in his hands, pinning it to a spiced chicken wings, Zoe could feel her mouth water at the sight, licking her lips several time's and thinking of the most possible way of grabbing it, 'it's just there, right in front of me… oh dear God why is it always the chicken' "you know if you want something you could always ask", 'Really?', Zoe thought to herself as she focused intently on the spiced chicken, "…C-can I have some master Eliot?", Zoe asked with a hope filled voice "No!" he said in a stern tone 'what!? Bu-…but he said I could ask' Zoe looked disappointed and angry, it was just the first dish there was more coming, thought Zoe to herself knowing that at least she was going to eat from one out of all the dishes.

Zoe shook her head multiple times in an effort to dispel the thought of eating or looking at the spiced chicken, but couldn't because of the hunger that enveloped her, which made her feel desperate for food, 'get a hold of yourself Zoe, you're better that this, just look at what the food is doing to you… just keep it together'.

He stared at Zoe then smiled lightly but it looked forced, tapping on the free space that was besides him, he gestured her to sit by his side, 'H-he actually wants me to sit beside him? NO! It's a trick, I'm beginning to grow suspicious about this man… I better be careful' "I'm sorry master but it's in appropriate for a SL – I mean a pet in my position to sit beside their master… who is of high status"

"Don't push my kindness Zoe, I said sit down" Eliot said in a stern and harsh tone but still tried to offer a polite smile 'treachery…, this is pure treachery he calls this kindness?' Zoe cautiously walked towards the edge of the bed and sat a meter distance away from him "can you see this spiced chicken wings...? It is a symbol of deliciousness" '?' he said raising it high up in front of her face 'Is he trying to mock my hungry situation?' now Zoe was sure that he needed a local witch doctor for help, "well… do you want it?" in hearing what he said Zoe nodded her head, scooching closer to him inch by inch as she bit on her lower lip, sinking deeper into her thoughts 'it's finally here, food… it's the moment of joy, it's glorious I can see the heavens opening up for me to descend into it' Zoe was deep in her thought's, but her thoughts were cut off when she heard Eliot speak "you'll have this, but on one condition" 'WHAT!? There's a condition!?' "…" "It's time to fulfill the purpose of buying you" his tone sounding more serious, Zoe could feel her heart racing in her chest as she grasped the sheets of the bed without knowing. She was so busy thinking about the grilled chicken wings, that she didn't realize when she got too close to the vampire 'when did I get this close? CURSE you chicken!' Zoe knew that the reason for vampires buying slaves were only to use them as blood bags or to satisfy their sexual desires and suck them dry of their blood.