Chapter 7

I sigh deeply and sit up on my bed. After coming back from the party, it was very difficult to fall asleep, and even more to rest properly. I stretch with boredom as I yawn exhausted. I know that, even if I tried going back to sleep again, it would be impossible, so I stand up and walk to my closet. I grab some clothes carelessly and get dressed. I sit on my chair at the desk and look at the tiny alarm clock on the surface. I know I should get some breakfast, but I can't stop thinking about my amnesia and the very few things that feel familiar to me here. I twist my lips frustrated. I thought I would remember more things when I woke up, but nothing has changed. I shake my head slightly and focus on what's in front of me.

I grab one of the books from classes and read the title. Since it's not the one I'm looking for, I leave it to the side and repeat the process a couple of times until I find the right one. I open the anatomy book and start going through the pages. Maybe I should wait for the teacher to talk to her again, but I'm so confused and frustrated I can't wait so many days. 'I need to know more about me and what's happening to me, but I won't find anything if I don't look on my own'. I run a hand over my face and sigh, fearing I won't remember anything from my life.

I scan through the paragraphs and read them quickly, trying to find any way to recover my memory. The conversation I had with the teacher comes to my mind and I think about her words for a while. Maybe my amnesia is related to a genetic problem passed down from one generation to the next. I bite my lip, thinking about the odds. 'I have no way to know if that's true, because I can't even remember my family'. I put a hand on my chin and sigh. I ponder my options for some seconds. 'Maybe I should start from there. I purse my lips with frustration. But, is there anyone here who knows who my family is?' I run both hands over my face, feeling despair overwhelm me.

Before I can think about anything else, my room's door suddenly opens, making me look in fear at it. Phillip comes in with a grin on his lips and a sandwich on his hands.

"Jay! I've been looking for you." He takes a few steps into the room. "You haven't gone for breakfast, but look, I brought you this so you can eat and we can go at once."

He tosses the sandwich at me without waiting for a response and I catch it swiftly. Phillip leans against the door frame and smirks triumphantly when he sees me catching the sandwich.

"Good, you're already practicing," he raises an eyebrow and his smile shifts into twisted lips. "What are you doing with those books? It's S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y, you can't be studying. You're such a nerd!"

I look at the table, opening my eyes more. I hadn't thought about what I could tell him if he found me reading. I bite my sandwich to give me more time to come up with an excuse, but nothing comes to mind. I look at him again and shrug to dismiss it.

"There are things I didn't get in class and I thought it would be a good idea to learn them before an exam comes up."

Phillip rolls his eyes and huffs.

"On a Saturday? You're crazy."

I smile and shake my head to try making this less uncomfortable, even though a part of me thinks he's right, but in a different context.

"But still, thank you for my breakfast," I raise my sandwich a bit smiling. "I can't go out today, I have to understand these topics."

"It's the worst thing you could tell me!" He opens his eyes more and shakes his head repeatedly. "There's a basketball match today, you can't miss it," he points to the posters on my wall. "You're a huge fan, you can't stand us up."

I look around the room. I was so focused on other things I had forgotten about the posters on my walls. I think about his words for a moment.

"Besides," he says, crossing his arms, "you're our star. We always win the matches and crush the other team when you're with us," he looks at me intensely. "Studying can wait until the weekdays, this can't."

I let out a long sigh and look at the books in front of me. My hands itch and urge me to keep reading and to try finding out what's going on with me once and for all, but I'm also curious because he, someone close to me, said I like basketball, something I don't know. The memory of our last conversation in the hall comes to my mind. 'Maybe I can't pressure him into talking about things directly, but I can get some information indirectly'. I close the book after making up my mind and I look at Phillip, although I'm still hesitant.

"Alright, I'll go to the game."

Phillip screams triumphantly and jumps.

"We're gonna crush them!" He grins widely. "Hurry up and finish that. We have to get to the court."

I nod, eating my sandwich quickly. I glance at my clothes and decide I should change into something more sport-like.

"I'm not playing wearing this," I move my head to tell him to get out, "I'll be out in a sec."

"Will you blush if I see you getting naked?" He asks mockingly and laughs.

I roll my eyes amused and walk to the closet, ignoring him. After a moment, he closes the door behind him, leaving me alone. I think about that part of me still hesitating whether I should go or not. I look at the desk for a couple of seconds. My doubts won't go anywhere even if I go out. I put my sneakers on and head to the door to go to the match.


The court is next to the building where we take classes. When I got here, there were few people sitting on the benches, but, as the match carried on, more people started to arrive. I was afraid I wouldn't remember how to play, but, when I saw the ball and the court, it was as if a tiny door opened up in my mind, allowing me to remember the rules, positions… It was something absolutely satisfying. 'At least I can remember something', I think with a sigh.

I run to the side of the court to attack if it's necessary without taking my eyes off the ball. We've finished a friendly match, but now we're playing more seriously. I watch how one of my teammates jumps to dunk. I open my eyes wide when I see the height he achieves. 'I've never seen anything like that before, although it's true I don't remember much'. I think about the other jumps I've seen today. All of them have been very high and strong. I stay still, processing my thoughts, but, after a moment, I shrug dismissively. 'It makes sense they're that good, considering they don't do anything else on Saturdays'.

The sound of the ball bouncing makes me pay attention to the match. I see the other team score against us. I look at the court and shrink in myself. I could've prevented it, but I got distracted. My teammates' faces seem angry and I don't blame them for it. Phillip approaches me quickly. Even though his eyes are angry, it's not as evident as the others.

"Are you ok, Jay?" He pats my shoulder.

"Yeah, I got distracted, that's all."

I smile sheepishly and my friend nods.

"Well, make sure it doesn't happen again."

He pats me again and he gets into position a few feet away from me. I sigh deeply and try focusing again, but the uneasiness starts engulfing me. I try to push it away, but it's in vain. Through the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of movement outside of the court. I turn my head and see a room similar to where we took classes. I frown when I see a shadow through the window. I stand straight and squint to try recognizing a face, but there only seems to be a shadow.

"What room is that?" I ask, getting closer to Phillip, who's so focused on the game he only glances over.

"It's the teachers' lounge, but they only come on weekdays," his gaze follows the ball quickly.

I frown, not understanding why I see someone there.

"How bizarre. Are you sure they only come on weekdays? It doesn't make sense."

"Yes, I'm sure," he glances at me quickly. "Jay, we need you to focus, because, if you don't, we're going to lose."

I nod and apologize as I go back to my position. I try to focus, but it's too difficult. I swallow and clench my jaw hard, forcing me not to turn my head, but I can't help it. My eyes run again onto that shadow and a shiver runs down my spine, leaving me frozen. It's as if it were staring directly at my eyes.

A doubt crosses my mind, keeping me from looking away. 'Is it real or is it a trick of my tired mind?'