Chapter 57: War


The huge door was pushed opened and a shinobi rushed in, he was panting heavily as he entered the room.

inside the room was a huge hall with many figures sitting around, they all turned their heads from the commotion.

"Why have you barged in?" Someone asked.

"Reporting! strange occurence has appeared, we need permission to alarm Demon Alert!" The Shinobi said.

"What is happening that you need to use Demon Alert?" A voice resounded, everyone turned their head and looked where it came from.

Sitting at middle of the thrones, a young man could be seen sitting there, he has cold aura and very handsome, even though he was already middle aged, he looks very young.

"Reporting to the Ryukage, the Akatsuki has started moving and strange beings have appeared invading our territories" The Shinobi said.

"How about my father?" he asked.

"He disappeared once again" The Shinobi reported.

"Ugh, he is probably lazying around again, use Dragon Alert Warning, my father wont join this since he didnt move" the Ryukage said.

"Yes!" The Shinobi nodded and immediately ran out.

The Alert warning they were talking about was something Tanaka had created when he was bored, it was taken from One punch man.

It was to alert the whole world when something world threatening was happening.

Though it has never been used until today, Drago Alert Warning was a War waning, it meant that a war will be starting soon.

Akatsuki was a huge organization that the Ryukage had heard about, he asked his father to take care of them once but that guy didnt even bath an eye.

"That is all for the meeting everyone, just ask help if you all need something" Aone dismissed everyone.

Everyone stood up and finally left the hall, Aone slumped at his seat and closed his eyes.

Ryuuji Aone, the second child of Tanaka sighed in stress, it was his elder sister that was supposed to take the Ryukage position but her obsession with the legendary assassin was too much so the position was given to him.

Aone was powerful too, because he wont be able to take the position if it was not, in terms of over all power, he was just a little bit behind from Miyano.

Aone was also a genius, he learned all kinds of techniques from the Dragon library, what he meant all, was everything in that library, in just 5 years.

His talent was only second to Miyano who learned everything in 2 years, well, his siblings are also talented but he dont know how much.

"This such a pain" he thought as he looked up to the sky, he could not help but notice the there were two suns in the skies, he could not help but think something was unusual.

But he later shook his head, "I must be tired, time to go home" he said then stood up and left the hall.

After he arrived at the Ryugakure, he received tons of news immediately, a war has really erupted, the enemies are not powerful but they have too many numbers and they seemed endless.

This caused for the war to get more fierce in the front line, "Send the assassins to scout and if possible, kill the ones who are in charge of this phenomenon, also give quests to the adventurers and Shinobi, we will end this war as soon as possible" Aone commanded.

Unlike in the illusion that Tanaka showed to Miyano where Aone was only concerned for his village.

Aone actually considered himself as one of the Shinobi world guardians, he cared for the peace that his father has given to them.

He had read the stories about the never ending war of the Shinobi World in the past, even the Uchiha and Senju conflict.

Knowing both of his uncles, Madara and Hashirama, he could imagine how destructive that war is.

But what he idolizes the most was of course his father, while everyone was in war, he was build his village, while many people lost their lives in the war, Tanaka was picking up people for his village, while no place was safe in the world, Tanaka created a haven.

Aone found the process and the results novel like, especially the one where he battled with Hashirama and Madara which where bow the 3 statues were located.

Aone respected his father very much, even though Tanaka was lazy, and acts childish, his history could never be changed, the peace he gave to the world.

Aone wont let anyone or any who to disrupt this peace.


*Boom! *Boom! *Boom!

Explosions came from a far and it was also raining, the soldiers in the front line were fighting, its been a few days already but the rate of enemies in coming was too much.

"What is the situation?" Tsunade asked as she stepped into the battlefield, behind her were her teammates.

They were supposed to clear the 90th floor today but they were summoned to join the war so they could only postpone it.

"Endless streams of enemies are coming, we have been fighting for 3 days without rest, we have many injured, and lost many" Someone reported.

"Take us to the medic tent, damn, where the heck is our teacher" Tsunade cursed.

"Language Tsunade, for now lets do our best to help in this war and wait for Tanaka- sensei" Orochimaru said.

"Did you know where Sensei went to?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yes, I over heard the Ryukage talking with the other clan heads, they said Sensei went to the Outer Celestial Space to learn about the invaders and wont be able to come back soon" Orochimaru said.

"these Akatsuki's know how to take advantage of Tanaka-sensei's disappearance" Hayase commented.

"Lets talk about that later, heal as many as you can" Tsunade said.

"Okay" the others replied.

They have learn healing techniques from Tanaka, it could be said Tanaka fully equipped them with full knowledge.

While they were healing the injured people, they were given with the information of the enemies that appeared.

It has a figure of a human, wearing purple coat and was wearing a phantom mask, they dont have that much power, probably at the genin level, when they die they turn into black smoke and disappear.

The most problematic thing in all of it, is that these enemies knows how to use weapons.


YOW! sorry for the late updates, I was lazy yesterday and forgot to write.

Tip me. PayPal.Me/LazyTanaka.


When you play a video game in the easiest mode, the villains are playing the hardest mode.