Chapter 6

"James! Where are you?"

Phillip's voice startles me, making me look around even more frightened than I already was. I take a deep breath before answering.

"Coming, wait for me!"

I walk back the way I came from, trying to ignore the shiver coming down my neck. I bite my lips strongly and look over my shoulder. My eyes run into the wall where the hall ends, but there's only grayish darkness. Another lightning shines through the place, but this time only my shadow is casted, alone. I raise my eyebrows as a cold sweat runs down my spine, thinking about the other shadow I saw there just a few seconds ago. How could it have been there? There was no tree or person nearby to cast it? Am I going crazy or is there something strange going on here?

I shake my head to clear my mind and continue walking down the hall. It was just a stunt the storm played on me, that's all, I think, trying to comfort me. A few feet away from me, I see Phillip, who gives me a look full of curiosity.

"Where have you been?" He raises an eyebrow, looking at me from head to toe. "You look pale. Were you scared about getting lost?"

He laughs mockingly and I mimic him, pretending to be happy. A part of me wants to tell himwhay I saw, but a bigger one knows it would only make him laugh at me and change topics. I sigh subtly and smile slightly.

"I thought I'd seen something and went to check, but I got confused."

I shrug carelessly. Phillip shakes his head slightly, smiling. We both resume our way towards the party. I try to focus on the conversation as I make a mental note about avoiding that hall in the future.

Phillip stops in front of a door slightly bigger than the rest. He raises a hand towards it and, with a dramatic gesture, smiles at me.

"We have arrived at our destination," he winks at me, jokingly. "Do us the honor, James."

I roll my eyes as I smile back and open the door. Upon entering, I hear the sound of music resonating on the walls. I look around. It's a similar room to mine, but it's bigger and has a living room inside with a tine fridge next to a couch. I walk hesitantly as some people greet me with head movements and others with more energetic gestures, but, after a moment, they all go to an improvised dance floor in the center of the room. I recognize most of them as classmates, but some of them I don't remember seeing them during the day.

I look around, trying to find a known face, but it's pointless. I sigh and approach one of the sofas to sit down. I twist my lips with hesitation, thinking for a moment, and then I walk to a corner, next to a large window behind the sofa. I cross my arms, not knowing what to do or whom to talk to. I scratch the back of my head, feeling increasingly uncomfortable. I don't fit here, I sigh deeply, or maybe I used to fit and now, because of my crappy memory, everything is ruined.

I look around, trying to clear my head and get distracted with anything. A guy with similar hair to mine raises a cooler and smiles triumphantly, looking at the others.

"The beer's here!"

A chorus of cheers echoes louder than the music and people gather around the guy. After a few moments, Phillip stands next to me, handing me a glass bottle. I stare at him for a while, not knowing whether to accept his offer or not.

"Come on, Jay, don't tell me you've stopped drinking."

I smile slightly and grab the bottle as I think about his words. If I usually drink, I should accept it… right? I look at the yellowish liquid, lost in my thoughts. The guy from before takes out a completely black box and raises it, moving it from one side to the other. He goes to the speaker and lowers the volume, making the atmosphere be reigned by an unsettling expectation.

"Today I got something different from any other day," he explains, standing in the center of the room and looking at everyone. "Something we're going to have a lot of fun with."

He laughs excitedly, making others join him. I tilt my head slightly when I notice everyone is wearing the same jacket as Phillip and me. Their outfits vary, some with dark tones and others with bright, intense colors.

I lean towards my friend so no one can hear me.

"He gets things delivered?" I frown, confused. "How does he get things here?"

"Who? Derek? Let's say, the person who brings him stuff, is some kind of…" he thinks for a second and smirks, "magical mail that comes from outside."

"What are you talking about?" I raise my eyebrows. "If I ask him for anything I want, he could get it for me?"

"Pfff. Of course!" He rolls his eyes, amused. "As long as you have something to pay him with."

I open my eyes wider, staring at him dumbfoundedly.

"You're saying he's a dealer then."

Phillip laughs aloud.

"Dealer is a rather rude way to say it, Jay," he rolls his eyes, still laughing. "Where are your manners?"

