
Chapter 39: Atascadero, California

“I swear if you don’t stop right now, I’m going to kill you,” Clint’s fingers were twitching from where they held his head.

Willis sighed, “are you sure you took your pills before we left?”

“For the fourteenth time, yes. Now pull over or-”

Dallas pulled Clint closer to his side, “it wouldn’t be so bad to take a break. Eat something. Stretch our legs.”

“Okay,” Willis complied, pulling the truck over at the first ramp he saw. Abandoned cars sat all across the highway. Making the path curve in and out. Soon enough the truck stopped at a small convenience store.

Clint pushed out of the passenger side, over top of Dallas. He sat on the warm pavement, closing his eyes and breathing through his nose. Glaring at Willis he said slowly, “this is why I said to go right at the fork. We didn’t have to go the coastal route.”

Willis pulled the keys out of the ignition, stepping out, “and I told you we were less likely to get ambushed the way we went.”