
Chapter 43: San Francisco Starlight Facility

Tucker woke up to someone kicking his foot. He tried to pull his feet away, hopefully deterring whoever it was.

“Come on, Tucker,” Clint begged, “this is serious.”

With a lot of effort he pulled himself up, leveling a glare at Clint, “what?”

“Willis and Dallas are gone.”

Tucker surveyed the room and sure enough they weren’t there, “they probably went to explore the building, or something.”

“I found a note.”

“And what did it say?”

“‘We’ll be back in a couple hours. Don’t kill each other.’”

“Was there a time on it?”

“Yeah, 5:32.”

“Then we shouldn’t worry until 7:32. What time is it now?”

“6:54, but why would they leave without saying anything?”

“Dallas does it all the time. Willis probably caught him and demanded he go along. They’re fine.”

Clint sat down in Dallas's chair, frowning, “why would they leave us here?”

“Probably annoyed with us,” Tucker laughed, only stopping when he saw Clint’s frown deepen, “oh, you’re seriously worried.”