I frown and open my mouth to reply, but the room starts filling with whispers, making me turn my head. Derek has opened the box and he's showing it to people. I get closer to see what's inside, since a little group has formed around him. My breath runs short when I realize it's a Ouija board. Instinctively, I take a step back, but more people push me closer to see the box, trapping me.

"Tonight's the day we play with this beauty," Derek grins widely. "We have to make a circle right here to play."

The room fills with whispers and affirmative noises as people move the furniture away, sitting down forming a circle. I look around, trying to look for an exit, but I feel someone pulling my wrist.

"Come, Jay, I saved you a spot."

Phillip looks at me excitedly and releases my hand to point towards an empty spot. I open my mouth to refuse, when I feel everyone staring at me, since I'm the only person still standing. I gulp and sit next to Phillip, trying to ignore the chills running down my neck.

"I'm not sure about this," I say, looking at Phillip.

He blinks repeatedly in surprise, to then place a hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner.

"It's just a game, nothing will happen."

"We're only here for a few laughs," a girl with brown hair below her shoulders joins the conversation. "Besides, with this weather," she points outside, to the storm, "it'll be much more fun."

Several whispers agreeing with her arise, as someone turns the music off.

"Well, I don't feel so sure about this either," I hear another girl sitting to my right saying.

I take a deep breath. At least I'm not the only one afraid.

"Don't be a buzzkill," Derek rolls his eyes with boredom. "It's just a piece of wood and some letters."

He sets the board on the carpet, without waiting for an answer. People stretch their necks with excitement to see. A metallic screech can be heard far away, making me turn around. I blink surprised and look at the others' faces for any indication that they heard it too, but they look unfaced. I purse my lips and shake my head slightly. The wind of the storm is messing with me again, I think, trying to relax, without much success.

Another guy with silver hair approaches and grabs the board. He looks at us with wide eyes and explains that we all have to touch the triangle simultaneously and then ask a question. The circle tightens up and everybody stretches a hand. I gulp when my fingers touch the cold wood. A shiver makes all my hairs stand, making me clench my jaw.

"I'll ask the first question," the silver haired guy continues. "Ready?" He looks at us jokingly, to then look at the board, still smiling. "Oh, dead Ouija! Is there something or someone paranormal here with us?"

Silence fills the room. Everyone's eyes open wide, excited and anxious, but some show increasing fear.

The triangle moves slowly, as if there were a small magnet underneath pulling it gently, but firmly. I choke a gasp when I see it pointing to the word "Yes". We stay still for a moment, holding our breaths. I gulp when I remember the shadow in the hall. Does it mean the shadow followed me here? I take a deep breath to calm down, but my heart beats faster each second.

We set the triangle in the center again. We look at each other, waiting for someone to break the nerve wracking silence. Eventually, the guy asks again.

"And… is it close to any of us?"

I bite my lips hard, wanting to scream at him for asking something like that. The triangle starts moving slowly, until it stops on the same spot.

I take my hands off and stay completely still. I feel the urge to wash my hands with soap to take the weight from touching that thing away from me. It's talking about me… About the shadow from before! I breathe deeply to relax, but I see something moving quickly through the corner of my eye. I turn my head, towards the window. A big shadow appears in front of me and starts taking form as it approaches the glass. Stalking us.

Stalking me.

I stand up without hesitating and walk towards the window. My heart hammers against my ears and my hands start sweating. I know I don't want to take another step forward, but, if I don't stop this madness, it'll be worse. Angry squawking makes me stop on my tracks and take a step backwards. The dark brown eyes of a buzzard stare at me intensely as it crashes against the glass, trying to get in.

I gulp and look at the others, who start laughing, mocking me.

"I can't believe you got scared of a little bird," one shouts, tearing up in laughter.

I feel my cheeks turning red of embarrassment. Even though the laughter is loud, I don't stop hearing my relentless heartbeat pounding against my ears. I shake my head with frustration and sit back where I was. I look towards the window. The buzzard is still hitting the window with its huge, black wings, as if it wanted to come inside. I frown as a shiver runs down my spine.

I look at the front, trying to act normally, but I can't even pay attention to the rest of the questions they're making. I can't stop thinking about those desperately flapping wings and those aggressive squawking pleading death.