Sitting in the same bed in the dark room a few good inches apart cause they are not gay Mason was treating Oliver's wounded cheek which was healing at a much slower rate as it normally would.
Pressing a cloth on the wound Mason tried to be as gentle as possible "You don't have to be that gentle, you know?"
"Last time you said that you ended up glaring at me as if I murdered your mother"
"First of, anyone would be angry if their mother was murdered and second of, I was young"
Mason paused and gave him a look "It was last month"
The blonde blushed, and ignoring his scarlet covered cheeks he said <
<< Oh,>> Mason gave him a coy smile acting all innocent after he roughly pressed the cloth on Oliver's pale cheekbone <
Olliver, who was trying to supress an even worse blush, glared at the taller man trying to ignore how his dark eyes held a certain spark as he smiled at him with a slightly titled head.
Oliver laughed "Demon spawn?"
Gently, Mason took hold of his chin so he can see the wound more clearly totally oblivious to the shiver that run down the blondes spine. "It's what Jamie calls her" he mumbled absentmindedly , his hand now moving under his chin, while his other hand continued on the wound "Even though I'm pretty sure thats more of an insult to the parent than the actual spawn"
Oliver shallowed nervously, which did more harm than good considering Mason had to have noticed. Whether he did or not, he decided to not note on it giving Oliver the chance to respond to that "Well, its not like Jamie likes kids in general, why would that one be any different?"
"True" Mason scouted closer to his fellow guard, his breath hitting the blondes side as he spoke. Oliver wondered at that moment if it would be too weird to dash on his friend out of nowhere without any aparent reason other than the fact that if he stayed there any longer he would lose his mind. He wondered if he should make a move on him, would he respond or throw him on the other side of the room?
He didn't have time to find out as Mason suddenly spoke "You need to stop talking back to him" Oliver opened his mouth to respond but Mason continued, not allowing him the time to defend his actions "The next time it could be lashes, you want that? Or he could even strip you of your position in the guard. He has a temper, you know that and if you continue," he moved his body to face straight ahead, his elbows on his knees looking at the blood covered cloth " you'll end up at the receiving end of it" Finally, he looked at him "Am I heard?"
There were a few times where Mason became serious and demanding. Oliver himself had witnessed this side of him twice, and he had to admit that while a side of him found it endearing,to put it midle, he also knew that when he got like that it was best to listen. Because while it could be said this side manifested whenever Mason was angry Oliver could see that it was because of fear and distress.
So, out of respect and love for his fiend (maybe a love that wasnt exactly in the platonic side once he caught himself contemplating about it), he nodded trying to make it easier for the brunnette to sleep at night without having to worry about waking up to one of his friends not being around anymore
Purple eyes scanned the room absentmindedly, from her position of sitting crossed legged in the middle of the pink king sized bed all by herself. A silence that was very rare around the albino girl but once in a while she enjoyed it nonetheless.
Her ears perked up when she heard the faint sound of footsteps from across the hallway, she immidiately jumped off the bed to reclaim her previous position of sitting next to the her completed lego castle that was on the floor. Well, almost completed. Taking the last piece she completed the right wing of the castle.
Once the door opened she smiled at the man "I ate it" she said getting up to hug the bed post with pout "Even if i don't like eggs"
Elijah arched an eyebrow "How so?"
Cheryl gave the now empty plate a nasty glare "They are evil"
"Who is evil?"
Speaking of evil James walked insie the room obviously having overheard some parts from the conversation. When Cheryl heard his voice she tried to hide behind the bed post redirecting her glare from the plate to the dark skinned man. Elijah sighed
"The eggs"
"The eggs are evil"
"What? Why?"
"I dont know stop asking questions and we'll find out" Elijah looked at Cheryl, curious about where she was going with this "Go on, sweetie"
Eyes darting from one full blooded vampire to the other for a few seconds Cheryl opened her mouth "No" before making a beeline for the door
Buffled by her sudden change in mood Elijah and James shared confused looks at her sudden change in behavior. "I'll go after her" Jame said making his way towards the door but he halted, before quickly going back to Elijah to plant a small kiss on his cheek "Sorry for before" he whispered and dissapeared after the albino.
A smile creeped on Elijah's face, which dissapeared after he noticed something. Cheryl's behavior completely changed when her eyes fell to his left. He redirected his body to the left, his eyes falling on the clock that had been resting on her bed side table which striked 8:00.
Cheryl let out a sigh as she finally managed to evade James. It was harder than she had expected to be honest.
Pulling on her tongue piercing with her teeth she lookrd around, examining, thinking. She was in one of the many long, dark halls of the castle. Every hall had something that made it easy for her to tell them apart, some had mirrors while some had phones. Some had paintings while some had sculptures. Some had windows while some had doors.
This hall had red doors, the doors of course weren't the interesting part. What was of interest to the young girl where the rooms that unfolded behind said doors, and their residents.
Younger vampires where by rule weaker and more sensitive than older ones, that was fact. Even vampire diaries and twilight got that right. Hence why the younger you are the more sleep you need and well, if someone was to interrupt that precious sleep...
Cheryl took a deep breath from her nose, opened her mouth and let out a very loud scream
... then you would be pissed