Chapter 20 d Phantom's Wing

Iggy pulled up a little onto his elbow. “How the hell can you do this to me? You’re taking everything away from me so that I’ll be defenseless-” the necklace zapped him. He took the hit and swallowed hard. “So, this is what you did to Baine… This is why he is...” He met Firmin’s gaze seriously. “How long am I going to be in this?”

“Firstly,” Firmin held an elongated finger in front of his face, “understand that this is not the way that we treat everyone. We do this only to those that are uncontrollable. Baine was, to say the least, wild. Nansen was carved out of harder stone than he, but we don’t judge here. The urges and the maniacism gets to us all.” He rested his gesture and grinned. “You have a lot to learn in this house, and once you get it, you’ll be released to make your own decisions.”