Chapter 8

Regardless of how hard I try to focus on the sounds of the ball bouncing and the plays they're making, it's impossible. My mind goes back to the shadow I saw in the teachers' lounge. I glance at the window again, although I've already lost count of how many times I've done it. My eyes meet the black mass, but I can't distinguish who it belongs to. I gulp and look ahead. Sometimes I've turned and the shadow was gone, making me feel somewhat safe, because it meant it was just a product of my imagination. But still, when I look again, it's on the same spot, waiting.

I frown slightly. Despair starts engulfing me. I feel very uncomfortable thinking there's someone watching me. Not everything is about you, I hear a voice in my mind, scolding me. I sigh, thinking about those words for a while. It might just be a teacher who came here to grab something left behind, but then I shake my head. 'If it were just that, then why does it disappear?'

I sigh and look at the scoreboard. I blink in awe as I realize the match's over and we won. I look at my teammates, who cheer aloud and jump with joy. I feel my cheeks blush a little. I was so distracted during the game I didn't even realize it was over. I get closer to them and fake the same joy they have. It's not that I'm not happy. I think I would be like them if I didn't feel so nervous about the shadow behind the window.

I start slipping away quietly and walk towards the teachers lounge, frowning. 'I have to find out who's there once and for all'. I feel my heart pounding against my chest with each step I take. I don't know what I'll do when I'm in front of the door, but my despair is greater than my hesitance. I feel a pair of hands grab my right arm and pull me back, making me jump in surprise. I look back with my eyes wide open in horror, but I'm met with Phillip's face.

"Let's go celebrate with the others!" He points to the group of people speaking loudly behind him, in the center of the court. "We won, you should be happy."

I nod slowly and try smiling.

"And I am, it's just that…" I gesture towards the crowd with my head. "I'm not used to celebrations with so many people."

I shrug to dismiss it, but Phillip moves his look from the crowd to me with his eyes wide open. After a moment, he nods and places an arm around my shoulders.

"I get what you're saying," he lowers his voice. "Look, I get that you feel guilty, because you weren't that helpful during the second match. You're usually really good, but I get that you feel bad for not giving it your all and you don't want to spend time with others."

"What are you saying?" I open my mouth to reply, but I close it quickly.

He had said that I was their star player, but because of me we almost lost today. I feel embarrassment grow in my chest. I hadn't thought about how selfish I've been. 'What if someone noticed how distracted I was today?' I look around, looking for disapproving looks, but they all seem too happy.

"Listen, Jay," Phillip follows my gaze, understanding me, "ome people did notice," he chuckles, "but you were so distracted you didn't even realize it."

"I'm sorry," I let out a long sigh.

"Well look, what matters here is that we won and they're too focused on that right now," he smiles triumphantly and lets go off my shoulders to stand in front of me, "so you don't have to be such a killjoy. Let's go talk and celebrate with them for a while."

I bite my lip, thinking about what to say. 'The last thing I want to do is hang around with people who were angry at me. Maybe they're fine now, but it would still be very awkward.' The memory of the Friday night party lingers in my mind. I twist my lips. 'Even though I hadn't done anything wrong last night, iit still was very awkward interacting with people, whose names and faces I don't even remember.' I sigh deeply and look at Phillip, not knowing what to tell him. After a while, a ring goes off loudly, making me get startled, but then I remember its meaning.

"What better way to enjoy victory than eating?" Phillip asks with a harmonious voice.

I raise my eyebrows without taking my eyes off of him. I'm not sure about what choice to take. Even if I were hungry, I would rather not go, because I have to go into the teachers' lounge first. I see the group of people get closer, most of them with a joyful demeanor, but some of them glance at me with suspicion. I shrink in myself and divert my gaze.

"We deserve the best feast this wretched school can offer!" Derek screams, the guy who brought the Ouija board last night.

A choir of voices follows him as they walk towards the cafeteria. Phillip grabs my arm and pulls me to join the others while singing a victory song, to which the group doesn't take long to sing along.

I hear footsteps running towards us. I turn around with a puzzled look and run I to a group of people. I frown slightly in confusion. After a moment, I realize that it's the team we just played against. I tense up when I see their angry faces.

"Hey, suckers, we demand a rematch. The game wasn't fair and you know it," a tall guy complains as he stands in front of Phillip. The second group stands behind him, so I assume he's the captain of the other team.

"What are you talking about, Diego?" Phillip let's go of my arm and turns to face him. His friendly demeanor now shows an anger I didn't know in my friend.

"You had an additional player, that's unfair and you know it," Diego stands straighter and gets closer to Phillip's face. "Or are you afraid of showing how pathetic you really are?"

"Stop making up excuses for your pathetic shots, Diego," Derek gets into the conversation, pushing Diego and standing between them. "We all know we won because you can't score even if you bet your food for the whole week. Besides, James didn't do anything the whole game, he was running up and down with a lost gaze."

I shrink in myself hearing his words, making the guilt come back and engulf me. I want to say something, but I feel like, whatever I do, everything will get worse.

"Leave him, Derek, it's not worth it," Phillip pulls his shoulder, rolling his eyes. "Alright, Diego, we'll have a rematch after eating. You can take this time to practice, because, unlike us, you really need it."

I open my eyes more and I can't help twist my lips slightly. 'Another match?' I sigh subtly. I know I'm being faced with a possible fight, but I can't stop thinking about that window. 'I don't know if I can refuse playing, but I guess I'll have to try.'

"You won't be as lucky next time, stupid mutts," Diego walks between Derek and Phillip, pushing them with his shoulders. His group walks between us, some of them glaring at me angrily and suspiciously.

When the other team leaves, I let out a long sigh to try calming down my restless heart. I was afraid a fight would break out, but fortunately it didn't come down to it. As they were passing by, I glanced at their faces to remember them and stay away from them in the future. 'Things are fine for the time being, but I can't let my guard down and let things get worse.' I feel Phillip grab my arm again and he makes a gesture with the other hand to the group to gather around. His expression goes back to its normal state of happiness and calmness as he resumes signing the song they interrupted. After a while, the group joins him with loud voices as we start walking again.

I smile shyly and stop resisting. 'Maybe I should try being happy instead of looking for something without an exit at sight.' I roll my eyes impatiently. 'This doesn't seem to have a beginning or an end.' I let out an exhausted sigh. When we get closer to the building, I can't help looking up, wishing there's nothing at the window, but there was.

The shadow is still standing there motionless, but this time it seems it leaned its head to stare at me. I open my eyes more and see it start writing on the glass. I squint to see better. The shadow steps aside and then starts walking into the room, making it difficult to distinguish it as I get closer to the building. I swallow, reading the word, but walking becomes progressively harder, as if I had bricks tied to my legs.

I look in front of me. My heart pounds against my ears, making it difficult to focus on my teammates speaking. I try to think whether I should go to the teachers' lounge or not. I used to be certain about it, but now… thinking about it send shivers down my spine.

I swallow as my thoughts start eating me away. After reading the word "You" written on the glass, I'm sure that thing really was watching me.