Chapter 58: Powerful Akatsuki

[Full Counter!]


Invading enemies were sent flying as Shin used the full counter skill.

"Ahh, their numbers are not going down at all" Shin said.

"You said Capt'n, its been a week already I want to eat ramen!" Sou said.

"Eika, how is the situation on the other sides?" Shin asked.

"We have everything under control captain but the Wind Nation is losing on their side" Eika reported.

"Hmm, Dianne, Freya, you two go there and help them on their side" Shin commanded.

"Roger" Freya and Dianne nodded and was about to leave when they noticed a group of figures were standing on their way.

The Seven Deadly Sins turned their head and saw who the figures were.

"The Akatsuki huh?" Shin said, he didnt really care about them but as a group trained by Tanaka, they know who is strong and who is weak.

And seeing the two figures in the middle who were surrounded by the others like body guards, they are very powerful.

Not to miss, the body guards are also strong enough to clear the Aincrad.

"We really underestimated them huh? what are we going to do capt'n?" Sou said.

"Of course fight, when did we run away from a fight?" Shin said.

"Haha, Here I go then!" Sou clenched his fist and veins started popping out, his whole body emitted powerful pressure and charges towards the Akatsuki members.



Two Akatsuki guards stepped in front and blocked the charge of Sou who was surprised because no matter how much strength he put, the two people in front of him wont budge.

"Damn it!" Sou cursed as he jumped back, just then a spear was sent charging towards his location and he narrowly dodged it.


An akatsuki holding a sword stepped in front and blocked the spear.

"Damn you! are you trying to kill me!?" Sou complained.

"Shut up, its not like you could die, if you did not dodge it, the sneak attack was supposed to be successful" Sho said.

"Do you think I dont feel pain???" Sou yelled.

"Shut up you two! these Akatsuki's are abnormal" Dianna yelled at them.

"Yeah, we know that, for them to block two of our attacks, they are not normal" Sou said.

"Duh, are you turning dumb or something?" Sho rolled his eyes.

"You damn sh- hah, Just you wait after we finish this" Sou said as he focused his attention to the Akatsuki members who started moving.

There are total of 12 Akatsuki members, 2 were wearing mask and they were the most powerful.

8 left the group and charged towards them, while the other 4 didnt move and just stood there.

"Shit, they are underestimating us" Sou said as he charges towards them.

Shin didnt speak as he charged to meet up with the incoming Akatsuki, his eyes never left the two people wearing mask, he could feel, there is much more to those two.

But he later turned his attention back to his opponent, it was an Akatsuki wielding a saber which is very rare in the Shinobi World.


They both clashed their swords together but to Shin's surprise he was losing in terms of strength, he carefully looked at the Akatsuki in front of him, the guy seemed familiar but he could not put on point of who it was.

Shin then turned serious and attacked non stop, his flow was like the great river, unstoppable and continuous.

The Akatsuki member was getting pushed back but the guy was very calm.


Shin heard a buzz and in the next moment, the saber on the Akatsuki's hand turned jett black.

"Haki!" Shin exclaimed as he immediately put his guard up, the Akatsuki swung its saber to him in which Shin avoided.

[Full Counter!]


The Akatsuki was sent flying in the air but it immediately regained its balance and started kicking the air.

"Geppo too! who are you!" Shin asked in anger, only elites of the elites of the Ryugakure could learn these techniques, and there is also a test and a vow to the village!

Now they joined the Akatsuki, a terrorist organization, that only meant these guys betrayed the Ryugakure which is very unforgivable!

Shin felt anger this time, Ryugakure has always been generous to everyone, no one is poor and no one is suffering.

This was all given to then by their teacher Tanaka, "You ungrateful Bastards!" Shin roared and dark energy started coating his arms and legs.


Shin charged towards the Akatsuki who was using geppo and immediately appeared behind him and smashed him to the ground.


The Akatsuki member stood up from the ground and gazed towards Shin, "He is strong, what do you think should I do supreme one?" The akatsuki member asked as he turned his head towards the masked figure.

The other seven deadly sins turned their head looking who among the two masked people was the supreme one, 'maybe he is the leader' they thought.

"Go all out" The figure in front replied.

"Hahaha! here i Go!" The Akatsuki member laughed, the color of his eyes suddenly changed to red color and sparks of red lightning appeared on his body.

The saber he was holding now had a faint aura of red in it, he glared at Shin and bent his legs.


The Akatsuki raised his saber and swung it towards Shin.


Shin was sent flying.

The other Seven Deadly Sins members also started having a hard time as the Akatsuki they were fighting seemed to become powerful.

Freya was battling against two Akatsuki, they were both small but their strength is too much for her, she looked up in the skies and saw the sun was being blocked by dark clouds.

Sou was fighting a huge figure who had a bulky body, and the guy strength and speed is more superior than his.

Sho was battling against a guy with tentacles, and its speed is overwhelming.

Dianna was having hard time battling a girl who seemed to have the same height as her but the most thing is the girl seemed blind and she seemed to only use earth element but she was very powerful.

Kyoko and Eika teamed up since they have weak individual power and they were both facing two Akatsuki members.

One is also an archer and the other was wielding a staff and was casting spells like a mage.

The Seven Deadly Sins had never fought people like these before.


Thanks for reading, tip me, PayPal.Me/LazyTanaka.

The ff is ending soon! thank you for the time you spent with this lazy author.


The Fanfic The Hidden Village: Naruto Fanfic is ending soon.