
Chapter 41: Morgan Hill, California

Willis took another sharp turn, narrowly avoiding a semi. He glanced in the rearview, meeting Tucker’s eyes. The younger one nodded at him to keep going. They had only been driving two hours but every time they hit a dense area their progress slowed. In some places Dallas had to physically move the cars so Willis could drive through.

Clint rested his head against the glass. Boredom ate away at his soul, but his bag was at his feet and he didn’t feel like moving. Beside him, Tucker rested his head against the back of the seat. His headphones blasted in his ears. He glanced over at the brothers in the back.

“Why didn’t the world just end after the Separation?” The question even surprised Tucker who had asked it. It had just popped into his head.

Clint tilted his head to look at him better, “what do you mean?”