
Chapter 59: Sacramento District

The place Alek had mentioned ended up being a bar. It was a big place with mostly varnished wood, but not nearly as crowded as Willis expected. When they had all walked in, the bartender recognized the three immediately and waved them back to a more private section. He was thankful Tucker insisted they all look their best.

Leena took Devin by the arm pulling them along faster with Tucker and Clint at their backs. It probably should have worried him more. Those four might break something if left alone.

“Let them have their fun,” Alek said, throwing a wave to a group at the bar, “they’re used to a rowdy bunch.”

“Leena drove a battle axe through a table once,” Michi mentioned helpfully, “they didn’t even make us pay for damages.”

“That’s not reassuring,” Willis stated, but let it go, “let’s just keep an eye on them.”